Thursday 24 September 2009

Vertigo II.

Vertigo II. For my today essay I want to put the two notable lines. The quick response in the Global Geo-strategic balance, and the my dog, or camel “life”. It’s strong opinion say that a camel is classic example of an animal created by a COMMITTEE. (I.e. the nation of the shit from camel turned around). A “Triumph” of function over the form, it serves many purposes tolerably well, yet, well, let’s for a moment not get too into the pros and cons of camel. Suffice to say there’s no great need now, to create something with hump, (i.e. the skin color of the cocaine Royal Family of Lancaster’s) or a lolloping gait just in case this family (you remember my trump) thinks that I should take more possible “eventualities” into account. I know, and “they” know what I require. The unpaid, because of scorgeness and greediness of this “cpи monkey” solution I‘re already working on and still be good match for the current problems. And they know it. Independently to if I put thousands of photos. They knew it. Something that I don’t know, something that I have been holding on that shouldn’t be in my life anymore. Like that innocent “Oliver!” in the bank robbery made by the yesterday picture of tiffs hiding the working place for me in ireland which during my round by the land of “anglo-saxons’ economically speaking english World”. Just stupidest don’t know the importance of penicillin. From Cambria drop dead Willy and Harry to the robbery in Sweden. Yet, my dear camels, had an another alternative. For example, with what I was dreaming tonight. With countless poverty in smart Ferrari foreign language. Seeing this from the high of the old whore the Elizabeth the II’s corgi dog. Now, the Irish O’Bama nukes proposal. The washing machine from Thames Water brits politician team. The my pressure to the half-goats taking the position in respect of Iran. The pirate Barroso and Solana making my wish to oblige the Colombia to write “телегу” for Thailand’s Viktor Butt (i.e. the Andrew Lancaster – German military arsenals through the DVB Bank confiscating the six ships from russians). All this is not only the notable shift in the Global Geo-Strategic balance, but the draft for the future of the all camel. G20, first think – than speak. Here are the right place for deadening of the EU’s Bank of England station for any Intelligence Services thoughts of my “transport” in the “Terra dos segos” where I live. In place too to say that is quite “Treasure” the information for my “direct sum in banking cheque from Evraz, Prince Charles the II, Alcoa received”. Will be just nice for to remember my previous dream about a new home from Norway to Penevejez in square feet with Anna–Cecilia Malmström without underwear smiling…

Lloyds e HBOS estiveram a horas de entrar em colapso. 24/09/09 08:41. O governador do banco de Inglaterra, Mervyn King, revelou que dois grandes bancos do país estiveram a poucas horas de ficarem sem dinheiro em Outubro de 2008, tendo o sistema financeiro estado à beira do fim. “Dois dos nossos maiores bancos, que tinham dificuldade em obter financiamento, podiam apenas conseguir liquidez por uma semana, e depois apenas por um único dia, e mesmo nessa segunda e terça-feira não era possível até para esses bancos estarem seguros de que poderiam sobreviver até ao fim do dia”, disse Mervyn King em entrevista à cadeia de televisão britânica BBC. A BBC identificou os dois bancos referidos por King como sendo o Lloyds e o HBOS, actualmete unidos numa única instituição, o Lloyds Banking Group Plc. Para solucionar o problema, o governo britânico prometeu injectar 50 mil milhões de libras no sistema financeiro no dia 8 de Outubro, de modo a impedir que este deixasse de existir, no seguimento da falência do banco norte-americano Lehman Brothers, no dia 15 de Setembro de 2008. “Foi, e é, provavelmente a pior situação que enfrentámos em tempo de paz”, desabafou King.

Между Фридманом и Дерипаской разгорается конфликтфотогалерея Группа ГАЗ обвиняет Альфа-банк в срыве договоренностей о реструктуризации долгов группы. ГАЗ надеется реструктуризировать долги до конца сентября.

Произошел новый поворот в деле российского бизнесмена Виктора Бута. 24 сентября 2009 года, 09:09 . Произошел новый поворот в деле российского бизнесмена Виктора Бута, находящегося в центральной тюрьме Бангкока в ожидании, пока апелляционный суд Таиланда окончательно решит его судьбу. Как пишет "Коммерсант", к апелляции прокуратуры на решение суда первой инстанции, отказавшего США в выдаче Бута, было приобщено обращение властей Колумбии. В нем россиянин называется "очень опасным для всего мира нелегальным торговцем оружием", а колумбийская повстанческая организация FARC, которой, по версии обвинения, Виктор Бут пытался продать 100 комплектов ПЗРК "Игла", - не политической, а террористической. Business FM

Яхта выброшена на пляж острова Корсика. Wednesday, September 23, 2009 More articles in Аварийность и ЧП. 22 сентября – швейцарская яхта Vertigo II длиной 15.5 метра на пляже Бодри, Корсика. Как что и почему, неизвестно. Похоже, взобраться на пляж ей помог шторм. Но фотографии любопытные.

Thieves use helicopter, explosives in daring cash depot raid. updated 2:49 p.m. EDT, Wed September 23, 2009. (CNN) -- Thieves using a helicopter and explosives staged an elaborately planned, early-morning raid on a cash depot in Stockholm, Sweden, making off with bags filled with money, police said Wednesday. A helicopter landed on the roof of the G4S cash depot in Vastberga, in the southern part of Stockholm, shortly after 5 a.m. (11 p.m. ET), Swedish police said. Witness Bjorn Lockstrom first heard three loud bangs as the thieves used explosives to get into the building, he told Swedish CNN affiliate TV4. "Then I saw two men hoisting themselves down into the building," Lockstrom said. "Just minutes later, I saw how they hoisted bags of money up to the helicopter on the roof." The burglary happened only days before the 25th, the day every month when Swedes receive their monthly salary, so the depot was rife with cash. The cash depot serves automatic teller machines all across Stockholm, TV4 reported. Sources told TV4 the thieves could have gotten their hands on several hundreds of millions of kronors, the equivalent of tens of millions of U.S. dollars. TV images from the scene showed a gray helicopter circling the building and then flying away. The thieves flew south after they had loaded the helicopter with the bags, according to a statement from police. One person was taken into custody later in the day, a spokesman for the Stockholm Police told a news conference Wednesday afternoon. "The individual was arrested by police in a Stockholm suburb today," he said. The person is currently being questioned. Police would not go into details of the individual's role in the drama, according to TV4. Nor have they disclosed how much cash they believe was taken. The helicopter was a Bell 206 Jet Ranger and had been stolen earlier during the night. Swedish police couldn't pursue the thieves because a bag marked "bomb" had been placed outside the police heliport, and officers had to deal with the bag before they could enter the heliport. It is unclear whether the bag contained a bomb. The thieves also had blocked the roads around the cash depot with metal rods, TV4 reported. No one was hurt during the burglary, police said. The area around the building was sealed off as authorities interviewed witnesses. "A substantial reward is being offered for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible and recovery of the stolen money," Alison Flynn, media relations manager for G4S, told CNN

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