Friday 21 May 2010


Forest. Without apparent reason, - I feel like to allow myself some time to take care of “my stock”, of where I’m going, and whether I’m following exactly what I want. The habitual punctuality with a quietude in one side, and small desire to power cut a little bit down and to re-boot my memory/s – in other. Perhaps, to bring those promises I made, - back on line. (I.e. Smushkin). Knowing well that the achievements and security at the expense of “originality” may be too great price to pay… Who don’t see how for years I’m laying a bet that some middle road could be found? Independently of soap try of “moss”, - the key issue like a geographical zone, or my predictable daily schedules, - are not altered. Maybe it’s better just moving to into another position. Why should I do my best to understand if I still have a sufficient ability to sense the quality and choose accordingly? Even when obliged to abandon some of my themes for a short while.

Google TV on way, with help from Intel, Sony, Logitech. New Mexico Business Weekly. Thursday, May 20, 2010, 2:33pm MDT. Google Inc. said Thursday it is working with Sony Corp. and Intel Corp. bring more of the Internet to televisions with a new product called Google TV. The service will combine existing TV programming with Internet video and make finding programs easier. It will run on Google's (NASDAQ:GOOG) Android software and be available on both high-definition TVs and devices that connect to TVs. These are expected to be rolled out later this year. The announcement was made at Google's developer conference in San Francisco. Sony CEO Howard Stringer said his company will add Android software to high-definition Bravia televisions that connect to the Internet and to some Blu-ray players. Logitech, whose Americas headquarters is in Fremont, Calif., is making a set-top box that can run the service that will be called the Buddy Box. Buyers will be able to use Google TV without replacing their existing television. The addition of Intel's (NASDAQ:INTC) Atom processors are expected to add about $100 to the cost of devices that can use Google TV. Intel operates one of its largest chip manufacturing plants in Rio Rancho, immediately northwest of Albuquerque. It employs about 3,000 people. Google TV devices will be able to run software apps that are now aimed at Android phones. They will also be able to surf the Internet using the search giant's Chrome Web browser.

Altri increases pulp prices at $ 30. Altri decided to raise prices in the folder $ 30 per tonne in North America and Europe from early next month, following the movement of produce from Latin America and Fibria Cenibra. Altri decided to raise prices in the folder $ 30 per tonne in North America and Europe from early next month, following the movement of produce from Latin America and Fibria Cenibra. According to a news agency specializing RISI , the fiber has decided to increase the prices of the folder to $ 950 per tonne in North America and $ 920 in Europe. Prices in China and other Asian markets were unchanged. Cenibra also increased prices. As in previous months, Altri decided to follow the rise in prices by the largest producers of pulp world, official sources said the company's Business Earlier this month the price had risen to $ 50 per tonne , having recorded the same increase in April. The price hikes of raw materials here are after the sharp declines that occurred last year, with the reduction in demand forcing many companies to cut back on production to dispose the stocks. Actions Altri rise 1.03% to 3.718 euros.

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