The chair. When the Poland sign with Russia the gas agreement until 2037, I was thinking if is good for me and my health to give to this news the any attention. To start with, it is my teeth. For long days they where in terrible pain. Nor to sleep, nor for eat. Than another thing. When this kind of business happens, people make me such a big pressure, that my writings only comparable to the huge sewage flux shit-pipe. The lot of details, words, and information that even for me (at the end, it is a private site) have a certain difficulty to maintain the core in the subject. For others – it is just schizophrenic writing. Actually, when I start to like, and stop to care. But, to seeing in one day the Minister of the Exterior Mr. Lavrov, the Minister of Economy, the Mr. German Gref, and the Minister of Finance, the Mr. A. Kudrine, all of them in double variant off course, give a certain charm to my schizophrenic notes. More yet, if this happens in parallel with the World Economic Forum in Davos. The tasty cocktail made from faces of Trichet and “los muchachos”, plus Sberbank with Riazan’… So? What’s going to be? My idea, is to put last information in such order, that for more late, during the next weeks, it become the exactly “that” cross which is seeing by anyone, but impossible to obtain or maintain. How I go to do this? Simple. I’ll spat tomorrow one more time, and keep be not interested. In this way I’ll take care of ‘my living and working space’, and in the other hand, I’ll focus on “investing” in my energies now. To everything can move smoothly in the future. This dribble – and I come through. And the Co went “as bananas”. Completely loosing their mind. You know who the Co is, and how I call them. When they, the Co find themselves in this situation, for me is very diplomatic and unique thing to do is to steer clear of this “a status obsessed friend” who is always desirous theirs possessions (which CASUALLY were stolen from me). Well, in principle, is who are thief – never can have a cross. And when we begin look at the four killed in Afghanistan (London meeting) and in parallel, the four killed in Azerbaijan (Davos meeting) – I tell you loud, it’s you who lost the Energy Map of Europe. Not me. From me to you, - even the half of the dog find in the icy Baltic Sea I’m not willing to share. Because, this is too that kind of news which have not interest for me at all. But, the every night beating in my head, and than a certain “payment” after the beating, in the “DREAM CURRENCY” – don’t give me choose… And tonight dream was about “orange” pattern chair. The type of rest chair which is used for reading or watching the tele. But representing the European Community. (Chair: To see a chair in your dream, symbolizes your need to sit down and take time out to contemplate a situation before proceeding.) Because, to doing the experience (in my dream), to shifting the chair in place of EU – the EU fall in absolute darkness… And than, another dream. This time a very smooth, very with only one meaning dream in which I am the ‘variador de Càmara’. (The pledge or surety thus given. – Blackstone. Tomlins.) When I deleted the Pulawy (PULW.WA), Police PICE. WA., and the PKN Orlen’s PKNA.WA. Unit Anwil, and the loosed cross for everyone minus for me, I knew that I deserve what I’m getting (minus off course, the terrible pain in my teeth and the interrupted beating at night) through all the odds. Now, if others still be envious, let them be. Let them stew, - I can’t be responsible for theirs feelings, and they should know me better. They know that I am on the right side of question, and even of the dilemma. The “cleaning” (deleting) of all “sources” of my pain – are doing this for me only. This is, how I getting the Co. It’s like the work of that magical, missing secret. It is as if, for some while, I have followed the receipt, but have seemingly failed to hit the spot. Not in this case. In this deleting I have full picture. With the Azov-City daddy, and the EU of Euro-mummy. With some one who’s not very keen (you know how I call them…) with “what’s mine is mine, and what’s yours is yours”. Who don’t know how to live theirs lives with this simple virtues. Yet, if they still be unfair over money owed to me, or a possessions they have yet to return to me, it’s logic to expect more sooner or more later the understanding of “business as usual”.
Afghan Officials: 4 Afghan Soldiers Killed in Clash with NATO Troops. VOA News30 January 2010. Afghan officials say NATO troops clashed with their Afghan army allies and called in air strikes, killing four Afghan soldiers and wounding at least six others. A Wardak province spokesman, Shahidullah Shahid, says the troops starting shooting each other after a military operation in the area. The Associated Press is reporting the Afghan Defense Ministry is condemning the incident and want those responsible brought to justice after an investigation. NATO officials say they are investigating the incident and did not provide details. Some information for this report was provided by AP and Reuters.
2 Azerbaijan soldiers kill 4 colleagues. 7 hrs ago. BAKU (AFP)– Two soldiers in Azerbaijan shot and killed four fellow servicemen before killing themselves, the defence ministry said Friday, in the latest shooting rampage to shock the ex-Soviet republic. Media linked the killing with what experts say is rampant brutality and corruption in Azerbaijan's military. The incident was the second mass shooting in Azerbaijan in less than a year, after a man shot dead 12 people at a university in the capital Baku last April before taking his life. "Two soldiers opened fire killing four servicemen and wounding two before killing themselves," defence ministry deputy spokesman Temur Abdullayev told AFP. He said the incident occurred on Thursday evening but that no further details were immediately available. Azerbaijan's Trend news agency cast doubt on the ministry's version of events, quoting military sources as saying the two soldiers who carried out the shooting had been shot and killed while trying to flee the scene. It said a local division commander was among the dead victims. In a 2008 report, the International Crisis Group said the Azerbaijani military was plagued by "endemic corruption, nepotism and hazing." The university shooting in April stunned this small, mainly Muslim republic on the Caspian Sea, which had never before seen the kind of public rampages that have plagued some Western countries in recent years.
Hank Paulson: Russia Pushed China to Dump Fannie, Freddie Bonds. By editor|Wall Street Pit Jan 29, 2010, 12:52 PM| Some interesting details have emerged from Hank Paulson’s soon to be released memoir, “On The Brink.” It appears Russia may have pushed China to dump its Fannie Mae (FNM) – Freddie Mac (FRE) holdings in a bid to force a bailout of the largest U.S. GSE’s and cause in the process the collapse of the U.S. financial system. Paulson says in his memoir he learned of the “disruptive scheme” while attending the Beijing Summer Olympics. Bloomberg: “The Russians made a “top-level approach” to the Chinese “that together they might sell big chunks of their GSE holdings to force the U.S. to use its emergency authorities to prop up these companies,” Paulson said, referring to the acronym for government sponsored entities. The Chinese declined, he said. Russia’s five-day war with U.S. ally Georgia started on Aug. 8, the same day as the opening ceremonies of the Beijing Games. Prime Minister Vladimir Putin told U.S. President George W. Bush during those ceremonies that “war has started,” according to Dmitry Peskov, Putin’s spokesman. “The report was deeply troubling — heavy selling could create a sudden loss of confidence in the GSEs and shake the capital markets,” Paulson wrote. “I waited till I was back home and in a secure environment to inform the president.” Russia never approached China about dumping U.S. bonds, Peskov said today. “This is not the case,” he said by phone”. Russia sold all of its Fannie/Freddie debt in 2008, after holding $65.6 billion of the notes at the start of that year, according to central bank data.
Водитель спикера гордумы Краснодара мог превысить скорость 31 января 2010 г. 16:25. В Краснодарском крае возбуждено уголовное дело по факту ДТП, в котором погибли спикер городской думы Краснодара Николай Котляров и его водитель. "Дело возбуждено по части 5 статьи 264 Уголовного кодекса РФ - это нарушение лицом, управлявшим транспортным средством, правил дорожного движения, повлекшее гибель двух лиц", - сообщила "Интерфаксу" руководитель пресс-службы следственного управления СКП РФ по краю Инна Бирюкова. Она уточнила, что дело возбудил следственный отдел при ОВД по Тимашевскому району Кубани. Председатель городской думы Краснодара Николай Котляров и его водитель погибли в аварии на автотрассе Краснодар - Ейск. ДТП произошло в субботу в 23:30 по московскому времени. По предварительным данным, Toyota Camry, в которой Котляров возвращался с открытия первого легального казино игорной зоны "Азов-Сити", врезалась в стоявший на обочине автомобиль "ГАЗель", который от удара развернуло на 180 градусов.
Translator kills two soldiers. Two US soldiers who died in eastern Afghanistan on Friday were shot dead by an Afghan interpreter, it has emerged.A Nato official said the translator gunned down the US soldiers before other soldiers shot him dead at an outpost in Wardak province. A US military official told Reuters news agency the attacker seemed to be a "disgruntled employee", not a militant. Also in Wardak province, four Afghan soldiers died in an apparently bungled coalition air strike. Afghanistan's defence ministry demanded punishment for those behind the air strike; Nato said the deaths were "regrettable" and announced an investigation. The shootings involving the translator and the air strike were not thought to be related. An Afghan provincial official told Reuters the interpreter had argued with the soldiers over pay and treatment, before opening fire.