Split difference. To be in the middle of my social and private life for long time (fifteen years), call me urgently to make a split difference between. Which again, can’t be made without the good will and the sincerity from the english speaking World. And even then, I can’t guarantee that everybody still be perfectly satisfied…. Why’s need to write about this? Because, when happenings happens, like today, (and it is normal before of some big financial transactions on Monday City), I start to ask the environment around myself: - “Are you have like a local bakery, the half? (I.e. the 50%, the 50 centimes’, the half). And like today, (later, after sending the seven pages in my blog), comes immediately from Parliament of UK that very long and sticky “E-ee-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e….” “E-ee” what? “A PRETO”? Because writing seven pages of what I wrote, all these resentful feelings can wearing anyone down. If theirs source is something ongoing (like the historical and cultural base of the nation of the shit from camel turned around), or the complete fake, - like my Job Seeker Allowance, and this is something enduring that “you” can’t escape (like the “two-romanians-thiefs-who-are-stealing-our-jobs” with a defying posture, body-language, and looking for trouble with me) – maybe it’s time for a break? My point is, the trouble is not always (not in this case however, which I’m describing), our enemy; sometimes “it” can be our friend. Like this, of “barroso’s selling jewelers Romanians”. Or in same day later, the two whores at zebra crossing, with ebalo amazingly similar to the Barroso. Or, at the exit, a punk, (all black leather) waiting for “my pot”. Listen, the “save-the-dolphins-of-Barbican”, even the twenty two Application Forms not a big help for yours long and sticky “E-e-e”. Or it was again my “What you want but don’t get, - what I get but don’t give you”? Or, just the Zuma of Rushnara изюма? At the moment (fifteen years), this cocaine ex-President of Portuguese Republic Jorge Sampaio and other such pack of cross-dressed twats, is quite away from my set of mind. I can’t let these errands to rest on my shoulders! More yet, when it is vital that I focus in my OWN advancement. And this, the ongoing piggy faces from Brussels and Strasburg just doing to slow me down! After dreaming with pcshek, the another one was that I’m in the middle of bafta something (actually, too much clear was the British Industry Award or Innovation Industry something) – surrounded by the drunk women at four sides! Just think a little about, than read what the Gems and Jewellery Export Promotion Council said. Look at the physical high of the козло-вонючий, сранный козёл Potatin (on Friday cross my path) at the London Metal Exchange, than help me to find the other synonyms.
Hostage ordeal in Antwerp. The Indian diamond industry is in shock following one of the biggest robberies in Antwerp targeting a leading Surti diamantaire on Friday,The Times of India reported. According to the report, the family members, including the wife and children of Pankaj Maldar, who owns leading diamond company Karp Impex NV, were taken hostage at their residence in Antwerp by a gun-wielding gang. Following an 18-hour ordeal, the family was released after they agreed to hand over a huge stock of diamonds worth crores of rupees, the report said. Confirming the incident, Vasant Mehta, chairman of Gems and Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC) said, “This is one of the biggest ever diamond robberies in Antwerp targeting an Indian diamond company owner. We are all in a state of shock.” The diamond body is going to make a representation before Prince Philippe, crown prince of Belgium, who is scheduled to visit India on March 25. “We are going to strongly represent the case of safety of Indian diamantaires in Antwerp,” said Mehta. Industry sources say the mafia had come with a complete list of diamond stocks to Maldar’s office in Antwerp. “Antwerp was considered one of the safest places on earth. This is for the first time that an Indian diamantaire has been targeted by robbers,” said a leading Surti diamond businessman on the phone from Antwerp. Besides Antwerp, the Rs 1,500-crore Karp Impex has its presence in centres like Hong Kong, China, Bangkok and Dubai. Kishore Maldar, elder brother of Pankaj, who runs the Surat operations, was not available for comment. The Times of India. Essar set for £5.3 billion London listing. Sun Mar 7, 2010 2:41pm GMT. LONDON (Reuters) - Indian conglomerate Essar Group is working towards an $8 billion (5.3 billion pound) listing of its oil and power businesses in London, according to a report in Britain's Sunday Telegraph.
Russia becomes World lieder in extraction of diamonds. (After Baku off course). Россия стала мировым лидером по добыче алмазов. 06.03, 07:20 «Вести.Ru» Впервые за многие годы Россия вышла на лидирующие позиции в мире по добыче алмазов, потеснив Ботсвану и транснациональную корпорацию De Beers. Последние 10 лет Россия делила первое место с африканским конкурентом. Российская компания АЛРОСА производила больше драгоценных камней в каратах, но чуть меньше в денежном выражении. Однако кризис заставил Ботсвану и международную корпорацию De Beers в несколько раз сократить производство. В середине 2009 года De Beers столкнулась с необходимостью реструктурировать кредит на полтора миллиарда долларов, взятый для финансирования четырех крупных проектов. Компания оказалась в долгу перед консорциумом из 20 банков. Российская компания АЛРОСА тем временем не ограничивается якутскими алмазами. Специалисты из РФ уже добывают алмазы из кимберлитовых трубок Анголы. Подробнее:http://news.mail.ru/economics/3477052/
Iceland rejects Icesave repayment deal. From UK 12:01am. . March 7, 2010. THE people of Iceland delivered a crushing no vote last night in a referendum on the repayment of billions of pounds lent by Britain and Holland to compensate depositors in a failed Icelandic bank. A higher than expected 93% of voters backed the government’s hard line in a vote that attracted a surprising near-60% turnout. People relished a rare opportunity to deliver a direct verdict on the conduct of their government in the country’s first referendum since independence in 1944. Both Johanna Sigurdardottir, the prime minister, and her minister of finance, Steingrimur Sigfusson, abstained from voting. President Olafur Ragnar Grimsson voted but declined to say where his sympathies lay. Sigurdardottir’s government is in theory committed to the repayment deal. But she is demanding an apology from Britain because it used anti-terrorism legislation to freeze the financial assets of Landsbanki after the bank’s Icesave investors were denied access to their money. At issue in the referendum is the £3.48 billion lost by more than 400,000 savers when Icesave failed in October 2008. The British and Dutch governments covered these losses but want the money back from Iceland. In the eyes of Icelanders facing repayments equivalent to more than £10,000 a head, their economy will be crippled for decades by the burden. But without an agreement, Iceland will be unable to raise loans from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) or succeed in its bid for fast-track membership of the European Union. “Our politicians stole our banks and bankrupted them and us in the process,” said Hjortur Hjartarson, a communications manager who had voted no. “This is the first time the public have had the feeling that they have a say in what is going on.” Another no voter, Bjarni Hardarsson, a bookseller from the town of Selfoss, reflected the anger of many at Britain. “What we have here is the reckless abuse by the old colonial powers with no moral conscience at all,” he said. “There’s a lack of both legal and moral grounds for the nonsensical claim that Icelanders alone are responsible for the debt.” Iceland’s parliament narrowly approved a deal in December but in January, citing mass public opposition, Grimsson refused to sign the bill into law and triggered the referendum. For this he has become a national hero. Many believe the government privately wanted a no vote to strengthen its hand in talks in London, which are expected to resume this week. Gunnar Helgi Kristinsson, professor of politics at Iceland University, said: “Sigurdardottir is hoping for an overwhelming no vote, as well as a low turnout at the polls, in order to improve her position in the negotiations.” Sigurdardottir claimed last week that Britain and Holland were “holding Iceland hostage” in the talks by blocking any further aid from the IMF. She is also confident that a deal can be done. “The impact on our economy and business is already too high,” she said. Her government is facing a daunting economic crisis. About £900m of foreign debt must be repaid next year. “We could survive those payments with the resources we have, but we’d have little left for anything else,” said Gylfi Magnusson, the economic affairs minister.
Three 'Asylum Seekers' Dead After Flats Fall. Sunday, March 7 05:15 pm. © Sky News 2010. Three people who fell to their deaths from a block of flats in Glasgow wereasylum seekers, Sky sources say. Strathclyde Police confirmed that two men and a woman had died in the incident which happened in Petershill Drive, in the Springburn area of the city. Sky's Rona Dougall said people in the area were shocked by what had happened. "We understand that three people fell from the 15th floor," she said.
"Police are saying there are no suspicious circumstances surrounding the deaths." The incident happened at the Red Road flats, which were once the highest flats in Europe.
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