Friday 23 October 2009

“Defying gravity”.

I don’t see the Armstrong & Miller’s “The Node”. The BBC was showing the small piece from theirs sketches were he is blond. Sitting in the plane and talking to the neighbor, how he today must fly to the Geneva, after fly to the Strasburg, than tomorrow had an appointment in Brussels, and so on. Men nearby him turns and ask: Sorry, but what are you doing (occupation)? And he, very sincerely answering: I don’t know! The Solana and Tony Blair catch my cliff? Now, to be more serious, I want to speak about the how I’m boring when I know I’m right but the others still opposing me. When this happen, it’s no point for me to getting into a stop, or locking horns, or banging my head against the wall. With these pharaohs – ‘the business as usual’. Knowing at the beginning that “A PRETO” is my existence, why shouldn’t I натаскивать the “put in” contra “medvedev”? This two barking dogs? In any way, the receipt will come from the Kremlins body-guards, working in Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization, live in Brussels and receiving theirs salaries from Strasburg. In any way theirs know-how is simple: they open theirs mouths when I open my eyes. The shavalo (i.e. son of Barroso try to penetrate in the La DEFENCE) is no more than the physical high of Russian half-goat “put in” and “medvedev” with unknown manifesto called “ Глуговский, - да он ничего незнает!” I see before how they are not alone. To mentioning the movie “Groundhog Day” in UN – Iran negotiations’ like the point of reference to describe the progress want say something. Isn’t it? Personally, I call all this stuff – the ongoing… (you read this thousands times), they, to contradict me, call this “Defying gravity”. And that is the all difference. But, to don’t be fat mouth, see how the Swiss insurer Zurich Financial (i.e. the thing happenZ…) Services said it had called in auditors KPMG to investigate after details of 51,000 British customers were lost at a data storage centre in South Africa. A Preto hum-m? Coincidently, los medvedevs lost theirs heads in Spain too. See by yourself, it’s will be better for me to not misplaced my focus in the goal with the “The Node” and carry on business what I care.

17th floor?: Zurich Financial loses data on 51,000 customers. Thu Oct 22, 2009 9:07am BST. LONDON (Reuters) - Swiss insurer Zurich Financial Services said it had called in auditors KPMG to investigate after details of 51,000 British customers were lost at a data storage centre in South Africa. There is no sign so far the information has been misused by fraudsters, Zurich's British subsidiary said on Thursday. KPMG is to investigate the incident and will also advise on strengthening Zurich's data security procedures, the company said, adding it had informed the Financial Services Authority. "We apologise to any customers affected by this unfortunate matter," said Annette Court, Zurich's CEO for general insurance in Europe. "We are putting a great deal of investment into strengthening our internal processes to ensure that incidents of this nature do not happen again in future." British customers affected hold general insurance policies underwritten by Zurich. Details of an unspecified number of customers in South Africa and Botswana were also lost, the company said. Fumata blanca en Figueruelas. Publicado el 22-10-2009 , por Expansión Magna ha dado su brazo a torcer en el pulso que mantenía con los trabajadores de Opel en Figueruelas. Su nueva propuesta rebaja los despidos en la factoría española hasta los 900, frente a los 1.300 del planteamiento anterior. En el aspecto industrial, el más relevante, Magna se compromete a mantener la capacidad productiva de la factoría, a otorgarle la producción del futuro Corsa a partir de 2013, garantizando hasta entonces una carga de trabajo mínima del 70%, y a conservar en Zaragoza las matrices de estampación, cuyo futuro era hasta el jueves motivo de discordia. Esta propuesta, que los trabajadores aún deben ratificar, representa un avance significativo respecto a la posición de Magna hace unos días, y parece despejar el horizonte de la fábrica española a corto y medio plazo. Pero, ¿y a largo? El proceder de Magna durante el proceso, diseñando, primero, una oferta a la medida de las necesidades de Alemania, e intentando contentar después a todos (Reino Unido, Bélgica, España), no inspira precisamente confianza sobre sus planes para reflotar Opel. Los problemas del fabricante, en particular, y del sector del automóvil, en general, son lo suficientemente graves para que cualquier propuesta nacida de los intereses políticos y no de los empresariales corra el serio riesgo de naufragar.

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