Monday 21 September 2009

To slip in such important business matters.

To slip in such important business matters. We just see how the people about whom are ‘dedicated’ my remarks act in response. To say that politics are all piggy faces is boring. And completely unproductive. Better speak about them in Mendeleev’s way. Mean, healthier will be to treat them like cattle. They do this to me for decades. Buy grouping them for practical use. In any way, they all just the “Corsicans Brothers” and nothing more. We see during long pages how the Kuchma and Sampaio “make me”. Now we see the medvedev and osborn. Ones, the osborn have a treat from deripaska because of outstanding debts. Too much pretentious be saying that was because of me. But, reading between strokes war with Labour – I don’t know. Still, they are the faces of the same medal. Lot of details and facts say this. Osborn has a natural intelligence to use me like a war-horse for his intimae objectives. Like the Foreign Minister – who is the just “in mutation”. He can ask me what I mean, but this will be his first and last question in his political life. The The deripaska – is the same from opposite side of the same barricade. Where is the final stop is satisfactory for both: the “creation” of synergies and the wash theirs hands. One like a political class for one, no-body-knows alien, and another, like the son-of-a-bitch who in reality he is. Unnecessary to re-telling the world-wide fact that the Al element was treated by me first and the final results (money) was his with his uzbek. It’s the USSR stuff, plus half-goats Russians, like ‘a people’ finalization. And another people, all over the World some times don’t know everything. Tonight was dreaming with space from Trondheim to Panevejes… Don’t know how deripaska and abramovitch – are bastards. Bastards in direct meaning of this word. Mean, mother – bitch, and the father – goat. Than arrive “boyar’s real politics” and we have (to don’t molest in this case the Russia, to preserve hard ware of the country and the salary of this boyars, only to changing the soft ware – we have a new lot of oligarch). How they (Smolensky) call themselves – grand-sons of Russian financists. For this matter, Russians, Uzbeks, or from Baltic Countries- this is irrelevant. What can have importance is how theirs policy-making “works”. When, after the browsing the internet I saw the very dark picture of George Osborn with some kind of vaudeville news, immediately knew rather odd is going on. It’s a way how they do “theirs job”. Where is clear that the first visit of Russian President to Swiss- solely intention to open HIS, clean 5 off-shores private account is clear. Look at the “American way” to give me the reason. Well, quite merited… See the insignificance of this “first” through the article in russian. It’s never was mine. And for sure is not any of my business. But dear CV – brokers the mister Barroso, Miller and translator, it’s seems that I have a point (See the “Acting In Concept”) and it would be the shame to don’t me voiced it out. Looking at the face of my dead father-in-law (Mr. mendelson) and his hot political fight because of my refuse to mimic the negative behaviors of this “people”. More yet now, when I can’t allow to my integrity to slip in such important business matters.

Osborne sparks war of words with Labour. September 20 2009 23:30

George Osborne, shadow chancellor, was drawn into an increasingly personal war of words over public spending on Sunday, after he said Labour had a secret tax-raising agenda and had completed a U-turn over education cuts. He said the government had “capitulated” by belatedly admitting that cuts would be necessary but he faces the prospect of a fierce ad hominem counterattack by Labour and the Liberal Democrats. Mr Osborne was criticised by both parties for his “false” claim to have unearthed a confidential government plan to increase income tax by £14.8bn; the Treasury said it was based on published Budget documents. The episode reinforced a view in senior Labour and Liberal Democrat circles that Mr Osborne, 38, has shown poor judgment during the economic crisis and should be relentlessly targeted. Lord Mandelson, business secretary, said Mr Osborne looked “like a boy in a man’s job”. David Miliband, foreign secretary, said Mr Osborne had shown he was “not a serious person”. The Lib Dems plan to target Mr Osborne, partly to contrast him with Vince Cable, the party’s treasury spokesman, who last week topped a poll of “most trusted” politicians. “The public doesn’t need George Osborne’s imaginary secret documents or conspiracy theories to work out that the public finances are in a bad shape,” Mr Cable will say at the Lib Dem conference in Bournemouth. Mr Osborne’s team said the attacks on him reflect his recent successes, arguing that he took a justified political gamble in putting the Tories at the forefront of arguing for public spending cuts. Mr Osborne also argues that the Treasury papers contain new numbers and that the rapid growth in income tax receipts assumed by the Treasury is either based on tax rises or “improbable” returns to growth. Mr Osborne on Sunday renewed his attack on the government’s newfound candor over the need for cuts, accusing Ed Balls, schools secretary, of a U-turn over education spending. Mr Balls, once a leading advocate of a strategy contrasting “Labour investment versus Tory cuts”, became the first cabinet minister to set out plans for cuts, claiming to have identified £2bn of savings – including axing senior administrative jobs in schools. David Cameron has never wavered in his support for Mr Osborne, although he did recognise the need to strengthen his economics team by bringing Ken Clarke, the former chancellor, back to the front bench. Hewitt son in cocaine arrest. Published: Today. THE son of former Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt was yesterday charged with possessing cocaine. Nicholas Hewitt Birtles, 21 - whose dad is a JUDGE - was held close to his parents' £1million home.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev is expected to discuss the economic crisis during the first state visit by a Russian president to the Swiss Confederation.

AFP - Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has arrived in Zurich on the first state visit of a Russian president to Switzerland, a member of the Russian delegation said Monday. Accompanied by his wife Svetlana Medvedev, the Russian leader was met by Hans-Rudolf Merz, the Swiss president and finance minister, as well as Foreign Minister Micheline Calmy-Rey at Zurich Kloten airport. During his visit, Medvedev is expected to discuss the economic crisis, bilateral issues and the reform of the G20 with his Swiss counterpart. The two heads of state are also expected to broach topics surrounding "security policies in Europe in reference to Switzerland's mandate as a mediator between Russia and Georgia," a Swiss government spokeswoman had said. Bern has been representing the interests of the two countries in their respective capitals. Economic issues are also expected to feature in Medvedev's programme, with a meeting scheduled Monday afternoon with Swiss and Russian businesses. Merz had earlier highlighted the growing economic importance of Russia to Switzerland in an interview with Swiss newspaper Le Temps, noting that some 600 Swiss companies have interests in the Russian market. Russian imports stand at about one billion Swiss francs (650 million euros, 971 million dollars) a year while exports are at three billion francs. On the second day of his two-day visit, Medvedev is expected to visit central Switzerland, in the footsteps of Russian geneval Alexandre Souvorov, who in 1799 crossed the Alps from Italy to cut off the advance of Napoleon's troops. To mark the visit, Medvedev has given two orphaned bear cubs to the Swiss capital Bern, which is named after the German word for bear.

В Карачаево-Черкесии убит известный борец с ваххабизмом 20 сентября 2009, 11::59

В Черкесске убит известный борец с ваххабизом, ректор Исламского института Исмаил Бостанов. Неизвестные расстреляли его автомобиль, в котором он ехал с сыном из мечети. На месте происшествия работает оперативно-следственная группа. По факту убийства возбуждено уголовное дело по статьям «убийство» и «незаконное ношение оружия». На жизнь Бостанова покушались и ранее: в 2006 году он был ранен в бедро и получил множественные ножевые ранения. В воскресенье утром в Черкесске был убит заместитель председателя духовного управления мусульман Карачаево-Черкесии и Ставрополья, ректор Исламского института Исмаил Бостанов. Как сообщили «Интерфаксу» в правоохранительных органах Карачаево-Черкесии, убийство произошло во время остановки его машины в центре города на светофоре. В этот момент неизвестные обстреляли автомобиль. В результате полученных ранений Бостанов погиб, а его сын получил ранения и был отвезен в больницу, где ему делают срочную операцию. На месте происшествия работает оперативно-следственная группа. Обстоятельства покушения устанавливаются. По предварительной информации, когда Бостанов ехал с сыном из мечети, за его машиной следовала вазовская «десятка». Во время остановки именно из нее и был открыт огонь. По факту убийства возбуждено уголовное дело по статье 105 УК РФ («Убийство») и статье 222 УК РФЙ («Незаконное ношение, хранение и перевозка оружия»). Об этом сообщил руководитель следственного отдела по Черкесску СКП РФ по КЧР Александр Бирюков. В свою очередь, министр внутренних дел Карачаево-Черкесии Николай Осяк уверен, что одним из основных мотивов убийства стала активная борьба Бостанова с ваххабизмом. Первое покушение на Бостанова было совершено в декабре 2006 года. Тогда высокопоставленный духовный деятель был ранен в бедро и получил множественные ножевые ранения. Преступники также избили и его жену и запугивали детей. Председатель Координационного центра мусульман Северного Кавказа Исмаил Бердиев также уверен, что убийство связано с религиозной деятельностью погибшего. «По моему мнению, убийство Бостанова совершено только на религиозной почве. Он не был бизнесменом и не занимался другими делами, был глубоко верующим человеком, и других версий у меня нет», – сказал господин Бердиев. Исмаил Бостанов более 20 лет был заместителем председателя Духовного управления мусульман Карачаево-Черкесии и Ставрополья и более 10 лет возглавлял Карачаево-Черкесский исламский институт. Отметим, что в воскресенье мусульмане отмечают окончание священного месяца Рамадан – праздник Ураза-Байрам.
Julgamento adiado para Fevereiro. O processo conta com 16 arguidos indiciados pelo crime de falsificação de documentos. O início do julgamento de alegada viciação de classificação de árbitros de futebol e observadores nas épocas de 2002/03 e 2003/04, processo que resultou de certidão extraída do Apito Dourado, foi adiado para Fevereiro de 2010. A primeira sessão do julgamento na 2.ª Vara Criminal de Lisboa estava prevista para 30 de Outubro, mas o juiz Carlos Alexandre, que pediu exclusividade neste processo em que 16 arguidos são indiciados da prática de crime de falsificação de documentos, entendeu adiar a audiência. Pinto de Sousa, presidente do Conselho de Arbitragem da Federação Portuguesa de Futebol (FPF) de 1983 a 1989 e de 1998 a 2004, é um dos arguidos neste processo, acusado da prática de 144 crimes de falsificação de documentos. António Henriques, António Azevedo Duarte, Luís Nunes e Francisco Costa, conselheiros do órgão da FPF presidido por Pinto de Sousa de 1998 a 2004, também serão julgados no âmbito deste processo. O responsável pela informática da FPF, Paulo Torrão Gonçalves, os observadores João Penicho, Paulo Pita da Silva, José Marques Mendonça, António Fernandes Resende e João Henriques e os árbitros Manuel Nabais, Manuel da Cunha, Joaquim Soares, Marco de Castro Santos e António Fernandes completam os arguidos. Esta acção, em que o Ministério Público sustentou a acusação em provas periciais, foi originada pela certidão número 51, extraída do Apito Dourado, um processo judicial sobre eventual corrupção na arbitragem e no futebol profissional e outros crimes associados, uma investigação da equipa da procuradora-adjunta Maria José Morgado. Em causa neste processo está a viciação das classificações dos árbitros e observadores, promoção e despromoção de categoria

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