More than $ 1.2 billion dollars. Tonight was dreaming with Prague. Nothing concrete, but smooth, mellow dream. However, the assistance of the “:sapataria portuguesa” give me impression of total insincerity and the duplicity of all theme. In first instance, comes to my mind the fact of “creation” of the secret services of the EU last week. Well, it’s cocaine Barroso, Solana and the rest of ongoing piggy faces start worry about theirs own safety and protection. Every one knows that generally this services a 100% do only this. Then covered with empty words of the same ongoing piggy faces’ bla-bla-bla and, - circuit is close. The barroso call this “A roda de fortuna”. I call this the “Centre of Midwifery and Gynecology” of the European Energy Policy. This why the morning walk to and from Job Centre was interrupted by the three 12-14 years girls asking me if I buy “something” for them. Well, one ‘kinda’ my dream in practical application. Because all of this “impregnations” (i.e. the Slovakia want put in tribunal 2009 Gazprom deliveries) were until this hour accompanied by the “Syriana” film theme. Actually, I don’t which I don’t see with required attention, but have a clear notion what is all about. At once, tell you that my “sick” curiosity asking you: Why the barroso yet don’t shot his temple with ČZ? The nothing special film, which telling us story of V.A. Glugovsky divided by two. Which still give us the correct sum. The only difference lies by the english speaking World in two generation interpretation of my CV. Not casually the EU swine’ put this like a platform to the tonight dream. Privately, it’s upsetting me a lot. Even, I recall, working like the International Consultant, I had to miss sometimes to be in my turn. The simple people, with simple needs, earning theirs money for them theirs sons and daughters, etc. I, like Production Director need “only” play with them and the shop’s Bosses. The elementary Engineering Management. Which, since the cocaine ex-President of Portuguese Republic bastard Jorge Sampaio and this kind of dirty people, - will never happen again. I go to exemplify a little. Question: who choose the Putin? Without answering, I pass to the “ground-breaking” TNK/BP business, and immediately to the spanish’ Chodorovsky imprisonment from “that” double “privatization” of the UKOS. Than, inside of my ‘no-cense’ a “small” but very important fact, - the ЖКО of Russia. Which you know by now, I called Royalties &Concessions. Another question, who won the Ukrainian elections? How nice of you. And who start the ЖКО of Ukraine? From this question to my dream about the Prague – we have a very short distance. To be honest, - almost touching. How clear is for you (and for me) the insincerity and duplicity of theirs (the EU) position. Let’s give a little different point of view for the West of France, floods in Madeira and (bag is the same), the Maldivas/Folklands crisis. Any comments? Maybe through BBC invite political asylums a bit more to the UK. Benefits are obvious. The more shit, mean more money, more “Royalties & Concessions”. Exactly where set my “artificial” unemployment and the unlimited frontier of these ongoing piggy faces.
P.S. After doing my washings, having a lunch, I switch my computer on to find absolutely nothing. Nothing about the ЖКО of Ukraine (Google news web), nothing about which banks in Russia and in the West participate (in the seeing by my proper eyes this morning in City), how they, with the “one-day-firm” succeed (Rambler news web) to “clean” more than $ 1.2 billion dollars.
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