Wednesday 3 June 2009

Bleached out Baron.

Bleached out Baron. After dream tonight, and waking up early, I dart like a crazy to the computer with big appetite, like my ex like to do, looking and hunting for bargains. Not based in that my chronicle jealousy for secretaries or other working people who are normal in the way of get a salary, mortgages, flying Easy Jet one per year, and eat evening suppers. But in that, my, dastardly and supercilious way of see things: Anyone that gets between me and the fridge must have a death wish. Even if I see around me a really superiors deals without serious “personal effort” – I know that a battle is over only for who get the last bit of the dessert… Whatever we want wish, the team work is the name of the game this week. To institute the quirkiness of fridge example, I can set up the stand firm to the urge to micromanage people. Focusing on the most important tasks and taking the helm of the group, while the subordinates are taking care of the detail work… By trusting their (i.e. the political, economic and social structures) abilities, they'll rise to the challenge. Of course, I should have to correct some mistakes, gaffs, faults and blunders once the work has been submitted, but these incidents, I hope so, will be few and far between. If you, “Brotherhood of City” – pull this off, you'll get a much more glamorous than Eminem’s MTV Movie Award “Kiss my arse” gaff with bleached out Baron Sacha Cohen. Which, I can find at every step of “Diamantes de Angola” and Brussels/Strasburg Street.

Now, the dream where I was gerent of the meia tijela in some Deripaska – Blair bank. That kind of man who make connections between conselho de administração (the ultimate bosses, more higher is only Presidents and such individuals like the Governor of BoE or Head of Federal Reserve). My position is not completely clear, mean, which section, which department, which markets or countries, but like the that knife through the butter – I’m middle man from the Mr. King to the Head of IT Division in Okinawa branch. And I see how the big conglomeration of people begin take me for granted like the “insider”. Like “Cвой человек в чужой команде”. Like “A sua pesoa dentro de Santander adversaria”. Because my signature is important for safety reasons policy, before my eyes, the group of 12-20 strong of “seralheiros” with ebalas (i.e. faces) of “sapateiros”, with good, fake legend of the authorization to montar a “strong room” for highest level meeting needs – is progressing. For some reason I don’t like this at all. One from this group, more cheeffy of them all, in quick pass make me that gesture to shake my hand, and me, like that stupid and “politically correct” City-duck – give him both hands to compliment. His hands specially are fully greased, with aim to take me out of Head Quarters foyer. I feel that his hands are sleaze in such way that I can escape very simply at any time. But I don’t want. I give him with cherished smile all support, because he needs to pass through two or three external securities to TRANSFORM me into his accomplice for this (i.e. @DVANCE) big heist.

For example, what you go to do if you see this?

“… The government has backed Lloyds Banking Group ahead of its annual meeting. UK Financial Investments – which looks after the government’s 43.4 per cent shareholding in Lloyds – said it would support all resolutions put to investors Friday…”

Amlin buys Fortis business for €350m June 3 2009 09:11 Amlin has agreed to buy Fortis Corporate Insurance for €350m from the Dutch government as the Lloyd’s of London insurer attempts to reduce its exposure to the volatile catastrophe insurance market. To help fund the deal, Amlin will place 23.5m shares, about 5 per cent of its total share capital, at 28.125p. Shares in the group opened down 4.4 per cent at 324p. Amlin, one of the biggest UK-listed Lloyd’s insurers, said the deal would give it a continental European platform and rebalance its portfolio, giving it less exposure to the catastrophe insurance market, whose claims from hurricanes last year deeply hit group profits. FCI’s main business is in marine, property and liability insurance. “This acquisition represents a step-change in the development of our organisation and demonstrates the scope of our ambition to build a globally diversified insurance and reinsurance business focused in markets which require our specialist skills and have high barriers to entry,” said Charles Philipps, chief executive. The industry was badly hit in 2008 by the effects of hurricanes such as Ike, which struck the US Gulf of Mexico in September. The estimated claims of $16bn arising from it was bigger than estimates from the commercial modelling companies because of the extent of damage to onshore properties and offshore oil facilities. The damage cut Amlin’s pre-tax profits by 73 per cent to £121.6m although, like many others in the industry, it has subsequently reported stronger sales this year, boosted by its ability to charge clients higher rates for cover. The Dutch government bailed out the Dutch assets of its parent company Fortis in October for €16.8bn after the chaos in the credit markets froze the bank’s access to short-term funding. Last year it had gross written premiums of €763m, up from €656m a year ago. Amlin added that it continued to trade in line with expectations, with ratings levels across its business improving through the year. It saw trading conditions in the Dutch and Belgian markets beginning to ease after a period of strong competition for most lines of business. Amlin opted for a share placing even though Mr Philipps said in March that the group had £702.9m of capital headroom for organic growth and potential acquisitions, without having to raise capital from shareholders. The placing will be carried out as an accelerated bookbuild and is underwritten by RBS Hoare Govett. The new shares are expected to become effective from June 8.

BBVA y Santander: los bancos más blindados contra la mora Publicado el 03-06-09 , por Jaime E. Navarro. Bankinter es el que menos impacto sufre de la mora y Sabadell cuenta ahora con menor margen para afrontar nuevos impagos, debido a su política de dotaciones extraordinarias. El incremento de la morosidad se ha convertido en uno de los principales quebraderos de cabeza para las entidades financieras españolas. Como ha señalado el Banco de España, las bajas tasas de impagos con las que han convivido los bancos y cajas de ahorros españoles en el ciclo expansivo ya han dejado de ser un hecho diferencial de nuestro sistema financiero en comparación con Europa y el colchón de las provisiones genéricas (que se dotaban a medida que crecía el crédito) no hace inmune al sistema. La morosidad se ha quintuplicado desde el inicio de la crisis, hasta el 4,17% en marzo, y se espera que alcance el 9% el próximo año. De entre las principales entidades, BBVA y Santander son los que cuentan con una mayor capacidad de asumir nuevos incrementos de la mora utilizando como parachoques los recursos que genera su negocio habitual. Así se desprende del cálculo de su ratio para asumir nuevas provisiones en el primer trimestre del año. Esta variable pone en relación el margen neto de la entidad (sus ingresos de su actividad recurrente menos los costes generales) con las provisiones por impagos en la cartera de créditos, dividido por el saldo medio de crédito en el trimestre. BBVA logra obtener un beneficio operativo (antes de los saneamientos crediticios) de 3,36 euros por cada cien que tiene concedidos como crédito, de los cuales apenas utiliza algo más de un euro para provisiones por insolvencia. De esta forma, cuenta con una ratio para afrontar nuevos incrementos de la mora del 2,28%. En el caso de Santander, su capacidad para asumir nuevas provisiones es del 1,88%.

Cold, hunger and job losses ignite dissent in Russia town. May 25 The Independent - Impoverished workers resort to eating salads of weeds and nettle soup The Kremlin's worst fears are being played out in a small town outside St Petersburg, as angry residents of crisis-hit Pikalevo marched upon the offices of the local mayor and demanded improved living conditions. The town, with a population of just over 20,000, has been suffering as its three major factories have hit hard times during the economic crisis. Two of them shut down several months ago, while the third has put its workers on shorter shifts. About half of the employees have been put on enforced leave and even those who are still working have not received their salaries for nearly three months. The final straw came when the town lost its heating and hot water as the only local power station couldn't afford to keep running. Even kindergartens and hospitals were left without hot water. The town's gas supply was also cut off. N O W: Владимир Путин лично приедет успокаивать бунтующий город Пикалево 03 июня 2009, 09:47 Премьер-министр Владимир Путин намерен лично вмешаться в ситуацию в городе Пикалево (Ленинградская область), жители которого 2 июня на семь часов перекрыли федеральную трассу А-114 Новая Ладога–Вологда. Жители требовали возобновления деятельности одного из градообразующих предприятий – «Базэлцемента-Пикалево», остановившегося в январе 2009 года, ликвидации задолженности по зарплате за март-апрель в размере 40 млн рублей и вмешательства Владимира Путина. Акция протеста была приурочена к приезду премьера в Петербург. По данным сразу нескольких изданий, Путин намерен посетить бунтующий город и лично разобраться в проблеме. Агентство REGNUM сообщает, что это произойдет уже сегодня. А по сведениям «Коммерсанта» и «Ведомостей» – в четверг, 4 июня. Как ожидается, 4 июня Путин проведет в Санкт-Петербурге совещание с собственниками всех компаний города. После этого премьер, вероятно, выедет в райцентр, где «объявит о некоей резолюции, которая исчерпает конфликт». На трассу жители Пикалева вышли после того, как из-за финансового кризиса встали все три градообразующих предприятия, оставив 4 тыс. человек без работы (всего в городе 21 тыс. жителей). Речь идет о производствах «Базэлцемент-Пикалево» (входит в ООО «Базэлцемент» Олега Дерипаски), «Пикалевский цемент» (ОАО «Евроцемент груп») и «Метахим» (ООО «УК «Севзаппром»). 15 мая проблем прибавилось: из-за долгов по поставкам газа была прекращена работа ТЭЦ, находящейся на балансе «Базэлцемента-Пикалево». Жители остались без горячей воды. В правительстве Ленинградской области была создана рабочая группа, призванная разрешить проблему. Однако работники ТЭЦ отказались возобновлять работу, поскольку задолженность по заработной плате перед ними составила 5 млн рублей. 20 мая жители прорвались на заседание администрации города в местную мэрию и потребовали от чиновников принять меры. После этого власти Ленинградской области решили выделить городу 20 млн рублей дотации. Однако пикалевцы 25 мая обратились к президенту Дмитрию Медведеву с письмом, в котором потребовали от главы государства «реального участия в решении проблем». Из-за вчерашней акции протеста на трассе Новая Ладога–Вологда образовалась пробка длиной более 400 километров. Милиция разгонять собравшихся отказалась: в толпе были женщины и дети. Глава Бокситогорского района Сергей Мухин призвал толпу разойтись и рассказал о постановлении Валерия Сердюкова, согласно которому на поддержку жителей Пикалева из бюджета выделят 1,7 млн руб. Еще 5 млн руб. предполагается направить в «Базэлцемент-Пикалево» для осуществления авансовых платежей за услуги по поставке горячей воды, а также на погашение задолженности перед сотрудниками по заработной плате.

Sell the visa to Charles the II with goal to facilitate Cecil’s market in distribution of Portland 450 Cement.

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