Sunday, 31 January 2010
The chair.
The chair. When the Poland sign with Russia the gas agreement until 2037, I was thinking if is good for me and my health to give to this news the any attention. To start with, it is my teeth. For long days they where in terrible pain. Nor to sleep, nor for eat. Than another thing. When this kind of business happens, people make me such a big pressure, that my writings only comparable to the huge sewage flux shit-pipe. The lot of details, words, and information that even for me (at the end, it is a private site) have a certain difficulty to maintain the core in the subject. For others – it is just schizophrenic writing. Actually, when I start to like, and stop to care. But, to seeing in one day the Minister of the Exterior Mr. Lavrov, the Minister of Economy, the Mr. German Gref, and the Minister of Finance, the Mr. A. Kudrine, all of them in double variant off course, give a certain charm to my schizophrenic notes. More yet, if this happens in parallel with the World Economic Forum in Davos. The tasty cocktail made from faces of Trichet and “los muchachos”, plus Sberbank with Riazan’… So? What’s going to be? My idea, is to put last information in such order, that for more late, during the next weeks, it become the exactly “that” cross which is seeing by anyone, but impossible to obtain or maintain. How I go to do this? Simple. I’ll spat tomorrow one more time, and keep be not interested. In this way I’ll take care of ‘my living and working space’, and in the other hand, I’ll focus on “investing” in my energies now. To everything can move smoothly in the future. This dribble – and I come through. And the Co went “as bananas”. Completely loosing their mind. You know who the Co is, and how I call them. When they, the Co find themselves in this situation, for me is very diplomatic and unique thing to do is to steer clear of this “a status obsessed friend” who is always desirous theirs possessions (which CASUALLY were stolen from me). Well, in principle, is who are thief – never can have a cross. And when we begin look at the four killed in Afghanistan (London meeting) and in parallel, the four killed in Azerbaijan (Davos meeting) – I tell you loud, it’s you who lost the Energy Map of Europe. Not me. From me to you, - even the half of the dog find in the icy Baltic Sea I’m not willing to share. Because, this is too that kind of news which have not interest for me at all. But, the every night beating in my head, and than a certain “payment” after the beating, in the “DREAM CURRENCY” – don’t give me choose… And tonight dream was about “orange” pattern chair. The type of rest chair which is used for reading or watching the tele. But representing the European Community. (Chair: To see a chair in your dream, symbolizes your need to sit down and take time out to contemplate a situation before proceeding.) Because, to doing the experience (in my dream), to shifting the chair in place of EU – the EU fall in absolute darkness… And than, another dream. This time a very smooth, very with only one meaning dream in which I am the ‘variador de Càmara’. (The pledge or surety thus given. – Blackstone. Tomlins.) When I deleted the Pulawy (PULW.WA), Police PICE. WA., and the PKN Orlen’s PKNA.WA. Unit Anwil, and the loosed cross for everyone minus for me, I knew that I deserve what I’m getting (minus off course, the terrible pain in my teeth and the interrupted beating at night) through all the odds. Now, if others still be envious, let them be. Let them stew, - I can’t be responsible for theirs feelings, and they should know me better. They know that I am on the right side of question, and even of the dilemma. The “cleaning” (deleting) of all “sources” of my pain – are doing this for me only. This is, how I getting the Co. It’s like the work of that magical, missing secret. It is as if, for some while, I have followed the receipt, but have seemingly failed to hit the spot. Not in this case. In this deleting I have full picture. With the Azov-City daddy, and the EU of Euro-mummy. With some one who’s not very keen (you know how I call them…) with “what’s mine is mine, and what’s yours is yours”. Who don’t know how to live theirs lives with this simple virtues. Yet, if they still be unfair over money owed to me, or a possessions they have yet to return to me, it’s logic to expect more sooner or more later the understanding of “business as usual”.
Afghan Officials: 4 Afghan Soldiers Killed in Clash with NATO Troops. VOA News30 January 2010. Afghan officials say NATO troops clashed with their Afghan army allies and called in air strikes, killing four Afghan soldiers and wounding at least six others. A Wardak province spokesman, Shahidullah Shahid, says the troops starting shooting each other after a military operation in the area. The Associated Press is reporting the Afghan Defense Ministry is condemning the incident and want those responsible brought to justice after an investigation. NATO officials say they are investigating the incident and did not provide details. Some information for this report was provided by AP and Reuters.
2 Azerbaijan soldiers kill 4 colleagues. 7 hrs ago. BAKU (AFP)– Two soldiers in Azerbaijan shot and killed four fellow servicemen before killing themselves, the defence ministry said Friday, in the latest shooting rampage to shock the ex-Soviet republic. Media linked the killing with what experts say is rampant brutality and corruption in Azerbaijan's military. The incident was the second mass shooting in Azerbaijan in less than a year, after a man shot dead 12 people at a university in the capital Baku last April before taking his life. "Two soldiers opened fire killing four servicemen and wounding two before killing themselves," defence ministry deputy spokesman Temur Abdullayev told AFP. He said the incident occurred on Thursday evening but that no further details were immediately available. Azerbaijan's Trend news agency cast doubt on the ministry's version of events, quoting military sources as saying the two soldiers who carried out the shooting had been shot and killed while trying to flee the scene. It said a local division commander was among the dead victims. In a 2008 report, the International Crisis Group said the Azerbaijani military was plagued by "endemic corruption, nepotism and hazing." The university shooting in April stunned this small, mainly Muslim republic on the Caspian Sea, which had never before seen the kind of public rampages that have plagued some Western countries in recent years.
Hank Paulson: Russia Pushed China to Dump Fannie, Freddie Bonds. By editor|Wall Street Pit Jan 29, 2010, 12:52 PM| Some interesting details have emerged from Hank Paulson’s soon to be released memoir, “On The Brink.” It appears Russia may have pushed China to dump its Fannie Mae (FNM) – Freddie Mac (FRE) holdings in a bid to force a bailout of the largest U.S. GSE’s and cause in the process the collapse of the U.S. financial system. Paulson says in his memoir he learned of the “disruptive scheme” while attending the Beijing Summer Olympics. Bloomberg: “The Russians made a “top-level approach” to the Chinese “that together they might sell big chunks of their GSE holdings to force the U.S. to use its emergency authorities to prop up these companies,” Paulson said, referring to the acronym for government sponsored entities. The Chinese declined, he said. Russia’s five-day war with U.S. ally Georgia started on Aug. 8, the same day as the opening ceremonies of the Beijing Games. Prime Minister Vladimir Putin told U.S. President George W. Bush during those ceremonies that “war has started,” according to Dmitry Peskov, Putin’s spokesman. “The report was deeply troubling — heavy selling could create a sudden loss of confidence in the GSEs and shake the capital markets,” Paulson wrote. “I waited till I was back home and in a secure environment to inform the president.” Russia never approached China about dumping U.S. bonds, Peskov said today. “This is not the case,” he said by phone”. Russia sold all of its Fannie/Freddie debt in 2008, after holding $65.6 billion of the notes at the start of that year, according to central bank data.
Водитель спикера гордумы Краснодара мог превысить скорость 31 января 2010 г. 16:25. В Краснодарском крае возбуждено уголовное дело по факту ДТП, в котором погибли спикер городской думы Краснодара Николай Котляров и его водитель. "Дело возбуждено по части 5 статьи 264 Уголовного кодекса РФ - это нарушение лицом, управлявшим транспортным средством, правил дорожного движения, повлекшее гибель двух лиц", - сообщила "Интерфаксу" руководитель пресс-службы следственного управления СКП РФ по краю Инна Бирюкова. Она уточнила, что дело возбудил следственный отдел при ОВД по Тимашевскому району Кубани. Председатель городской думы Краснодара Николай Котляров и его водитель погибли в аварии на автотрассе Краснодар - Ейск. ДТП произошло в субботу в 23:30 по московскому времени. По предварительным данным, Toyota Camry, в которой Котляров возвращался с открытия первого легального казино игорной зоны "Азов-Сити", врезалась в стоявший на обочине автомобиль "ГАЗель", который от удара развернуло на 180 градусов.
Translator kills two soldiers. Two US soldiers who died in eastern Afghanistan on Friday were shot dead by an Afghan interpreter, it has emerged.A Nato official said the translator gunned down the US soldiers before other soldiers shot him dead at an outpost in Wardak province. A US military official told Reuters news agency the attacker seemed to be a "disgruntled employee", not a militant. Also in Wardak province, four Afghan soldiers died in an apparently bungled coalition air strike. Afghanistan's defence ministry demanded punishment for those behind the air strike; Nato said the deaths were "regrettable" and announced an investigation. The shootings involving the translator and the air strike were not thought to be related. An Afghan provincial official told Reuters the interpreter had argued with the soldiers over pay and treatment, before opening fire.
Thursday, 28 January 2010
- Jon has bubs?
- No.
- Well than, you’re the only bar in Town…
Adult are pine for their lost childhood. Because the time is a greatest tricker of all. It encourages us all to look forward or back. Like that Fauquier, using sleight of hand (clean 5 off-shores), it divert our attention, anyway it can, from what is really going on, right here, right now. There is, though, only ever one moment that is real, - and that is the current moment. What I try say to you is this, Mine lieben grenadiren: Personally, I’ll hold out for the real thing yet, than for the a short-term fun with meeee. Even if there are many good candidates on the horizon. Right now, looking closely, it’s full-on or nothing.
Помолчим у меня в голове. Герман Греф готов пожертвовать Сбербанком ради бюджета. 28 января, 17:38. Герман Греф в Давосе выразил надежду на то, что доля государства в Сбербанке скоро будет сокращена, причем ради блага того же государства. По мнению бывшего министра экономики, без этого эффективно решить проблему бюджетного дефицита невозможно. Однако министр финансов Алексей Кудрин не принял помощь со стороны главы Сбербанка. По его словам, первым в очереди на приватизацию стоит все-таки ВТБ.«Надо приватизировать госбанки. Я предлагаю начать со Сбербанка», – сказал Герман Греф на Всемирном экономическом форуме в Давосе. «У государства дефицитный бюджет. Высочайшая капитализация Сбербанка позволяет очень выгодно продать большой пакет акций», – цитирует Грефа агентство Reuters. «Мы можем спокойно сократить госдолю в Сбербанке и пополнить бюджет. Точную цифру я пока обсуждать не готов, но 50% плюс 1 акцию – мы спокойно можем выйти на этот уровень», – сказал он журналистам в кулуарах Всемирного экономического форума в Давосе. Альтруизм Грефа. Учитывая, что сегодня Центробанку принадлежит пакет в размере 57,58% в уставном капитале Сбербанка, который оценивается примерно в $37 млрд, выходит, что Греф готов избавить ЦБ примерно от семи с половиной акций своего кредитного учреждения. Сегодня рыночная стоимость такого пакета составляет примерно $4,9 млрд. В то же время дефицит госбюджета в 2010 г. запланирован правительством на уровне 6,8% ВВП, или около $87 млрд по плановому среднегодовому курсу рубля. Неудивительно, что опрошенные GZT.RU эксперты не согласились с тем, что дальнейшая приватизация Сбербанка поможет кардинально решить проблему бюджетного дефицита – даже в том случае, если правительство найдет способ договориться с Банком России о перечислении средств. По словам банковского аналитика «Альфа-Банка» Лейлы Шарифуллиной, Минфин не будет прямым получателем средств, и надеяться на иное было бы неправильно.
Что касается самого Сбербанка, то для него выгода от продажи части пакета ЦБ тоже неочевидна, считает Шарифуллина. Единственным положительным результатом, по ее словам, может стать повышение ликвидности акций банка – при том, что это и без того одна из наиболее ликвидных бумаг российского фондового рынка. И в любом случае решение о продаже будет принимать не менеджмент Сбербанка во главе с Германом Грефом, а правительство и в частности Минфин.
В свою очередь аналитик ФЦ «Инфина» Вероника Чекина считает, что Греф хочет сделать мощную коммерческую структуру, которая была бы конкурентоспособной не только в России, но и на международном рынке. А такой акционер, как государство, сдерживает развитие комммерческой составляющей. Кудрин против. В то же время именно Минфин, а точнее его глава и вице-премьер Алексей Кудрин, буквально сразу же после заявления Германа Грефа выступил в роли его оппонента. Кудрин, возглавляющий российскую делегацию на форуме в Давосе, призвал не спешить с продажей. «Рынок еще не восстановился после кризиса, пока рано», – сказал он. В дальнейшем такая возможность не исключена, передает РИА Новости слова Кудрина, но в любом случае в отношении Сбербанка будет реализован более консервативный план «из-за социальной значимости». К тому же существенный пакет банка уже находится в частных руках, напомнил министр. В то же время продажа части госпакета акций ВТБ может произойти раньше, сказал он. Возражения Кудрина имеют большой вес, говорят эксперты, поэтому ожидать продажи большого пакета Сбербанка можно еще долго. «Это дело не одного года и даже не двух ближайших лет», – говорит Вероника Чекина. Первый в мире. 27 января, открывая деловую встречу в Давосе, на которую собрались представители российского и швейцарского бизнеса, Греф рассказал, что в результате кризиса капитализация «Сбербанка» упала «до рекордно низких значений». «Однако к концу года мы видим, что и темпы восстановления банка были впечатляющими – банк занял первое место в мире по росту рыночной капитализации – более чем на 600%, и по объему капитализации – 16-ую позицию в мире», – сказал он. История вопроса. Вопрос о том, когда и в какой форме государство будет сокращать свою долю в Сбербанке, власти и ЦБ пытаются решить еще с конца 90-х. В 2004 г. вопрос казался уже почти решенным: занимавший тогда пост первого зампреда ЦБ Олег Вьюгин заявлял, что приватизация Сбербанка, а заодно и Внешторгбанка, произойдет в течение нескольких лет. Необходимость этого шага объясняли логикой банковской реформы – Банк России как регулятор не должен кредитовать и надзирать за структурами, которые ему принадлежат, т.к. возникает конфликт интересов, говорили сторонники приватизации банка. Впрочем, тогда главным противником приватизации стало руководство самого Сбербанка. Бывший председатель правления Сбербанка Андрей Казьмин утверждал, что «кроме дополнительных политических и социальных рисков, форсированная приватизация ничего не даст». А первый зампред Банка России Андрей Козлов говорил, что «если мы раздробим Сбербанк, то просто потеряем самый крупный в стране банк – единственный банк, который может предоставлять ссуды российской индустрии». Эта функция сохранилась за Сбером и по сей день. К примеру, недавно Герман Греф заявил о готовности принять участие в дальнейшем кредитовании компании «Русал» и рефинансировании его задолженности, что вызвало недовольство его миноритарных акционеров.
Страшное ДТП в Рязанской области: автобус попал под поезд. По предварительным данным, шесть человек погибли, девять получили травмы. Виктор ФЕДОРОВ — 28.01.2010. Сегодня, 28 января, около 14.30 мск, на железнодорожном переезде в районе населенного пункта Новая пустынь в Шиловском районе Рязанской области рейсовый автобус ПАЗ столкнулся с локомотивом. Как сообщает служба по связям с Московской железной дороги, водитель автобуса нарушил правила дорожного движения. Несмотря на исправно работающую звуковую и световую сигнализацию, автобус по неизвестной причине выехал на железнодорожные пути. Машинист резервного электровоза применил экстренное торможение, но избежать столкновения с автобусом не смог. Представитель регионального управления МЧС РФ сообщил РИА "Новости", что в автобусе находилось 15 человек. Шесть пассажиров погибли и девять человек получили различные травмы. Один из пострадавших находится в тяжелом состоянии. Число пострадавших в столкновении локомотива и рейсового автобуса в Рязанской области увеличилось до девяти человек, одна из пострадавших - в тяжелом состоянии, сообщил РИА Новости представитель регионального управления МЧС. "Одна из пострадавших в тяжелом состоянии госпитализирована в ЦРБ райцентра Шилово, еще семеро - в состоянии средней тяжести доставлены в больницу поселка Лесное, один от госпитализации отказался", - сообщил агентству представитель регионального управления МЧС.
“Specsavers”: - Раззуй глаза, пока не раззули тебя... или кое-что о нефти и топливе. CMVM (act.): Caixa assume possível acordo com a Votorantim na Cimpor. 28/01/10 15:05. A CMVM informou o mercado de que está em cima da mesa um possível acordo entre a Caixa e a Votorantim, um dos grupos brasileiros interessados na Cimpor."A Caixa Geral de Depósitos esclareceu que a celebração de qualquer eventual acordo apenas é susceptível de vir a ocorrer na eventualidade da Votorantim se tornar accionista da Cimpor e, também, de a participação da Votorantim na Cimpor, adicionada à participação da CGD na mesma sociedade, não ultrapassar 1/3 do capital social", refere a CMVM. Isto significa que este "eventual acordo" só será concretizado se o grupo brasileiro comprar, no máximo, 23% do capital da cimenteira que, acrescidos dos 10% da Caixa, perfazem o limite de 33%. A partir daí teria de ser lançada uma OPA. Há apenas um accionista com uma posição dessa dimensão, que é a Teixeira Duarte. A construtora tem nas mãos 22,9% do capital da Cimpor. Das averiguações da CMVM "foi possível apurar que a Votorantim abordou a Caixa Geral de Depósitos com vista ao estabelecimento de eventual acordo que promovesse a estabilidade accionista da Cimpor", lê-se num comunicado do regulador. Sem assumir o alinhamento com nenhum dos grupos brasileiros interessados na empresa, Faria de Oliveira já tinha afirmado publicamente preferir "uma aliança estratégica" na Cimpor, o que foi interpretado como uma rejeição à OPA da CSN. Quanto à investigação do regulador, concluiu a CMVM que "das diligências efectuadas junto das outras entidades ouvidas ou contactadas não resultou evidência da existência de qualquer acordo", entre a Caixa e outros accionistas, "que implicasse qualquer imputação recíproca de direitos de voto não divulgada ao mercado". Para além da Votorantim há outros dois grupos brasileiros que assumiram o interesse na Cimpor. A CSN lançou uma OPA sobre 100% do capital e oferece 5,75 euros por cada acção. Já a Camargo Corrêa propôs uma fusão que terá de ser revista até amanhã.
AVIVA announcement:
AVIVA announcement: Personally, - Don't try to stop growth or view another's changes as threats. More yet than, if you are highly in the state of grateful ecstasy. "Jimmy" Goldsmith. His first wife, whom he married when 20, was the Bolivian heiress Maria Isabel Patiño, 18-year-old daughter of tin magnate Antenor Patiño and the 3rd Duchess of Dúrcal, of the Spanish royal family. When Goldsmith proposed the marriage to Antenor Patiño, Patiño is alleged to have said, "We are not in the habit of marrying Jews", to which Goldsmith is reported to have replied, "Well, I am not in the habit of marrying [Red] Indians." Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company. British-American Tobacco, strategic ports in Vladivostok and Vostochny. world's largest nickel operations, INCO Indonesia, raw material player Noble Group.
Goldsmith granddaughter Robyn Whitehead 'dies in drug overdose'. January 28, 2010
A young member of the Goldsmith family who made a film about the pop star and heroin addict Pete Doherty has been found dead of a suspected drugs overdose. Robyn Whitehead, 27, the granddaughter of Teddy Goldsmith, the founder of The Ecologist magazine and brother of the billionaire Sir James Goldsmith, was found in a block of flats in Homerton, East London, after an emergency call to the Ambulance Service. Police said that they were called to an address at 8.10pm on Sunday and that the death was not being treated as suspicious. It is understood that drugs paraphernalia was found at the flat, which was believed to have been rented by a friend of Doherty. A man and woman who were there when police arrived were questioned but not arrested. An inquest into Miss Whitehead’s death was opened and adjourned yesterday. Her mother, Dido Whitehead, is a cousin of Jemima Khan and Zac Goldsmith, and her father is the Sixties counter-culture film-maker Peter Whitehead. In a statement her family said: “Robyn had an exceptional capacity for compassion and for love both to her family and close friends and to all those whom she touched. This was reflected in the depths and passion of her art. To lose her so young and so far before her life’s work was done is heartbreaking.” Miss Whitehead had recently completed the film The Road To Albion, about Doherty’s former band The Libertines. She and her co-director, Kieron Flynn, followed Doherty and his fellow band member Carl Barat through the highs and lows of their music careers. Three years ago Doherty was present at a party at another East End flat when Mark Blanco, 30, a Cambridge graduate, fell to his death from a window. Mr Blanco’s mother, Sheila, is still seeking a full inquiry as to how her son died. Doherty, 30, was in court again yesterday where he was fined £750, with £85 costs, for making a previous court appearance with heroin in his coat pocket. The musician was arrested in December in the corridor of Gloucester Crown Court shortly after being fined for careless driving. Judge Joti Boparai told Doherty at Gloucester Magistrates’ Court yesterday: “Either this was sheer stupidity or a ploy to get more publicity.” Bruce Clark, for the defence, said that it was not a “mickey take” and that Doherty had simply failed to realise that the packet of drugs was in the pocket of a jacket that he put on to attend court.
"When you marry your mistress, you create a job vacancy."
Salgado prepara una gira para calmar los nervios de los inversores sobre España. Publicado el 28-01-10. Las últimas advertencias por parte de gurús, gestores, expertos reconocidos a nivel mundial, así como de varias firmas de análisis y agencias de ráting están propiciando una corriente vendedora de activos españoles.Está aumentando el riesgo país y, por ende, la desconfianza de los inversores, principalmente extranjeros. Ante esta situación, el Ministerio de Economía está preparando una ofensiva informativa para explicar bien las medidas que van a tomar para sanear las cuentas públicas. Realizará varias reuniones con inversores institucionales en Europa, que comenzarán tras la presentación el próximo viernes de la actualización del Plan de Estabilidad y de la estrategia de financiación del Tesoro Público para 2010. "Hay que lanzar un mensaje contundente a los mercados. Crece la desconfianza y hay que empezar a hacer los deberes", apuntan fuentes del mercado.
Ya hubo una primera ronda para explicar su política económica entre los principales responsables de los medios de comunicación internacionales, según adelantó EXPANSIÓN el pasado 12 de enero. 'Road Show'. Para ello, contará con la ayuda de varios bancos de inversión, como Barclays Capital o Société Générale. "Está previsto que en la semana del 8 de febrero tenga lugar una reunión en Londres liderada, previsiblemente, por el número dos de Economía, José Manuel Campa, y pocos días después se realice otra en París", sostienen fuentes financieras. Este tipo de presentaciones se denominan non deal road show en los círculos financieros, porque no se busca el objetivo de colocar una emisión de deuda, como en otras ocasiones, sino de explicar bien la situación del emisor, en este caso, de España. "Ya se han realizado reuniones de este tipo, durante la etapa de David Vegara, aunque este año están más justificadas", añaden fuentes del mercado. Desde que Standard & Poor's (S&P) bajó en diciembre la perspectiva del ráting de España, actualmente en AA+, el riesgo país (diferencial entre la deuda alemana y la española a un plazo de diez años) ha ido en aumento. Este momento coincidió con el inicio de la crisis griega, tras publicar un déficit desorbitado del 12,7%. Ayer, superó los 90 puntos básicos, máximos desde abril. El deterioro de la percepción del inversor sobre España es tal que el pasado lunes, la rentabilidad del bono español a diez años superó por primera vez desde finales de 2007 a la de Eslovaquia, y por primera vez desde finales de 1999 a la de Italia. Los mensajes lanzados por los expertos no ayudan. Todo lo que suena a España es objeto de venta. El Ibex cayó ayer el doble que el resto de plazas europeas, un 2,69%, hasta los 11.042 puntos. Algunos expertos ven una conjura contra España. El comentario del prestigioso economista Nouriel Roubini de ayer, en el que apuntaba que España supone una amenaza para la zona euro, no ha hecho más que alimentar las dudas sobre la capacidad de pago de España, lo que ha aumentado la cotización de los CDS (seguros que protegen contra el impago de la deuda) hasta los 127 puntos básicos. Las especulaciones sobre una posible ruptura en la zona euro crecen en los mercados financieros a medida que Grecia lucha por reducir el déficit; y que España e Irlanda se enfrentan a un endeudamiento creciente. Corriente vendedora. Roubini no hizo más que añadir leña al fuego. El gurú estadounidense Bill Gross, uno de los mayores expertos del mundo en renta fija, de la firma Pimco, dijo esta semana que hay que evitar la inversión en deuda pública de países con fuerte deterioro de sus cuentas públicas, como España. Mientras, Nomura y Goldman Sachs han recomendado protegerse de España con la compra de CDS. Los fantasmas sobre la débil situación económica del país y su repercusión en las empresas acechan de nuevo. "Hay una gran corriente vendedora de activos españoles, tanto de renta fija como de acciones del sector bancario, principalmente. Está subiendo la prima de riesgo y ante esta situación los gestores extranjeros nos dicen que optan por deshacerse de los activos relacionados con España. Estas ventas continuarán en los próximos días", asegura el analista Juan Carlos Castillo, de Capital Bolsa. Otros expertos no ven más que una reacción de miedo y de aumento de la aversión al riesgo. El índice VIX, que mide la volatilidad y que es un indicador del miedo, se ha disparado desde el 18% al 25% en una semana. José Luis Martínez Campuzano, estratega en España de Citi, achaca el peor comportamiento de la bolsa española a que en 2009 lo hizo mejor que el resto y ahora en las correcciones sufre más. En lo que va de año, el Ibex cae un 7,52% y es el peor de los grandes índices. "Es obvio que la tensión en los mercados de deuda soberana le perjudique", indica. Sin embargo asegura que hablar de default, "no tiene razón de ser". La banca teme que se merme su capacidad de financiación. La imagen de España en el exterior preocupa a la banca. Así quedó patente en unas jornadas celebradas ayer por Fitch Ratings en Madrid. "El exceso de oferta de papel con el que ha comenzado el año ha secado los mercados. Los ataques contra Grecia y España no ayudan", apuntó Carlos Stilianopoulos, director de Tesorería de Caja Madrid. Por su parte, Alejandro Sánchez Pedreño, de Ahorro Corporación, alertó sobre "la falta de confianza de los inversores extranjeros". "O la mejoramos o vamos a pasar un trimestre difícil", añadió. Con esta opinión coincidió Pablo González, director de Tesorería de Unicaja, quien explicó que "la evolución del riesgo soberano determinará la capacidad de financiación del sector". "Sin duda, los 280.000 millones que deben emitir el Gobierno y las Comunidades presionarán al alza los precios", afirmó Alfonso García, socio director general de AFI. Impacto de la pérdida de confianza. Preocupaciones
El diferencial de la deuda pública española y la alemana superó ayer los 90 puntos básicos, máximos desde abril de 2009. Los inversores están vendiendo bolsa española. El Ibex vivió ayer su peor sesión desde mayo de 2009 y cae un 7,52% en 2010. Está en cotas de septiembre. Efecto contagio. La situación de Grecia está afectando a los países periféricos, como España y Portugal. Existe cierta correlación entre la evolución de las primas de riesgo de ambos países, porque los inversores también piden un plan creíble para sanear la cuentas públicas. Compras de 'CDs'. Desde octubre, España es el segundo país donde más han crecido las compras de derivados de crédito o CDS, un 16%, según cifras de Depository Trust & Clearing recogidas por Bloomberg, sólo por detrás de Portugal. Ayer alcanzaron los 127 puntos básicos.
Mean, Money for Jon, Jon – Mayo…
ACR diamonds to Zim's Central Bank. The Supreme Court has ordered that all diamonds extracted from African Consolidated Resources claims in Chiadzwa since 2007 be surrendered to the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) for safekeeping, ZimDaily reported. Chief Justice Godfrey Chidyausiku said the diamonds would remain at the central bank until the ownership wrangle pitting ACR on one hand, and the Minerals Marketing Corporation of Zimbabwe and the Zimbabwe Mining Development Corporation on the other, is resolved, the report said. ACR’s lawyer, Mr Jonathan Samkange, said this meant Mbada Mining (Private) Limited, who recently got a permit to exploit the disputed claims, cannot sell the diamonds they are currently extracting and must surrender them to the RBZ. Mr Raphael Tsivama, representing ZMDC, last night said he could not give an interpretation of the order until he had read it in full, sad the report. MMCZ’ lawyer, Mr Johannes Muchade, said he needed clearance from his client before commenting on the order. Mbada is a joint venture between ZMDC, Marange Resources (Private) Limited and Mauritius’ Grandwell Holdings Limited. Marange Resources is a ZMDC subsidiary. Chief Justice Chidyausiku granted an urgent chamber application by ZMDC and MMCZ to suspend execution of part of a High Court judgment ordering the release of the diamonds to ACR pending determination of a Supreme Court appeal, the report said. Justice Charles Hungwe granted the High Court order. According to ZimDaily, the Supreme Court order means 129,400 carats of diamonds seized from ACR and its subsidiaries by police in 2007 when their permit was cancelled should be taken to the RBZ. According to the order, MMCZ should use its register in compliance with the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme in calculating the amount of diamonds extracted after the cancellation of the permit in 2007. “It is ordered that all diamonds referred to in paragraph 3 and 4 of the High Court order in judgment HC6411/07 be surrendered to the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe for safekeeping pending the determination of the appeal noted against that judgment.” The paragraphs referred to concern 129,400 diamond carats seized from ACR on January 15, 2007, as well as all other diamonds extracted from the applicant’s claims thereafter, the report said. It said, Mr Samkange welcomed the court’s decision and said his clients were comfortable with the order. “We are very comfortable with the decision to have the minerals taken to RBZ for safekeeping pending finalisation of the matter. It means all the minerals extracted from ACR claims since the cancellation of the permit together with those seized from ACR premises will be taken to RBZ. Even the diamonds that are still to be mined will be taken there as well and none of them shall be sold until the matter is finalised.” Mr Samkange said Mbada Mining was extracting diamonds “at the heart of ACR’s claims”. Last year, Justice Hungwe ordered MMCZ to release the seized diamonds to ACR after the High Court reversed a Government decision to cancel the mining consortium’s permit to exploit its claims. He also gave the company the green light to resume operations on its claims without police interference, the report said. According to the same judgment all the diamonds mined by various companies from the time ACR’s permit was cancelled to date, were to be surrendered to the firm, it said.
AVIVA announcement: Free Norway…
Helicopter crashes through ice in Oslo fjord 09:53 IST(28/1/2010). HAMAS IN Kazan… A civilian helicopter with four Norwegians on board has crashed into iced-over water in the Oslo fjord off southeastern Norway and divers searched for survivors, rescue workers said. The helicopter went down in foggy afternoon weather 500 feet off Horten, a town an hour south of Oslo, Norway Central Rescue spokesman Einar Knudsen said. Knudsen said divers had not yet found the wreckage of the helicopter and, though hampered by murky water and strong undercurrents, were still "searching for survivors". However, he acknowledged that the helicopter was "probably" resting on the sea floor in 39 F water about 66 feet deep. An unnamed Norwegian company had hired two Robinson R44 model helicopters owned by Midtnorsk Helicopter Service to ferry five employees from Tonsberg 60 miles north to Oslo when one went down, Midtnorsk spokesman John-Erik Sogn said. The pilot of the second helicopter, which landed safely in Horten, saw "the other one suddenly started to spin in mid-air -- at 800 feet above the water -- before it went down," Sogn told The Associated Press. He said that Midtnorsk, which operates sightseeing trips and charter flights in Norway, services its helicopters after every 50 hours in the air and that the company has never experienced a crash like this before. According to Norway's Accident Investigation Board, there have been nine accidents in Norway involving the Robinson R44 helicopter since 1998, none of them fatal.
Wednesday, 27 January 2010
Muscle from Brussel.
Muscle from Brussel. Theories are fine as far as they go. When we don’t know how to handle a situation, we ‘cook’ up the best plan we can. Yesterday I wrote word-by-word: “…How’s about not the Supreme Being, but I, for change, to come impregnate you, the Mister Trichet with my own, specific guidelines in the all of “ours” (and World know it), ‘professional agreements’, for you to know that I’m still be not a shmack or too vulnerable to the power plays?...” Than, late at night, (what I expect?!), until 3 - 3.5 am was receiving beating in my head. Or what I remember, because after long hours – I stop to care anymore. Just fall down. The proper trouble ensued only when I start realize that the reality is not shaping up (however you try) as I expect it to. (At 2 am was a huge blast in centre of Liege which destroy all apartment block). Then, because I want to control my feelings (which is not just difficult, but impossible), for my own comfort, I try to stick with the ‘original yours’ idea (i.e. a virar, a preto, a fuder) in which base the “our” joint-venture, the money, and the resources are formed. Under the fire, like they obviously are, “we” find ourselves catched off-guard in an unexpected and heavy of billion pounds bill… (You remember the Trainee Mortgage Adviser from “praga”?). Like always, you, the ongoing… are putting me, to deal now, with a situation that again, has evolved the couple hours, since I last evaluated it! Personally, I tell you what: If yours outstanding debts in place of reimbursement appeared like the Monteiro yesterday at front of my nose – “we have a future”. Same is with the blue-gray Smart car with the cocaine bastards Barroso and Solana inside. It’s a natural to expect for you to see my “Lambreta”… And this not is the sharpening, of by self, ‘sharp situation’. It’s preferable to make to yourself the question of type the “How they do this?” and than read that the one “special country” develop the biodegradable bride. Normally, when I expose your sneaky spine, pass long days when I stop to be worrying about my safety. Essentially, with cocaine of ex-President of Portuguese Republic the Denis Sampaio. Because the my suspicions about yours intentions is not the hollow song. Because exactly theirs malevolence and negativity was that “a não, a não a não pago” is transformed into assumption that I’m being just clumsy faux pas, or a joke. And who see the yesterday CSI show – will hear me at the end of this note, insisting that the Portuguese blue blood (in our case, the barroso and Socrates) is no more, no less that the Diamond from Barclays. I paying close attention to this (futile) details upon a suspicion that “someone” is intent to (maybe the Terner) cause me to wobble. Actually, don’t matter who or why. I still stand, and if you won’t realize that I’m not for budging – it’s will be yours problem. It’s all, I see, very similar to the Bank. Everyone knows that the bank in nature – is the social structure. Full of people which will lost, and when the Bob begin to defend working places (barroso’s “a servir”), come to my mind the dirty idea to start call him the Rosa Luxemburg. (One of the girl-friend of Lenin, before the turning around the “future of our civilization”). It’s exactly like we see upwards, the stand upon which the all Eurocracy based. The God hope that with this, comes some personal changes. Maybe the adjustments in my attitude will enable to come to concord with someone who shares this with me.
Business warns regulation may crimp recovery. Wed Jan 27, 2010 3:14pm GMT. Barclays President Bob Diamond challenged Obama's effort to limit the size of big banks and restrain risk-taking, telling the opening forum session: "I've seen no evidence that suggests that shrinking banks and making all banks smaller or more narrow is the answer." "If you step back and say large is bad, and we move to narrow banking, the impact of that on banks and on global trade, the global economy, would be very negative." European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet played down trans-atlantic differences, telling the Wall Street Journal the proposed U.S. reforms were "relevant and interesting" and shared the same aims as European measures. Not all bankers were critical of Obama's plan. The CEO of Italy's biggest retail bank, Corrado Passera of Intesa Sanpaolo , said it was a good idea to reward banks that did less proprietary trading and lent more to the real economy, for instance by allowing them lower capital ratios. French President Nicolas Sarkozy, a champion of regulation and state industrial policy who has demanded a "moralisation of capitalism," was to give the keynote address later Wednesday. Against a backdrop of public outrage over bumper bonuses for bankers whose institutions were saved by taxpayer intervention, aides said Sarkozy would insist there must be no return to the excesses of financial speculation and deregulation. U.S. economist Nouriel Roubini, who had warned that the 2008 financial crisis was coming, said loose U.S. monetary policy was now fuelling asset price bubbles that would cause the next bust. "It's become too much, too fast, too soon and U.S. monetary policy is being exported to the rest of the world," Roubini told a forum session. In contrast to many speakers, he said he was not concerned about over-regulation but about a return to business as usual.
Luva de protecção biodegradável desenvolvida em Portugal. 25.01.2010 - 13:07. Uma equipa de investigadores da Universidade de Coimbra (UC) foi desafiada por uma empresa multinacional para desenvolver um novo tipo de luvas de protecção industrial biodegradáveis. Caso seja bem sucedida, a investigação será um contributo para resolver um problema ambiental provocado pelos materiais usados nas luvas de protecção industrial. A principal dificuldade é conseguir produzir estas luvas num material amigo do ambiente mas, ao mesmo tempo, resistente ao calor, à corrosão, à água e com elevado nível de aderência.
Blast flattens apartment block. Last Updated: Wednesday, 27 January 2010, 07:12 GMT. More than 20 people were injured, two of them critically, when a five-storey building was ripped apart by an apparent explosion in eastern Belgium on Wednesday. Rescue workers searched the rubble of the downtown apartment block in the city of Liege for survivors, but had to briefly flee when the facade of the building collapsed hours after the 2am blast. Firefighters heard at least two different voices under the rubble when they looked for survivors. A further two people have also been reported missing. "It is likely there was a gas explosion," Mayor Willy Demeyer said. "There was a gas alert in the building over the weekend but no leak was discovered." The blast, which happened just 100 yards from the city hall, also damaged other buildings, with Mr Demeyer warning that more may collapse.
KKR snaps up Pets at Home for £955m. January 27 2010 10:16. Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, the US private equity group, on Wednesday announced the acquisition of Pets at Home in a deal valuing the UK’s leading supplier of dog collars, cat flaps, rabbit hutches and fish tanks at £955m. The takeover by KKR comes after a highly competitive auction between some of the world’s biggest private equity groups for Pets at Home, which persuaded its owner – Bridgepoint – to ditch plans for an initial public offering. Bridgepoint is expected to make about an eight-times return on its initial equity investment in the pet accessories retailer, which it bought for £230m in 2005. The price paid by KKR was at the top end of the company’s expected IPO valuation range. The move highlights a new trend of private equity groups swooping for companies being readied for an IPO by rival buy-out groups. Similar bids are expected for Kabel Deutschland, the German cable operator, and New Look, the UK clothing retailer. It also shows that a revival in credit markets after the financial crisis is encouraging private equity groups to be more ambitious after a two-year slump in buy-outs. Pets at Home has enjoyed resilient growth amid the recession, with like-for-like sales rising 6.7 per cent in the six weeks to January 7. Sales of dog coats rose 70 per cent, as the cold weather persuaded more dog owners to buy them. KKR saw off competition from TPG, Apax Partners and Bain Capital for the chain, which is expected to generate about £82m of ebitda in the year to March. The company has net debt of £233m. Nomura advised KKR and Rothschild advised Bridgepoint. Debt financing for the deal was provided by Nomura, Calyon, KKR Capital Markets and Commerzbank.
Tuesday, 26 January 2010
Davos Security Chief Is Found Dead.
Davos Security Chief Is Found Dead. 35 minutes ago. DAVOS, Switzerland -- The World Economic Forum's chief of security, Markus Reinhardt, was found dead in his hotel room Tuesday, Swiss officials said. Mr. Reinhardt's death was confirmed by the government of the Swiss canton of Grison. A government spokesman declined to comment on how the 61-year old police chief died, calling his death a tragic event. He said Marcel Suter has taken over Reinhardt's post, adding that security measures at the WEF remained intact at all times. Earlier, a spokeswoman for the summit said Mr. Reinhardt likely committed suicide just before world leaders started to convene. The canton's chief prosecutor said it has started an investigation into Reinhardt's death. The WEF said it mourned the loss. "It is with great sadness and regret we learned of the tragic death of the Graubunden Cantonal Police Chief, Dr Reinhardt," the WEF said in a statement. "During the many years during which we co-operated with him over security for our annual meeting at Davos, we appreciated his professionalism and his kindness. Our thoughts are with his loved ones and his colleagues. The security forces continue to have our full confidence and trust in their work," it added. The death reverberated through the local police force. "Sadly, my commander is dead," a lpolice officer, who requested to remain unnamed for he can't comment publicly, said. "This has nothing to do with [the meeting]," the spokeswoman told Dow Jones Newswires.
Maybe I am kind of diod something?
Maybe I am kind of diod something that conduct the electric current in only one direction? Because the dream was that I’m medical student (this is how the EU treat my health) with my group are travelling to the Karolino Buhas (”буу газ” – the tartar name for smart seashore in the Black Sea), but the Lisa (?) make for us a company… The fake is noted immediately by me, even before I wake up. Mean, the orchestra from Brussels and Strasburg (you know how I call them, and who else it can be?) with theirs falsity from all tooth. Western Ukraine medics by the 93% - are nationalists. Very anti-polish, anti-russian, well, anti. But with strong support from Almohads Solana, Sampaio and Barroso. Also, where is the trick, have a supporting arm from козло-вонючие козлы of Muscovy politics. Who is doing theirs ‘normal’ assays through theirs diod with an objective to preserve the wolf and the sheep. More fun yet, when this diod, is comforting to imaginate that some divine, Supreme Being, are organizing the world like some powerful puppeteer, and who make things happen according to a perfect plane. Damn it. Again we start to speak about me, me and me? How’s about not the Supreme Being, but I, for change, to come impregnate you, the Mister Trichet with my own, specific guidelines in the all of “ours” (and World know it), ‘professional agreements’, for you to know that I’m still be not a shmack or too vulnerable to the power plays? To you don’t forget the simple truth that everything that happens – happens for a reason. I’m not as tough as I am portraying myself. And don’t matter how much I grind my tooth in my “shaken-up” sleep, still anyhow ‘someone’ is keep me challenging all the way. Seems, and this is again, it’s a mistake of assuming that my rationalizations and reasons are without relevance. In other hand, how can I getaway? Escapism won’t solve anything Mister Trichet.
Denis Pietton the French ambassador to Lebanon and his wife Marla Sanchez who was on the flight. Верительные грамоты М.Зурабова адресованы Виктору Ющенко. Mendeleev Institute of Chemical
Technology in Moscow student jump to dead: Студентка столичного вуза выбросилась из окна. РИА "Новости" | 10:50:17. В Москве студентка Российского химико-технологического университета им. Менделеева погибла, выпрыгнув из окна общежития. Инцидент произошел в понедельник. "Скорая помощь" подобрала девушку 1990 года рождения на улице Вилиса Лациса, у дома №23, корпус 1, возле общежития вуза. По дороге в больницу девушка умерла от многочисленных повреждений, полученных при падении с высоты", - сообщили в милиции. По данному факту проводится проверка.
Moscow thaws icy relations with Ukraine. Tue, 26 Jan 2010 08:49:49 GMT. Russia has ended a five-month-long diplomatic freeze with Ukraine by sending a new ambassador to the former Soviet Republic.
Sintonía entre dos orillas del Mediterráneo. Publicado el 25-01-2010 , por G. Ascenzi
Con sólo unos días de diferencia, se han sucedido una serie de noticias y de posteriores desmentidos en torno a dos operaciones italoespañolas, la fusión entre Abertis y Atlantia (antigua Autostrade) y una supuesta integración entre Telecom Italia y Telefónica.
Tony Blair to be paid thousands by hedge fund which profited from banking crisis
Tony Blair, the former prime minister, is to be paid thousands of pounds by a City hedge fund which profited from the banking crisis. Published: 8:12AM GMT 26 Jan 2010. Mr Blair will give private talks to Lansdowne Partners, a London-based fund which made millions by betting on the collapse of Britain’s banks in the credit crunch. He will give a series of speeches focusing on future trends in global politics to executives from the firm, whose co-founder is a major Tory donor. The talks were arranged by the US agency that handles Mr Blair’s lucrative speaking engagements, typically charging more than £100,000 for a single speech.
Monday, 25 January 2010
Phoenician business or ‘ups’ investment.
Phoenician business or ‘ups’ investment. 'The weather was so bad, we begged him not to go': Relatives' grief as airliner carrying 90 people bursts into flames and crashes into the ocean. Last updated at 3:30 PM on 25th January 2010. Grief-stricken relatives of the 90 people on board a jet that crashed into the sea today have spoken of their anger that the plane took off in bad weather. Two Britons are among the passengers killed after an Ethiopian Airlines plane caught fire and crashed into the Mediterranean minutes after taking off from Beirut today. At least 23 bodies have been recovered by frantic rescue and search operations – hampered by treacherous storms which have blighted Lebanon since Sunday night. The accident is believed to have been caused by the weather. Declaring today a national day of mourning, Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri visited Rafiq Hariri International Airport to meet distraught relatives waiting for news of survivors. Some voiced their anger that the plane was allowed to take off in the storms. Andree Qusayfi said his 35-year-old brother, Ziadh, was travelling to Ethiopia for his job at a computer company. ‘We begged him to postpone his flight because of the storm,’ Qusayfi said, his eyes red from crying. ‘But he insisted on going because he had work appointments.' Wreckage: Lebanese soldiers gather debris washed up from the Ethiopian Airlines crash 'They should have delayed the flight for an hour or two to protect the passengers,’ a relative of one of the passengers said. ‘There had been strong lightning bolts and we hear that lighting strikes at planes especially during take-offs’. Another woman dropped to her knees in tears and cried out: ‘Where is my son?’ Zeinab Seklawi said her 24-year-old son Yasser called her as he was boarding. 'I told him, “God be with you,” and I went to sleep,’ she said. On board: Denis Pietton the French ambassador to Lebanon and his wife Marla Sanchez who was on the flight. Верительные грамоты М.Зурабова адресованы Виктору Ющенко. The Boeing 737-800 took off from Beirut at around 2.30am local time (12.30am GMT) when heavy rain and lightning had been reported in the area. Read more:
Sheffield Forgemasters moves closer to nuclear reactor deal. Jan. 25 (Bloomberg) Last £20m needed for purchase of new press that would enable UK to supply forgings for use in Britain and overseas Sheffield Forgemasters is closing in on a £170m financing package which will enable British manufacturers to supply new nuclear reactors built in the UK and overseas. The government, European Investment Bank and nuclear group Westinghouse have offered about £150m of the sum required to build a new 15,000-tonne press to make large forgings used in new reactors. The company, whose origins go back to the 1750s, is trying to raise the remaining £20m from other companies involved in the nuclear industry. About £65m in cheap loans has been offered by the government, whose efforts have been led by business secretary Lord Mandelson, but it is pressing for the remaining funds to be secured soon, otherwise it will find another use for the cash. Industry sources said that the financing could be completed within days but negotiations have been going on for months and they stressed this weekend that there was still some uncertainty over the outcome. Concerns that government support could fall foul of European state aid rules have also complicated efforts. Westinghouse has offered to pay £50m upfront for its order of reactor forgings. The European Investment Bank will provide about £35m in loans, which the government has agreed to underwrite. It would also create 150 jobs. If the fundraising efforts come off, it would mark a much-needed boost for the government's policy of "industrial activism". This took a blow last week when US foods giant Kraft increased its bid for Cadbury, threatening the future of some of Cadbury's 5,000 workforce in the Midlands. The Sheffield firm is one of only a handful around the world that can make the special forgings, which would otherwise have to be imported for up to 10 reactors being built in the UK. There is increasing political pressure on nuclear companies in Britain to source as many components as possible from the UK. Dougie Rooney, national officer for the union Unite, said: "The government is putting its money where its mouth is. This would be a clear signal from government they will support British engineering and manufacturing industry." The French firm Areva, which wants to build dozens of reactors in the UK in coming decades, has admitted that only half the components from the first couple of reactors could be sourced from the UK. It has set a target to award 70% of the contracts to UK firms. Jean-Jacques Gautrot, head of Areva's UK division, told the Observer: "What we mean when we say we'd have up to 70% of the work available to British suppliers is saying we are willing to go as far as possible from the beginning. It could be 50, 60 or 70% for the first two reactors. But in 10 years, we could source 80% or close to 100% from British companies."
Mitsubishi expect.
Mitsubishi expect. At night, before fell sleep, the “someone” design a orange ball (something like a Garfield, Prince Harry, chemical Ali, Chubais, Duchess Fergi, Orange revolution from ongoing piggy faces from Brussels and Strasburg, Kinnock, Sampaio, british fox, maybe Orange Danmark, etc.) in my head – and than hit me with all force. Even the test of blood appear in my mouth. Now, “my friends”, how I should feel after this night? Feel like a Working Links. brochure? She is the orange color too. She is exactly what I tell you, the cocaine Royal Family of Lancaster’s; what you want – but don’t get, what I get – I don’t give you. Even if you invite the all BBC station filming the Las Americas faces “producing” the oil and gas for BP. (you know how I react to the this obvious face). In this “Greek Firm” I don’t go just sit (here, there, anywhere), burning the hellfire inside, while the faux (Prince Willy, or Andy, or Harry, or Edwards) smiling from the ‘outside’. If the something is working fairly well for them, logically, it should work for me, iseeeeet? Who will disagree with this statement? Who refuse to see how I waste my gifts into making the other people rich and famous? It’s not working. It’s eventually could just make me ill. And the nation of the shit from camel turned around, the english speaking World – knew it! Telling this, I’m completely, a 100% sure with whom I’m dealing with. I’m dealing with someone’s unearned power. Some, who confuses every night the beating with a ‘strictly business’. Who was telling me for years that this business (around the Eagle Otome, and the $19 billion Cadbury business) – is the business per week?! Exactly who was desperate to know: Hell Who’s the Andy? Well, “my friends”, - Andy? Andy is the genius who can communicate more effectively than ‘I-in-cube’ without turning the “minimal” issue into a big war. Who take the 350 – 750 million pounds in his pocket per week (?) and show his tooth for the bliss of cheering crowds. This is who the Andy is. Then “generate” the “Garfield-the-orange-ball” and singing in my head: Gee, this year… Well, just to finish “MY MONDAY” I tell you what: Hindsight is a wonderful thing – let it go, and than we’ll know if I have been already done my best.
Beirut: 90 feared dead as Ethiopian Airlines plane crashes into Mediterranean. Two British passport holders are among the 90 passengers and crew on board an Ethiopian Airlines plane which crashed into the Mediterranean shortly after take-off from Beirut's international airport.Published: 8:04AM GMT 25 Jan 2010. Ethiopian Airlines Flight 409 was minutes from the airport bound for Addis Ababa, when the Boeing 737-800 plunged into the sea in what witnesses described as a "ball of fire".
Mitsubishi Heavy Expects First Europe Reactor Sale (Update1)Jan. 25 (Bloomberg) -- Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd., which has developed the world’s biggest atomic reactor, expects to win its first nuclear power plant order in Europe next year, challenging Areva SAin its own backyard. Japan’s largest heavy machinery maker anticipates a “high possibility” of a utility in northern Europe selecting its new 1,700-megawatt model that comes with advanced fault detection technology,Akira Sawa, head of the company’s atomic business, said in an interview. The U.K. and Switzerland have also sought atomic plant proposals from Mitsubishi Heavy, he said. “We should be able to expand smoothly into other European countries after Northern European governments, which impose tough regulations, sign off on our product,” Sawa, 61, said Jan. 19 in Tokyo. He declined to name the company or country Mitsubishi expects to win the order from. Teollisuuden Voima Oyj, the Finnish utility known as TVO, said it shortlistedMitsubishi Heavy’s EU-APWR model along with reactors from Areva, Toshiba Corp., GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy and Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co. Asian suppliers are making competition tougher for France’s Areva, the world’s biggest reactor builder, which lost a $20 billion contract in the United Arab Emirates last month to a group led by Korea Electric Power Corp. “A European deal would be a big step for Mitsubishi as it expands its reactor business globally,” said Eiji Tomaru, an analyst at Mizuho Investors Securities Co. in Tokyo. U.S. Talks. Mitsubishi Heavy agreed in July last year to hold talks with Luminant of the U.S. to supply two 1,700-megawatt APWR reactors to a plant near Dallas, aiming to clinch its first U.S. reactor sale. In Japan, the company has built 24 atomic power plants including a 912-megawatt reactor for Hokkaido Electric Power Co, which started operating last month. Mitsubishi Heavy has lost 14 percent in six months on the Tokyo Stock Exchange compared with a 0.44 percent gain in the benchmark Topix index. The stock fell 2.1 percent to 326 yen at the morning trading break. Finnish Utilities. TVO, Fortum Oyj, Finland’s biggest utility, and the E.ON AG-led Fennovoima Oy venture are competing for a permit to build a sixth atomic generator in the country. The government has said it may decide on adding a reactor by March. The Olkiluoto power station operated by TVO currently has two reactors. The utility is building a third and plans to add a fourth unit, for which it has shortlisted Mitsubishi. Fortum’s Loviisa station has two reactors, while Fennovoima has none and proposes to build one plant. TVO may start construction of its proposed fourth reactor by 2014, Anneli Nikula, adviser to TVO, said in a Jan. 21 telephone interview. Mitsubishi Heavy hasn’t been shortlisted by Fortum, which is considering models by Areva, GE Hitachi, Toshiba, Korea Hydro and Atomstroyexport ZAO. “The Mitsubishi reactor isn’t one of our options,” Sasu Valkamo, who heads Fortum’s new reactor project, said by telephone on Jan. 21. “That was decided before we filed our permit application.” Terrorist Threat Fennovoima is considering Areva and Toshiba plants, said Juhani Hyvaerinen, the company’s executive vice president for nuclear engineering. These were “at the time more adapted to the Finnish specifications,” he said. “Fennovoima’s list is very short and many good reactors were left out.” The threat of terrorist attacks, coupled with the legacy of nuclear accidents at Three Mile Island in 1979 and Chernobyl in 1986, mean a revival in atomic power is accompanied by increased demands for safety. Mitsubishi Heavy, Areva and Toshiba are among companies that make plants capable of withstanding impact by an aircraft. Sawa said Mitsubishi Heavy’s EU-APWR is equipped with a digital control panel that would alert workers to mechanical faults faster than conventional analogue gauges, thereby reducing the risk of accidents. “These attempts to provide safer reactors are a response both to terrorist events such as 9/11, which have made the possibilities of unlikely events all the more real alongside public concerns about the health effects of radiation after a catastrophic accident,” said Daniel Aldrich, a political science assistant professor at Purdue University in Indiana. A partial meltdown at the Three Mile Island plant in Pennsylvania was the biggest nuclear accident in the U.S. On April 26, 1986, the No. 4 reactor at the Chernobyl nuclear plant exploded in Ukraine, leaking radiation into the atmosphere. Winds carried the fallout across Europe to Germany.
Ferrovial suspende el contrato de un autopista en Polonia valorado en 1.800 millones. Publicado el 25-01-2010 , por Expansió Ferrovial ha suspendido un contrato de su filial Cintra para construir una de las mayores autopistas de peaje de Polonia valorado en 1.800 millones de euros. La suspensión de estas negociaciones se ha producido por falta de acuerdo con el Gobierno de este país. Sus títulos ceden un 1% en la apertura. El Ministerio de Finanzas de Polonia y Autostrada Poludnie, sociedad participada por Cintra Infraestructuras, filial de la Sociedad, no han alcanzado un acuerdo para la construcción y gestión de la autopista A1 entre las localidades polacas de Stryków y Pyrzowice, de cuya adjudicación se informó a la Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV) hace justo un año, el pasado 23 de enero de 2009. Cintra se había adjudicado el 90% de este proyecto para construir, financiar y explotar la autopista A1 en Polonia, a través de un consorcio en el que también participaban Ferrovial Agroman (4,95%) y su filial Budimez (5,05%). Según se indicó en su momento, "el contrato establecía un plazo previo de un año para que la concesionaria y la Administración llegaran a un acuerdo sobre los parámetros económicos de la concesión". Durante ese periodo,Autostrada Poludnie solicitó modificaciones en las condiciones comerciales con el fin de hacer el proyecto económica y financieramente viable para sus sponsors y aceptable para el concedente. Cintra, fusionada con su matriz Ferrovial, contaba con el respaldo del Banco Europeo de Inversiones (BEI) y del Banco Europeo para la Reconstrucción y el Desarrollo (BERD) para el cierre financiero. Pero finalmente, "ambas partes no han alcanzado un acuerdo, por lo que el contrato quedará sin efecto", según termina el comunicado que la Ferrovial ha enviado a la CNMV. Los títulos de la compañía controlada por la familia Del Pino ceden un 1,47% pasada una hora de negociación, hasta los 8,030 euros.
Sunday, 24 January 2010
Hell! Who’s the Andy?
Hell! Who’s the Andy? It’s a little bit tempting to adopt a role of a model. Than like a boy look for guidance or start listen very attentively “someone” unsolicited advise. Nhaa! The reality is completely different. The reality is the letter receiving from “HM Revenue & Customs” (Tax reference: 921/LDN), reality is the dreams in which I’m observing the four (!?) lesbian ‘esfregar-se a frent dos meus olhos’ (in parallel with dream of terrible pain in my tooth). The reality is the pertinent question hovering all yesterday: Hell! Who’s the Andy? I tell you what: I don’t care, and I not willing to bother anymore. I grab that “the merry-go-round ring”. Now is yours turn to consult my opinion. Because, the personally, what I need from yours, is not approval; by my contentment.
Got a funny, exciting or crazy story? From: Windows Live Hotmail Team ( Sent: 20 January 2010 04:17:12. To: My e-mail.
JSC Kogalymavia (Fleet size: 11, Destinations: 12), the firm based in Airport of Surgut, the name of the crashed plane is Surgut also.
Iran jet catches fire on landing. A plane carrying pilgrims in Iran has caught fire while landing at Mashhad, in the north-east of the country. State media said almost 170 people were on board and that at least 46 were injured. There were no reports of fatalities. The plane, a Russian-built Tupolev 154 owned by Taban Air, suffered serious damage as it landed, losing its undercarriage and a wing. The rear end of the plane broke up after the passengers were evacuated. Reza Jafarzadeh, spokesman for Iranian civil aviation, said the plane had left the city of Abadan, in south-west Iran, on Saturday, but bad weather had forced it to land in the central city of Isfahan for the night, according to state television. After taking off again on Sunday, the captain was forced to make an emergency landing in Mashhad because of a passenger's health problems, he said. As it landed in fog at Mashhad airport, the tail of the plane hit the ground and the plane skidded off the runway. Iranian news networks released pictures of the tail of the plane burning, with smoke billowing from the end of the plane. There have been a number of accidents involving Iranian aviation over the last few years. Its civil fleet is made up of old planes in poor condition due to their age and lack of maintenance. Last July a passenger plane burst into flames while landing in Mashhad, killing 17 passengers. 10 days earlier, a Tupolev plane had caught fire mid-air and crashed in northern Iran, killing all 168 people on board. That incident was the third deadly crash of a Tupolev 154 in Iran since 2002.
Tanker collision sends oil into Texas waterway. 12:31am EST. HOUSTON (Reuters) - A barge collided with a tanker on Saturday in the port of Port Arthur, Texas, sending thousands of gallons of crude oil into the water, the U.S. Coast Guard said. The tanker was carrying crude oil to Exxon Mobil Corp's refinery in Beaumont, Texas, located north of Port Arthur. The waterway, through which tankers carry oil to four refineries in Port Arthur and Beaumont, Texas, remained shut on Saturday night. A 15-foot-by-8-foot (4.6 meter-by-2.4-meter) hole was torn in the side of the 807-foot (246-meter) tanker Eagle Otome in the collision with a barge being moved in the port, the Coast Guard said. No injuries were reported due to the crash. Vapors from the estimated 450,000 gallons of spilled crude oil triggered warnings of a hydrogen sulfide release near the port where three refineries are located, leading authorities to recommend nearby residents leave their homes. "I think about 12 people went to the shelter," said Port Arthur Police Chief Mark Blanton. "The vapors quickly dissipated." The crude oil spill was being contained by booms put out by state and federal environmental agencies. The remaining crude oil on the Eagle Otome will be loaded on another ship and the tanker will be moved out of the waterway by early next week. Refineries in Port Arthur and Beaumont have a combined refining capacity of 1.15 million barrels, equal to about 6.5 cent of the total U.S. capacity. None of the refineries in Port Arthur and Beaumont have reported problems since the waterway was closed. Refineries store significant amounts of crude oil in giant tanks on their grounds.
Friday, 22 January 2010
Message: Knowing the limits.
Message: Knowing the limits. When the potential changes in my lifestyle (“work”) were first discussed, I recognize of course that they past weeks, where quite wise. But still, I never anticipated (however be ready I’ve been), that they become so far reaching. And so awfully complex. How they turned to be pretty heavy and deeply exhausting. It’s like in place to winning the lottery – all you had is a resulting uncertainty. Wasn’t too a completely bad idea to aiming higher possible. Because, the resulting major shifts, at least prove the seriousness to be under employed. Well, at other hand, the correct reason that sometimes things can get said in the heat of the moment, which (how we see in “Accessing the ‘relationship’ where “I am in””.) are left unspoken. It’s exactly why I am considering that this is ideal day to take a look at my monetary situation (or, like the Andy says:”The temporary financial disequilibrium, sort off…”) Pretending that I am with my banker and describing my situation as objective as possible, without underestimating what I’m BRINGING IN (and here I’ll quote what “my agent”, the Mister President of US Obama/ Prince Phillip/Trevor Edwards say: “…As we dig our way out of this deep hole, it’s important that we not lose sight of what led us into this mess in first place.”) Than, from my agents comes another quote: “…Banks will no longer be allowed to own, invest, or sponsor hedge funds, private equity funds, or proprietary trading operations for their own profit, unrelated to serving their customers. If financial firms want trade for profit, that’s something they’re free to do. But these firms should not be allowed to run these hedge funds and private equities funds while running a bank backed by the people.” Personally, I tell you what: The benefits of having a “share in something” – is not in doubt. Even when I don’t have a majority stake.
Scenarios - How Obama's bank reforms could affect banks. On 0:54 GMT, Friday 22 January 2010. NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama is looking at limiting risk-taking at banks. But his proposals on Thursday were tantalizingly vague. He said he wanted to limit the amount of borrowing that banks can do relative to their peers and limit their trading activities to buying and selling securities to customers. But it is not clear whether relative borrowing limits will be low enough to force banks to reduce their debt. And the line between buying and selling securities on behalf of customers, and doing so on behalf of the bank, can be blurry. The White House has also said it wishes to prevent banks from investing in and sponsoring hedge funds and private equity firms, but it is not clear if banks will also be prevented from financing these clients, which can itself be risky. Wall Street firms are likely to fight any efforts at reform, and President Obama has lost some political capital after a bruising effort to pass health care reform, and losing a Senate seat in a special election in Massachusetts. Any legislation will take months if not years to wind its way through Washington, and predicting how it will the law will end up working is difficult. But here are some possible outcomes of Obama's efforts: KILLING IT SOFTLY On a conference call with journalists, Goldman Sachs Chief Financial Officer David Viniar said he had not seen details of Obama's plan, but that he generally appreciates government policies that stabilise the financial system. Experts said that banks were unlikely to publicly disagree with Obama, but are sure to furiously lobby behind the scenes to water down any proposal that the president and legislators put forward. Banks took similar steps when rulemakers and lawmakers sought to move more derivatives trading onto exchanges and into clearinghouses. Although trade groups initially said they supported efforts at reform, proposals now look likely to be watered down. Obama's efforts to reduce risk taking could meet a similar fate. Whether that is a good thing is debatable. Major banks including Lehman Brothers (NYSE: LEH - news) took large proprietary bets that resulted in big losses, and in Lehman's case, forced it into bankruptcy. But many bank executives are quick to argue that if they can't do this kind of trading, foreign banks and unregulated domestic entities will, which may not reduce systemic risk. GRAY HAIR TRIUMPHS A number of elder statesmen of the financial world, most notably former Federal Reserve chairman Paul Volcker, believe that Obama is right, and that large banks should be severely constrained from making bets with their own funds. Obama seems keen to personally shepherd these changes through Congress, and given the populist outcry against Wall Street, he may have the political capital to do so. If he is successful, the biggest banks will likely shrink further. Obama's fee on bank's liabilities, announced last week, may collect less money than originally planned. Talented risk-taking traders will move to hedge funds and private equity firms, where their failures could have less of an impact on the broader market. Trading volume on major exchanges and in many financial markets may drop, because smaller players will have less capital available to consistently trade. Shares of exchanges dropped on Thursday -- NYSE Euronext dropped 3.9 percent, while CME Group Inc fell 5.8 percent. The biggest banks will likely become even less profitable, and more like staid, slow-growing utilities that pay high dividends to shareholders. One question that remains is how far Obama will go in limiting banks from risk activities. Will a bank holding company be allowed to own a hedge fund, even if the regulated bank subsidiary cannot? Will commercial banks be barred from all investment banking activities? Will foreign banks that operate in the United States be constrained? Also unclear is whether some institutions, such as Goldman Sachs (NYSE: GS - news) , will be able to shed their bank charters to avoid restrictions on trading. Goldman Sachs CFO Viniar said on a conference call that the bank has no plans to get rid of its charter. Many investors believe it ought to, but regulators may balk at a move that would give them less oversight over a company whose health is critical to the financial system. RULES CHANGE, BUT BANKS BACKSLIDE Even if Obama successfully implements his risk limitations, banks may find ways around them. Banks, for example, could buy securities and claim they were doing so in anticipation of client demand, when in fact they intended to make bets on the securities and hold onto them themselves. Or bank holding companies could engage in risky activity that leaves their subsidiary banks worse off. But if regulators are sufficiently vigilant, and limit risk-taking across many businesses in the financial sector, the brainpower that Wall Street devotes to finding loopholes may migrate to other sectors of the economy. From Obama's standpoint, this may be the most positive scenario.
Three missing as helicopter crashes in sea off Almería. .By h.b. - Jan 22, 2010 - 6:37 AM. Three people are missing after a helicopter fell into the sea five nautical miles off Almería. Emergency services sources say they received a phone alert from the Almería Airport control tower at 8,30pm on Thursday night. Flares were spotted from the area the copter is thought to have gone done after radio and radar control was lost. Four people where travelling in the ‘Helimer’ helicopter, and El Mundo reports one of whom was rescued in a serious condition. They had gone to carry out some flight manoeuvres with the ship ‘Névola’. The cause of the accident is unknown and a search continues in the area.
Portugal preocupado com comparação com a Grécia. Portugal apresenta uma dívida pública elevada, mas não se encontra na situação de países como a Grécia e a Irlanda. A conclusão é da CNBC, que indica que Portugal está preocupado com a "colagem" da sua imagem à da Grécia. À cadeia de televisão norte-americana, o Governador do Banco de Portugal afirma que "Portugal não é dos piores países". Portugal apresenta uma dívida pública elevada, mas não se encontra na situação de países como a Grécia e a Irlanda. A conclusão é da CNBC, que indica que Portugal está preocupado com a “colagem” da sua imagem à da Grécia. À cadeia de televisão norte-americana, que fez uma reportagem em Lisboa com o tema, o Governador do Banco de Portugal afirma que “Portugal não é dos piores países”.
Coral Water.
Coral Water. Detroit Auto Show Evacuated Due to Fire. POSTED: 1:54 P.M. JAN. 21, 2010 | UPDATED: 6:48 P.M. JAN. 21, 2010. FREE PRESS STAFF WRITERS. No one was injured and there were no reports of significant damage from an electrical fire at a Detroit auto show exhibit that shut the event down for a few hours today, officials said. The fire, which spread smoke throughout Cobo Center and forced the evacuation of the main showroom, began in scaffolding and high-powered lights in the ceiling above the Audi exhibit, officials said. Audi employees quickly moved away spectators and vehicles, including a $175,000 R8 Spyder, from the automaker’s staging area. Shand Spencer, a spokeswoman for the North American International Auto Show, said the show reopened about 5:30 p.m. Organizers offered replacement tickets to those who didn’t want to wait out the reopening today. Karen LaDucer and Sherry Fredericks, administrators at the College for Creative Studies, said they were taking a quick tour of the show before their shifts working the school’s vehicle design booth when they saw and smelled something amiss. Just after they walked into the main showroom, LaDucer saw a small fire in the ceiling above the Audi exhibit. “It looked like flames from a gas grill,” LaDucer said. Spencer said the fire was quickly contained and the exhibit area evacuated as a precaution. Kelly Strong, 23, a student at Ohio University, saw flames going up fast in the ceiling above the Audi exhibit. “The Audi employees tried moving people off the floor, and started moving the cars,” she said. “The flames really spread fast. They did a good job making sure people got out of there.”
Столкновение танкера-химовоза и парома в Ла-Манше. Thursday, January 21, 2010 More articles in Аварийность и ЧП 21 января в Ла-Манше столкнулись танкер-химовоз Coralwater и паром Pride of Kent. Похоже, без серьезных последствий, известно лишь, что у танкера помяло релинги по левому борту на грузовой палубе. Танкер-химовоз Coralwater – дедвейт 3347, постройки 1995, двухкорпусник, флаг Голландия, владелец голландская Clearwater Group. Паром ро-ро Pride of Kent – валовая 22986, постройки 1991, флаг Англия, владелец The Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co.
Lucros do BES crescem 25,7% em 2009. O Banco Espírito Santo (BES) deverá ter terminado o ano de 2009 com um resultado líquido de 505,8 milhões de euros, o que representa uma subida de 25,7%, estima o Caixa BI. A suportar os números do banco deverá estar a estabilização das receitas com comissões, os ganhos de "trading" e as perspectivas positivas na actividade internacional.
Bulgaria's Jeleva withdraws nomination under pressure. 19 JANUARY 2010 - 14H40 EUROPEAN COMMISSION. Bulgaria's Rumiana Jeleva (pictured) has withdrawn her bid to become EU Commissioner and has stepped down from her post as foreign minister after EU Parliament members accused her of incompetence in a hearing last week. By News Wires (text)
Thursday, 21 January 2010
Tuesday, 19 January 2010
Sleepy Hollow.
Sleepy Hollow. How can I draw your attention to my highlighted key points if this wasn’t the elementary truth? There is nothing especially exceptional about the condition which is rising to desirable developments. If you don’t fire a match, there can be no blazing fire. Without a firm foundation, there can be no permanent ‘Grande Design’. Without sea, there can be no boat. Without a sky, there can be no Glugovsky. Who are in the middle of negotiations’, striking the deals, and forging agreement? Perhaps I, who are signing the contract/s? No. I’m yet let to “someone” think there’re in control of my life. Maybe they never assist this scene, where the man is telling them, for thousand times: This looks good. Let me look into it… And my offer is something unique, although the Project by self is going to require more adjustments to get just right, and make the numbers work. Maybe some still need a couple of hundredth years to wait for something even better to come along?
Votorantim tem interesse na Cimpor mas descarta OPA. 19/01/10 11:19. O grupo Votorantim é, tal como a Camargo Corrêa, um conglomerado de empresas que vão desde a mineração (é o maior produtor de zinco do Brasil) até à agroindústria (faz parte dos maiores produtores de sumo de laranja concentrado), passando pela energia, pasta e papel, siderurgia, e finanças. Em 2008 a Votorantim Cimentos teve receitas líquidas de 7724 milhões de reais (3033 milhões de euros, ao câmbio actual). Em 2001 adquiriu a St. Marys Cement, com activos nos Estados Unidos e no Canadá, é dona de 50 por cento da Suwannee (EUA) e tem 15,2 por cento da chilena Bío Bío. A Votorantim é ainda parceira da Camargo na construção de uma fábrica de cimento no Paraguai, estando as duas empresas também associadas no capital da Usiminas, concorrente da CSN. A Votorantim informou hoje o mercado que não vai avançar nem com uma OPA nem com uma proposta de fusão sobre a Cimpor. No entanto, adianta que desde 2008 mantém contactos com accionistas com vista à aquisição de uma posição minoritária. "A Votorantim informa que não se encontra a ponderar, a analisar ou a estudar a publicação de qualquer anúncio preliminar de oferta pública de aquisição da Cimpor nem uma eventual fusão da Votorantim, ou de sociedade consigo relacionada, com a Cimpor". Foi esta a resposta da cimenteira brasileira ao pedido de esclarecimentos da parte da CMVM. Num comunicado com três pontos, o grupo brasileiro revela, contudo, que nos últimos dois anos manteve contactos com accionistas da cimenteira portuguesa com o objectivo de comprar uma posição inferior a 33% do capital que, segundo as leis do mercado, não a obrigaria a avançar com uma OPA. "A Votorantim mantém desde 2008 contactos directos e individuais com accionistas detentores de participações qualificadas na Cimpor, tendo abordado a eventual aquisição pela Votorantim de uma participação minoritária que representaria sempre menos do que 33% do capital social e dos direitos de voto da Cimpor", lê-se no mesmo documento. O interesse do grupo brasileiro ganhou outra dimensão "após as notícias vindas a público a respeito do surgimento de divergências entre alguns accionistas". Foi nessa altura, em Setembro de 2008, que a Votorantim contratou o Deutsche Bank e uma sociedade de advogados para prestarem assessoria financeira no âmbito de um eventual negócio com a Cimpor. Entre os principais accionistas da Cimpor estão a Teixeira Duarte (22,9%), os franceses da Lafarge (17%) o empresário Manuel Fino (10,7%), a Caixa Geral de Depósitos (9,6%), o BCP através do seu fundo de pensões (10%), a Bipadosa (6,5%) e a Cinveste (4,1%). Os esclarecimentos da Votorantim surgem numa altura em que dois grupos brasileiros assumiram que estão na corrida pela Cimpor: a CSN lançou uma OPA com uma contrapartida de 5,75 euros por acção e, na resposta, a Camargo Corrêa propôs uma fusão com a cimenteira que foi chumbada pela CMVM.
BRAZIL'S PETROBRAS TO BUILD HUGE REFINERY WITH MARUBENI'S HELP. SAO PAULO, Jan 18, 2010 Company: Marubeni Corp. (MARUY) Brazil's state-run oil company, Petrobras, said Thursday that it has obtained environmental permits and completed the required paperwork to begin constructing what will be the nation's largest oil refinery. Located in the northeastern state of Maranhao, the refinery will be capable of processing 300,000 barrels of oil a day when it starts operating in 2013. By 2015, its capacity will be expanded to 600,000 barrels a day. Construction of the refinery will cost an estimated US$20 billion. Petrobras has reached a broad agreement with Japanese trading firm Marubeni Corp. (TSE:8002) to help finance the project. Marubeni's stake will be ironed out later, but Petrobras reportedly hopes it will make an investment of around 20 per cent. The state-run oil company will also seek funding from the Japanese government. Brazil has been working to become self-sufficient in terms of oil. Now that the nation is ready to begin tapping deep-ocean oil reserves, attention has shifted to an expansion of exports as well. Petrobras plans to use the new refinery to make diesel oil, jet fuel, naphtha and other petroleum products, which it hopes to export to Japan.
LONDON (Reuters) - European shares turned positive in afternoon trade on Tuesday, tracking gains on Wall Street, with drug makers and food producers among the top risers.Stocks in Europe. Jan. 19 (Bloomberg) -- Stocks fell in Europe and Asia as companies from France’s Alstom SA to Aluminum Corp. of China reported results that disappointed investors. The yen rose and U.K. government bonds dropped. The Dow Jones Stoxx 600 Index slipped 0.8 percent at 11:49 a.m. in London and the MSCI Asia Pacific Index declined 0.7 percent. Futures on the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index retreated 0.3 percent. The yen advanced against all but three of the 16 most-traded currencies. Gilts tumbled after the U.K. inflation rate increased by the most on record. Stocks on the MSCI World Index are trading near the highest level compared with earnings since 2002, raising concern valuations may have outpaced profit growth. As many as 65 companies in the S&P 500 are scheduled to release quarterly results this week, starting with Citigroup Inc. today. German investor confidence declined more than economists estimated in January as the economic recovery showed signs of losing momentum, an industry report showed. “The earnings seasons is disappointing, or at least not delivering to the high expectations of some people,” said Francisco Salvador, a strategist at Dexia Iberian Equities in Madrid. “The market is turning more defensive.” The MSCI World gauge fell 0.6 percent. Aluminum Corp. of China, known as Chalco, declined 0.2 percent in Hong Kong after saying it expects to post a net loss for 2009. Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc., Japan’s largest publicly traded bank, slipped 2.4 percent in Tokyo after Barclays Plc said banks’ income from lending may slump. Asian Stocks. Losses in Asia were limited after Hong Kong’s Hang Seng Index doubled its gain to 1 percent on a report in Caijing magazine that Shanghai, China’s financial hub, is considering allowing individuals to invest abroad. In Europe, six companies on the Stoxx 600 index fell for every one that gained. Alstom SA, the world’s second-largest train maker, sank 4.6 percent and Casino Guichard-Perrachon SA slid 1.5 percent in Paris after reporting sales that trailed analysts’ estimates. HSBC Holdings Plc paced a retreat among banks, falling 2.2 percent in London after Exane BNP Paribas recommended selling the shares. Volkswagen AG, Europe’s biggest automaker, dropped 2.2 percent in Frankfurt after predicting a “challenging” year in its light commercial-vehicle division. The ZEW Center for European Economic Research said its index of investor and analyst expectations in Europe’s largest economy, which aims to predict developments six months ahead, fell to 47.2 from 50.4 in December. Economists predicted a drop to 50, according to the median of 37 forecasts in a Bloomberg News survey. Cadbury Takeover. Cadbury Plc jumped 3.4 percent after Kraft Foods Inc. agreed to buy the chocolate maker for an increased $19.5 billion. The cost of insuring bonds sold by Uxbridge, England- based Cadbury with credit-default swaps fell 22.5 basis points to 54, the lowest level since October, according to CMA DataVision prices. Futures on the S&P 500 indicated the benchmark U.S. gauge may decline. U.S. markets were closed yesterday for the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. Kraft slipped 0.7 percent in German trading. Citigroup, whose biggest shareholder is the U.S. government, was little changed before releasing fourth-quarter results at 8 a.m. in New York. International Business Machines Corp. will also report fourth-quarter earnings today after the market closes. The biggest stock market rally since the Great Depression boosted the S&P 500’s price-earnings multiple to 25 last week from 10.1 in March, the lowest in a quarter-century, data compiled by Bloomberg show. Yen Rallies. The yen gained 0.8 percent against the Swiss franc and 0.5 percent versus the euro. The pound advanced against all 16 of its most-traded counterparts, strengthening 0.5 percent versus the dollar and 0.6 percent compared with the euro. Copper rose 0.3 percent to $7,520 a metric ton on the London Metal Exchange, after reaching a one-week high of $7,608. Crude oil gained 0.2 percent to $78.15 a barrel in New York, after earlier falling 1.2 percent. Platinum gained as much as 1%.
High like a kite…:
Microlight pilot Martin Bromage dies on first leg of charity flight to Australia. The body of a microlight pilot has been recovered off the French coast just hours after he set off on on a solo charity flight to Australia.Martin Bromage, 49, took off yesterday morning but contact with him was lost over the Channel. A spokesman for Dover Coastguard confirmed that his body had been found by a French patrol boat at 10pm last night, two miles from Boulogne.
Prince William urged to help improve Aboriginal lives. Elders at community centre in Sydney present royal with petition calling for monarch's intervention to boost living conditions
Prince William was urged to help improve living conditions for Aborigines on the first day of his trip to Australia today.
1.1 billion of stake up – and the business go. Kraft snares Cadbury for $19.6 billion. 6:59am EST. 14 minutes ago. LONDON (Reuters) - Kraft Foods
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