Thursday 8 October 2009

Born in 1838.

Born in 1838.What I know for sure, is that the methods of working should be reorganized. When I trade with big struggles in political and financial arena – only the intuition can lead me correctly to the practical deal. Although, in other hand, the taking too much notice of my emotive responses when a decision need a clear and calm head. Seems, it’s like the “Working Instruction” for Sovereign, or for Big Taicho. Only difference is that it doesn’t have two golden rules from normal, standard instructions. It simply stated, - Put the cattle in the old barge – and sink them all! Well. Right. It was right these cattle who make for me the life of Hans Christian Andersen’s “The Brave Tin Soldier”. With one leg and unique alternative to be a spoon for, again, these cattle. Looking at myself I know that this is the exact moment where the illusions and fantasies can be more important then the concrete reality. Was dreaming tonight with a wide river. In the middle of frightening calamity. Because of ice cap melting (see the “Cats don't hunt seals.”) many gorgeous yachts are pulling by the force of the water from theirs dry docks out. I don’t know what’s exactly happen, but they all right at my eyes – are sinking! The 40,-60,-120 feet beauties – all they very, very quickly sink like a stone. I know that I have some degree of erratic idiosyncrasy and absent mindness. But in this case it will be better to play a little bit of “mama in charge”. To prevent further surprises and misunderstandings. (For example, the how yesterday I treat my flu with the ‘Florida spring vegetable soup’. The old whore understand the miracles of “Mai-preta-sopa”. She doesn’t need to read the national media to see how the Aunty Poly at the end find the his Tom Sawyer/Miliband…): Contango is a term used in the futures market to describe an upward sloping forward curve (as in the normal yield curve). Such a forward curve is said to be "in contango" (or sometimes "contangoed"). Formally, it is the situation where, and the amount by which, the price of a commodity for future delivery is higher than the spot price, or a far future delivery price higher than a nearer future delivery. This is a normal situation for equity markets. And where the everyone is double. Formally, backwardation means a downward sloping forward curve (as in an inverted yield curve). A backwardation starts when the difference between the forward price and the spot price is less than the cost of carry, or when there can be no delivery arbitrage because the asset is not currently available for purchase.

Copper mine to transform Mongolia. October 6 2009 19:08. Mongolia has positioned itself to become a large copper exporter, after it on Tuesday signed an agreement with multinational mining companies to develop an enormous deposit near the Chinese border. Mongolia’s economy and its social fabric – many Mongolians are semi-nomadic – stand to be transformed by the project, which would represent one-third of gross domestic product if it were operational today. Oyu Tolgoi, the copper-gold deposit in the south Gobi desert, is expected to produce 450,000 tonnes of copper per year after it is built and expanded over nine years at a cost of $4bn. That compares with 1.2m tonnes produced last year at Escondida, the Chilean copper mine that is the world’s largest. The agreement signed with Rio Tinto, one of the largest mining companies, and its partner Ivanhoe Mines, run by Robert Friedland, the Canadian mining entrepreneur, follows five years of negotiations over how to divide up the profits. Ivanhoe, which discovered the deposit, lobbied hard to overturn legislation passed by Mongolia’s fledgling democratic government in 2006 imposing a windfall profits tax on foreign miners. Mongolia’s parliament repealed the profits tax in August and revised other disputed laws around the same time, paving the way for the agreement. Under the deal, Mongolia owns 34 per cent of Oyu Tolgoi, with the remainder in the hands of Ivanhoe. Rio, however, is the project’s principle financier, as it plans to buy Ivanhoe stock in tranches with money that will then be used for project development. Rio’s stake in the Canadian miner is capped at 47 per cent. The agreement is a coup for Ivanhoe’s billionaire founder Mr Friedland, who made his name in 1994 by discovering a huge nickel deposit in Newfoundland. “We anticipate that the vast majority of output will go to China,” said Bret Clayton, head of Rio’s copper division, prior to a signing ceremony in Ulan Bator on Tuesday. It will be an important source of supply for the Chinese market.” A railroad from Oyu Tolgoi to China remains to be built. But the deposit is only 80Km from the border, where there is infrastructure around the coal-producing Chinese province of Inner Mongolia. Ivanhoe and Rio said last month they were considering “one or more strategic shareholders” to invest in Ivanhoe and Oyu Tolgoi, adding several sovereign wealth funds are interested. Mr Clayton said on Monday no discussions had taken place with Chinese sovereign wealth funds, adding that preliminary talks were limited to the International Finance Corp, the for-profit lending arm of the World Bank. Oyu Tolgoi will also produce 330,000 ounces of gold when it reaches top productivity around 2018, five years after first production planned for 2013. “This will be the next world-class copper resource in the world, hands down,” Mr Clayton said. Rio, he added, facilitated a delegation of Mongolians travelling to Alaska and Chile to study how other governments harnessed their mineral wealth.

China help. У Олега Дерипаски может появиться новый партнер. UC Rusal предпринимателя готова в ходе декабрьского IPO в Гонконге продать часть своих акций китайской Chinalco. 08.10.2009, О том, что китайская Chinalco — один из возможных претендентов на покупку акций UC Rusal, «Ведомостям» рассказали сотрудники двух банков, работающих с компаниями, и подтвердил источник, близкий к UC Rusal. Произойти это может в декабре — в рамках IPO UC Rusal. Его компания собирается провести в Гонконге. Chinalco или ее алюминиевому подразделению — Chalco(владеет 41,82% акций) предлагается принять участие в размещении, переговоры уже начались, говорит один из собеседников «Ведомостей». Факт переговоров с Chinalco подтвердил и один из консультантов китайской компании. А руководителю Российско-китайского центра торгово-экономического сотрудничества Сергею Санакоеву известно, что 13 октября в ходе визита премьер-министра Владимира Путина в Пекин UC Rusal и Chinalco могут подписать соглашение о сотрудничестве. Его суть он не раскрыл. Пресс-секретарь Путина Дмитрий Песков подтвердил, что в программе поездки есть такое мероприятие. Но премьер не планирует на нем присутствовать. Представители UC Rusal Вера Курочкина и лондонского офиса Chinalco от комментариев отказались, представитель китайского офиса на запрос «Ведомостей» не ответил. Сколько акций может купить Chinalco, не ясно, китайцы пока даже не дали окончательного ответа по поводу своего участия в IPO, говорит один из банкиров. Всего UC Rusal намерена продать инвесторам около 10% новых акций, получив за них до $3 млрд. Для сравнения: капитализация Chalco (производит около 3 млн т алюминия в год) сейчас равна $22,3 млрд. Chinalco — один из крупнейших металлургических холдингов Китая. 100% ее акций принадлежит государству. Кроме алюминия компания производит медь и титан, ее финансовые показатели не раскрываются. Компания уже давно стремится к зарубежной экспансии. В начале 2009 г. она договорилась инвестировать вRio Tinto $19,5 млрд. В перспективе это позволило бы Chinalco стать владельцем до 18% акций Rio Tinto. Но в июне Rio Tinto отказалась от сделки. Правительство не имеет ничего против того, чтобы китайские компании покупали небольшие пакеты акций российских стратегических холдингов, говорит чиновник аппарата правительства. Однако, по его информации, UC Rusal такую сделку с правительством еще не обсуждала. Участие крупного стратегического инвестора помогло бы UC Rusal успешнее разместиться, отмечает аналитик Deutsche Bank Ольга Окунева, ведь рынки пока нестабильны. Переговоры UC Rusal ведет и с китайскими суверенными фондами, и с Temasek, писала ранее WSJ. А российские компании уже прибегали к помощи крупных стратегов при размещении акций. К примеру, во время IPO «Роснефти» 0,6% акций на $500 млн купила китайская CNPC, 1,3% на $1 млрд — BP и 1,9% на $1,5 млрд — малазийская Petronas.

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