Sunday 4 October 2009

What sort of product the “public” wants.

Go to write in a way what is more appropriate for this “in her majesty, the old cocaine whore the Elizabeth the II, services”. Получая сегодня ночью в голову, тот, раздражающий меня своими зубами, со стороны “5” (the clean five off-shores and the clean five Royalties and Concessions from Covilha) openly run at me. Сразу объясняя мне кто он, and how the brits are taking, were taking and will be take responsibility by this избивания. Мол, “we take the care of this”. Through the BBC oda about how the Harry meat the Sally. How the Boris where sleeping with Bragança to have a London and vice versa. Сначало загонят меня в могилу – than take the care of the rest. Notable the growing resistance from the nation of the shit from camel turned around, mean the United Kingdom and shift to the right in this augmented intolerance after the our Irish O’Bama win the US elections. And my little touches from yesterday notes, about who will be President of the EU (cocaine ex President of Portuguese Republic, swine and bastard Sampaio) and because of whom, mean who are the supporting him (and why) for this salary, and only because of this reason – the favorable publicity arrive. And at the right time too. Time, where I shouldn’t bother to be cautious entertaining “you” with my, the conventional parrot’s thinking. Breaking the all members from the “Galleria Suares”hearts – by such natural throw-back of theirs the Barroso’s and Solana’s “toda Subaru Empreza…” The жбан, полученный рыжей тварью Chubais from недорезанного Намибийского пигмея Putin, officially telling us that this was the Sayano-Shushenskaia. I don’t buy it. But, because of the Tony Blair (i.e. the future king of “what you do to find the job”) and the howling here with his voice interruptedly ‘friendly merge’ instead of ‘hostile takeover’ (contradicting/збивая my opinion in economical matters), and marrying all this Policy makers and CV brokers offshoots, i.e. vybliadkov in sequent. I remind you for this matter, the Hitachi marriage. (See again my Portland 450 cement?)And with this mother-fuckers, the protecting to the last bullet my heart (how he without reason was in pain) and my pocketbook – is the about to do nothing. But carry on, describing the my with fox encounter and translate this into the Crusoe’s living with the goats for a Quarter of the century just because one chap who challenge assumption about what sort of product the “public” wants.

Disgraced former finance minister found dead. Former Japanese Finance Minister Shoichi Nakagawa, who was forced to resign after appearing drunk at a G7 news conference earlier this year, was found dead in his Tokyo home. The cause of his death has not yet been determined.AFP - Japan's former finance minister Shoichi Nakagawa, who was forced to resign over his apparently drunken behaviour at a meeting of world powers, has been found dead at his home, police and news reports said Sunday. "We were informed that former finance minister Nakagawa has been found dead, but we are still unaware of further details," said a spokesman for the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. Nakagawa, 56, was found dead in a bedroom at his home in Tokyo's residential distrct of Setagaya, Jiji Press news agency and other media said, adding that the cause of death was not immediately unknown. Nakagawa, a close ally of then prime minister Taro Aso, was incoherent and slurred his speech at a news conference in February after the Group of Seven talks in Rome amid the global economic crisis. Nakagawa, a heavyweight in the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), said he had sipped some wine with lunch before the press conference but blamed jet lag and cold medicine for his drowsiness. The debacle dealt a blow to Aso, who resigned last month after his conservative LDP suffered a massive defeat against Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama's Democratic Party of Japan in general elections in August. Nakagawa, who had made no secret about his fondness for drinking, promised to swear off alcohol ahead of the elections, but lost his seat in his constituency in Hokkaido, northern Japan. His father was also an LDP heavyweight who was found dead in 1983 in a hotel room. The death was later ruled to be suicide. Nakagawa joined the Industrial Bank of Japan in 1978 after graduating from the elite University of Tokyo. He spent five years at the bank, which is now part of the Mizuho financial group. Nakagawa had triggered controversy with strong criticism of China and calls for Japan -- the only nation to have suffered an atomic attack -- to consider developing nuclear weapons. He was also known for being pro-Taiwan, admiring independence-minded former president Lee Teng-hui. Beijing regards the island as part of Chinese territory.

Под завалами обрушившегося дома в Праге найдены погибшие. опубликовано 4 окт ‘09 02:20 | обновлено 4 окт ‘09 06:06 2 октября в центре Праги, на Соукеницкой улице, обрушился жилой дом. Информация об обрушении трех этажей здания поступила на пост полиции в 12.45 (14.45 мск). Из-за плотной застройки на Соукеницкой улице пострадали три рядом стоящих здания. На месте происшествия работают полицейские, врачи и спасатели.

Eight US soldiers killed in battle with militants. SUNDAY 04 OCTOBER 2009

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