Monday 5 October 2009

The Long Ship Saga.

The Long Ship Saga. Some times, I lost in my thoughts thinking if it is right to be repetitive about same names and issues, like I’m doing now? Like the for example, going almost crazy just to think about the possibility the one day to “lose the Nord”. Such eventuality, that I’m forgetting that exist million of people who work or make, or making the fortunes disregarding completely this concern. Actually, exactly how the Barroso say: “Work is the North, but reaches lie in the South”. In this way (the artificial poverty), I almost agree with him. Really, who cares from where or how the money for me comes from? Important only is the my wellbeing, the rest is just fallacies. Like the crucial and vital theme of the ‘ransoming’ of my trousers. (See the article ‘the Pink Sapphire’ and think about my very special application made in King Charles street SW1A 2AH). In any way, some folks want me to do this, others want me to do that, and yet I think that both had equally unwise ideas. To ransoming my trousers, I’m naturally arriving at the conclusion that I cannot afford to listen to anyone. Irrevoigably and absolutely I must listen this time only to myself. Wear some kind of the psychological equivalent to the pair of earplugs. And trust my instincts. Even for me are applicable the new rule, like that Barroso’s Italian “Mandadori”, like that Spanish Sancho Pança, of FSA: - Without trousers – out! Independently the how many long ships with this weather report are going to sink.

Ingen olja kan konstateras från m/v Arctic Sky. 2009-10-02, kl. 13:28. Läget har stabiliserats för det Liberiaflaggade fartyget m/v Arctic Sky, som gick på grund syd om Understen tidigt i morse. Kustbevakningsflyget och flyg från finska Sjöbevakningen har flygit över området två gånger och ingen olja kan konstateras. Dykare från Kustbevakningen kommer under eftermiddagen att dyka för att kontrollera skadorna på fartyget. Beroende på skadornas omfattning kommer vidare beslut att fattas. Finska sjöbevakningsfartyget Uisko är på väg till platsen för att assistera vid en eventuell bogsering. Bifogade bilder är tagna av Kustbevakningsflyget och av KBV 302, som var den första KBV-enheten på plats. Media är välkommen att använda bilder från Kustbevakningens hemsida i sin rapportering under förutsättning att källan anges. Bilderna ska förses med texten Foto: Kustbevakningen. Nearby city Norrtälje Sweden cost, the balker Arctic Sky hit a ground К аварии теплохода Arctic Sky компании Solchart у побережья Швеции. Sunday, October 04, 2009 More articles in Аварийность и ЧП Теплоход Arctic Sky компании Солчарт выскочил на камни в ночь на 2 октября, вблизи шведского города Norrtälje, вблизи маяка. Камни, на которые выскочило судно, одни из самых защищенных в навигационном плане на Балтике – и маяки, и буи, то есть как судно ухитрилось спутать все эти огни и лечь на опасный курс, пока остается загадкой. Экипаж отказался покинуть Arctic Sky и своими силами сумел взять ситуацию под контроль и стабилизировать состояние судна. Неизвестно, сняли Arctic Sky с камней своими силами или с помощью подоспевших финских и шведских спасателей, но судно уже на безопасной стоянке, водолазы осматривают его корпус, а власти ведут следствие. Судно получило серьезные повреждения, что видно по фото – тому, как низко в воде сидит Arctic Sky. Угрозы разлива топлива нет. Первое сообщение: Солчарт преследуют несчастья – вслед за Arctic Sea в беду попало другое судно компании Arctic Sky 2 октября около 02.30 ночи сухогруз Arctic Sky выскочил на камни к юго-западу от местечка Орегрунд, Швеция, побережье Балтийского моря. Два балластных танка получили пробоины и были затоплены. Около 4-х ночи, если я правильно понял, к судну подошел лоцманский катер и предложил экипажу эвакуироваться. Экипаж отказался и остался на судне продолжать борьбу за его спасение. Позже подошли суда Береговой охраны Швеции и спасатель из Финляндии. Ведутся аварийно-спасательные работы, осуществляются меры по предотвращению возможной утечки топлива. Судно следовало из Финляндии на Александрию Египет с грузом леса. Да, Солчарту не позавидуешь. Беда как говорится, не приходит одна. На фото Arctic Sky. Войтенко Михаил 3 октября. Data of Arctic Sky: Build (Постройка): 1996 / KHERSON SHIPYARD, UKRAINE. Flag (Флаг): LIBERIA. REGISTRY: MONRIVIA. Type (Тип): GENERAL CARGO SINGLE DECK/GRAIN FITTED. IMO No: 9111242. DW (Тоннаж): GRT 7249 NRT 3094. Class (Класс): RUSSIAN MARITIME REG. (I.A.C.S.) ICE-1A SUPER , GENERAL CARGO CARRIER.

FSA sets out tough new liquidity rules. October 5 2009 12:26. UK banks and investment firms would have to increase their holdings of cash and government bonds by £110bn and cut their reliance on short-term funding by 20 per cent in the first year of tough liquidity standards put forward by the Financial Services Authority on Monday. If the FSA ramps up the requirements in subsequent years, as expected, banks and investment firms could have to increase their holdings of easily saleable assets by a total of £370bn or cut their reliance on short-term funding by 80 per cent from today’s levels and boost their cash and bonds by a total of £170bn. The affected banks currently hold roughly £300bn in eligible assets, so these rules would impose a significant change to their business models. The FSA has promised the regime will not take effect until regulators are confident the recession is over. Regulators are likely to begin considering a timetable for implementation from the middle of next year. The liquidity rules put the FSA at the forefront of efforts to prevent a repeat of the collapses of Lehman Brothers and Northern Rock. The UK is the first leading country to impose new liquidity requirements, although Group of 20 countries have all pledged to follow suit. “We thought it was very important to put in place a strong regime in place in time for the end of the recession. You can’t wait six months or a year or two years because then you don’t have enough time before the next recession,” said Paul Sharma, FSA director of prudential policy. The liquidity rules apply equally to UK institutions as well as the branches and subsidiaries of overseas groups. Branches and subsidiaries, however, may seek a waiver as long as their home state regulator also updates its liquidity regime and agrees to share information with the FSA. Where waivers are granted, branches and subsidiaries will be able to rely in part on the liquid assets held by their parent group. However, they will need to have enough cash and government bonds on hand to keep themselves afloat for some short period of time. This requirement is designed to avoid a repeat of the Lehman situation, where cash was swept to the US every night, leaving the European operations penniless when the parent went under, Mr Sharma said. The full rules are expected to apply to about 210 UK-based banks, building societies and large investment firms, as well as nearly 200 branches of overseas groups. An additional 90 institutions will be covered by a less onerous regime which has fewer reporting requirements. In a nod to industry complaints about the cost of complying with the new requirements, the liquidity rules exempt about 200 smaller investment firms that had been included in earlier drafts. But the FSA held firm on its narrow definition of liquid assets, excluding the corporate bonds, asset-backed securities and derivatives that many banks had counted as liquid assets before the financial crisis…The UK’s decision to move ahead first has caused anxiety among many in the City of London. Angela Knight, chief executive of the British Bankers Association, said: “The key issue is that changes really need to be taken internationally before we even start.” “If this is implemented before we’re properly out of recession, that will depress economic recovery,” she warned.

Berlusconi ‘responsible’ in corruption case. MILAN - Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi was jointly responsible for corruption by his Fininvest company in a 1990s battle to buy publisher Mondadori, a judge said in arguments for imposing damages on the company. “Silvio Berlusconi is co-responsible in the corruption issue ... as a logical consequence [of] the principle of civil responsibility” as head of the company, said the court document explaining the decision which Reuters obtained on Monday. There was no immediate comment from the prime minister’s office. A Milan administrative court has now ruled Fininvest should pay €750m ($1.10bn) in damages to CIR, the holding company of Berlusconi’s rival Carlo De Benedetti, whose daily newspaper La Repubblica has led recent press coverage of the prime minister’s private life. CIR shares were up 8.7 percent at 1.575 euros. Fininvest has said it would seek a suspension of the court order while it appeals against the verdict. In 2007 Berlusconi was cleared of responsibility in the criminal case over corruption at Fininvest after the charges against him were dropped because of the time that had elapsed from when the alleged crimes took place. His former lawyer, Cesare Previti, was found guilty of bribing a judge in 1991 to rule in favour of Fininvest in the battle with CIR. Berlusconi’s aides have spoken of “a concentric attack” on the prime minister, depicting the court ruling against Fininvest as the last straw. Some even threaten to call early elections if such attacks continue. The 73-year-old premier, now in his third term, is under increasing pressure over sex scandals. Critics also complain of how the freedom of the Italian press has been stifled via his ownership of Mediaset, his influence on state broadcaster RAI and national newspapers and the lawsuits he has filed against newspapers in Italy and abroad. This week a constitutional court should rule on a law approved last year granting Berlusconi immunity from prosecution. It protected him in February this year when British lawyer David Mills was convicted of taking $600,000 in 1997 to give false testimony to protect Berlusconi and Fininvest. The stock market saw some speculation Fininvest might sell some of its investments to pay for the damages or seek higher dividends from Mediaset and Mondadori, analysts said. Shares in Mediaset were up 1.1 percent at €4.65 by 1139 GMT and Mondadori was up 3.5 percent at 3.38 euros, both reversing initial heavy losses. The DJ Stoxx European index of media companies was up 1.2 percent.

Magna reduce el recorte en Figueruelas a 1.300 empleos Publicado el 05-10-2009 , por Expansió | Act. 17:57 h. El nuevo plan industrial propuesto por Magna para la factoría de Opel en Figueruelas (Zaragoza) supone mantener la fabricación del Corsa cinco puertas, lo que implicaría despedir a 350 trabajadores menos de los 1.642 inicialmente previstos. A pesar de esta reducción de los despidos, Figueruelas perdería el 15% de la producción del tres puertas que tienen en la actualidad, por lo que el Comité de Empresa anuncia que no participará en el plan de ahorro del futuro inversor de General Motors si no se mantienen las mismas líneas de fabricación actuales. En la reunión que hoy ha mantenido el Comité de Empresa con la Dirección de General Motors España y representantes de Magna, los trabajadores han conocido las modificaciones introducidas en el Plan Industrial, que incluía cuatro alternativas, según ha explicado a Efe la secretaria del órgano de representación de los trabajadores, Ana Sánchez. Tanto para el presidente del Comité de Empresa, Juan Arcéiz (UGT), como para Ana Sánchez (CCOO), la nueva propuesta es un avance pero "insuficiente", por ello, junto con ACUMAGME y USO se va a enviar una carta a Magna en la que le piden volver a negociar las mismas condiciones que presenta la planta en la actualidad. En este sentido, los trabajadores quieren que se mantenga el 15% de la fabricación del Corsa tres puertas, de la nave de prensas y las dos líneas de producción. Actualmente, la línea 1 se dedica a la fabricación del Meriva y Combo y la 2 a la de los Corsa. A partir del verano de 2011, Magna pretende que la línea 1 se dedique a la producción del Meriva y el Corsa cinco puertas, agotado el Combo, y mantener una línea 2 flexible a expensas de la recuperación del mercado y de la fabricación de un nuevo Combo. El nuevo escenario planteado por Magna implica una disminución del montante de inversiones previsto de 53 millones a 29 millones de euros. Operación Por otro lado, hoy se ha conocido que Magna podría tomar el control de Opel de forma definitiva el próximo 12 ó 13 de octubre, según fuentes cercanas a la operación citadas por la agencia Reuters.

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