The more I'm not interested – the more it’s become okay. The Independent in piggy language was insisting that three “heroes” (from SA actually, in russian variant they lost theirs pistols in whores bed and very louder put in Uzbeks media) and the Anglo-Saxon female who were killed during the Princess visit to the Afghanistan., was actually, the idea of “kill the all country people where you live” by the sick of “заячий скок”. (Well, its boring, it’s same like to read about Stepanov & Balvanov”. Or how the ‘Tony здравствуй’ “works”, - from the tip of calf tong.) In any way, it’s me who was deciding a many years ago at whom I should pick up, choose and than fix on where to go and with whom to spend my time. So what if “Litvinenko” (same to make confusion with russian pig and russian pig) was run at me in the bicycle? It’s the same to the Forum’s Bank 26,25% bought by the German Commerzbank, - it’s still be only a “victim of abortion”… The inside of this subject people, - agree with me. This is business only for the Yurushev “goal”, - and nobody else. (i.e. 10,51%). Exactly from where comes a such cynic approach of the all english speaking World Independent “arrangement”. It’s comes from “untouchblessness” of the Co. Which had “small” inconvenience, that this in proper turn, allows in this land (i.e. my hole) – speak the russian swine freely. “Cleaning” the way to the Azeri’s camels or to the Opel’s from Germany, or to the lucky politicians with ebala of Captain Data from Ivory Coast. I’ll speak later about this night. (Not the 6-to-7, not the 5-to-6, or 4-to-5). For now, I want to calculate how in monetary form we can put “Riffkom” in no way street after the, ‘nothing to do with me negotiations’’ of COCAINE Independent. The first dream: In black-n’-white color are decurring a very hard and complicated negotiations (superfaciously reading about this in some news paper, I immediately call this the “Polonium & UK negotiation”), half in NatWest and half in Nornickel Head-quarters. Are present a girl (thirties lady), half from the library ((who give me a “Tampa”, actually, the broken legs of the vybliadok of the pederast Bragança and the broken legs of the vybliadok of russian swine – the Smolenski), half from Valia Vassilenko (that one who for ever make a plug to the Anglo-Saxon butt)/Zara Phillips…)). I.e. that Portland 450 cement of cocaine ex-President of Portuguese Republic, bastard Jorge Sampaio & the Co. However, the potential “associate” (who will, if everything’s right, - be my partner) – is the Serioja (i.e. “traitor of Aviva”, who again is (dream!, what I’m expecting!) – transformed into the Jorka Yaponchik. That “big Jew” – who don’t pay me yet, - and who sincerely want REVENGE. Actually, at the same day, (because of my teeth – I sleep when I can), at the day dream, the Princess Anne, very young, give something to me, and I receive immediately blow in my head. Interesting though, is this time its was very openly made by UK. Whatever it is, - it’s give me will to проломать башку to the all British Isles. Even the Irish (living in Mars) O’Bama – know this. Another thing, which try to explain my ridiculous situation, and the untouchblessness of this pack, at one side: I AM NOT INTERESTED to do anything with them. And this, sadly, not clear enough for the Co…. Another dream, after the first one: The West/American are always present very closely like the observer in “the first dream” (although I see the color of Almohads who’s smelling, stinking fat), and convincingly insist that this is a Global Village, and surprisingly, talking a lot about the outstanding debts of this swine’s horde to me. Which again, the call from City a day before of closed negotiation (I liked, because it’s legal and UNTAUCHABLE “insider” contact), akin to always to the cocaine Royal Family of Lancaster’s, a “commercial porpoise” me that ‘let’s e-mailing’. Only sad though, is that this give “us” the (for Independent otmorozki – a lot of joy) mushroom in US. Than was, what I called – the nation of the shit from camel turned around, the telephone call from Tower Hamlets. In a good telephone manor, but the fact still, - the Independent…. In same place to put the one “дупло-$400 000 of Hong Kong-per 20 minutes” who was knocking at my door to speak with me at the same day. Same is with the two liagavye females with theirs tails seriously “burning”. (i.e. Correm a serio risco…). Should I agree with this, the British Natural History Evolution? I don’t think so. FAIR ENOUGH, at the next day, after this “I’m-not-interested-in-this-business”, - the english speaking World – just froze transference of my money, to my account. Who, from this Greek-Portuguese Independent business don’t see AGAIN how my legal money are frozen only because of the COCAINE of ex-President of Portuguese Republic, enormous bastard Jorge Sampaio? The next dream was I’m in the Parrots night club (from Frantic film), with Lisa and Antonio (cocaine Barroso, Gazprom and Solana scenario), very noisy and are present somebody else (if like I said cocaine Barroso, Gazprom and Solana, - “A PRETO”), we drink and very louder talking “Like always” about oil… I’m thinking, “such a pigs!, f**** me ones, -and want ones more”…. Which was “accompanied” by the desperate yell in German from South side of my bed (like the always, the Baku, camels/Andrew Lancaster) and the French in my head (The West side, British Energy, Areva – корова, etc.). Like I said before, I’ll speak more later about this night dream. Not for anyone simpler to call the Litvinenko the just one more ongoing piggy faces from Brussels and Strasburg? The problem (i.e. subsidy) to resolve, I decide to like the cocaine Andrew Lancaster “make me once advise”: - Play more… So, I did. Simply to bet on the “Saud-de-Willy-mai-dela”. I.e. with one stone killing the 30 birds. (EU+russia+UK+US=30), between the many others, start and finish with the “Willy’s McCain’s of the World”. In the same time, I’m clearly spotting the connection between the Brussels and Strasburg, between the Zuma and the “strictly business” of Pentagon. To make plus or minus (whatever, like I said, I’m not interested. Even if Prince Charles the II send me twenty two Application Forms for a ‘dear’ Barbican Office Administration Assistant job position). To having for him the affordable some for “his” COINCIDENCES in the Northern Stream “заячий скок”. These goats can kill a thousand of the Muscovites’, (in any way I pay), if they like to. I don’t mind. Important still, is the this vybliadok from my account together with his “oath”. To still ‘escape’, and sequently, to never bothering themselves to pay me. However, today they have for me “solution”. To send me out from here to the South America. (cocaine Andrew Lancaster, you remember “OUR” cocoa?) Into the many of almohad-speaking countries. Like the before, the before of the nation of the shit from camel turned around, before the worst decision in my life to come to UK. The only difference was in this time, at my morning coffee, the Partido Communista was speaking. This one was deciding to put the Princess Anne like the my ex-wife, and the wife of Irish O’Bama – like the Lady D. Not the casually, at the end of this dream, the pschek appear from BP to shake my hand, (he is the pschek, not the from my polish side, he is like that ‘Harry of Latvian’, telling you about the laptev of russian nano-industry, about “serious” position of Balvanov’s Pentagon, talking about the Baku’s Chubais, “chatting” about cocaine Illarionov-Soares’s Portland 450 cement, about the reddish from WB. Passing through my head (with Gujarat’s electric shock)) to speak with the russian swine. (USA renew supply of pork beef to the Illarionov and Melakov). This appearance is exactly the cocaine ex-President of Portuguese Republic bastard Jorge Sampaio. Only difference now, is that he are receiving the salary from PRINCE TRUST (of Charles the II), called the retailer Geronimo Martins…. The simple role of that, nation of the shit from camel turned around, the ongoing piggy faces from Brussels and Strasburg which had now (with my preys) the Greece’s and the Portugal’s multimillion strikes. ‘That’s’ what I want to know: Why you don’t send me to the Greenland? Too much weak the Yellow Syndicate? Or too much well understand together with any reader (the cocaine Andrew Lancaster of Nornickel – is first of them) WHO? What is amazing is that when more I put my not interest at front, the more it’s become okay (right).
President Zuma visits Sainsbury’s but shoppers are engrossed by cheese. March 5, 2010. Jacob Zuma visits a branch of Sainsbury’s in southeast London, yesterday, where not even his entourage could distract everyone. The President of South Africa was shown around the store in Greenwich by Justin King, the Sainbury’s chief executive, and Hilary Benn, the Environment Secretary.
He had requested the tour on his three-day state visit because of the amount of trade the company does with South Africa. John Przeslawski, 92, and wife Catherine, 86, were so engrossed by the cheese counter that they failed to notice his arrival. “Who? We didn’t notice anybody!” they said. Mr Zuma went on to a banquet at Guildhall. Mr and Mrs Przeslawski went home.
Insurance: A premium to pay. March 4 2010 20:10. Tidjane Thiam emerged into the deep cold of downtown Manhattan late last Friday certain of only one thing: Prudential, the UK insurance company he had run for just five months, had at least been accepted as a solid suitor. Directors of AIG, the stricken US insurer, and representatives of its most important shareholder, the American taxpayer, would not decide in favour of the Pru’s audacious and secretive $35.5bn (€26bn, £23.5bn) bid for AIA, its highly prized Asian business. THE PLAYERS - Prudential The British insurer first opened offices in countries including Singapore and Malaysia in the 1920s and 1930s. But it was in the early 1990s that the Asian life sector was identified as a significant growth prospect, leading to the establishment of Prudential Corporation Asia in 1994. It is now a leading foreign company or joint-venture partner in seven of its 13 Asian life markets, where it offers a mix of life insurance with accident and health options, mutual funds, and some non-life insurance. It has a force of 410,000 “tied” agents that sell its products alone, though it also distributes through banks, and has more than 10m life customers. This week it reported operating profits for 2009 up 62 per cent to £416m. AIA The Asian arm of AIG is the continent’s oldest foreign life insurer. Having opened its first office in Shanghai in 1919, it now operates in both urban and rural areas of 15 countries, from India and China to Australia and New Zealand. Some 320,000 tied agents sell its products, spanning life insurance, savings, investments and retirement products. The business has more than 23m policies in force, and in the financial year ending 30 November 2009 it generated $1.44bn of operating profit after tax. But aside from the Pru’s approach, AIG had its bird-in-the-hand: a long-planned $10bn-$20bn Hong Kong listing of AIA. The pressure within the group’s board, especially among its special committee that had been overseeing the initial public offering, to stick to its original plan was intense right up until the last minute.
Юрушев продав свою частку в банку «Форум». 05.03.2010 09:06. Вчора завершилося протистояння співвласників банку «Форум» - німецький Commerzbank викупив у Леоніда Юрушева його 26,25% акцій, повідомляє «КоммерсантЪ-Украина».Джерело, близьке до переговорів, уточнило, що складноструктурована операція була підписана ввечері 3 березня. Для її організації Юрушев перевів 10,51% власних акцій на «Унібудінвест», що належить йому. Видання відзначає, що, на думку експертів, таке рішення могло бути пов’язане з небажанням Юрушева платити 15% прибуткового податку, оскільки інвестиції фондів звільнені від оподаткування. Враховуючи номінальну вартість акцій «Форуму» в 10 грн., Commerzbank міг заплатити Юрушеву за його пакет від 590 млн грн.Втім, пише видання, джерело, близьке до операції, стверджує, що вартість однієї акції була оцінена в 20 грн., В цьому випадку весь пакет був проданий за 1,180 млрд грн. При цьому міноритарним акціонерам Commerzbank не має наміру пропонувати опціон на викуп їх паперів.
Таким чином Commerzbank, що купив у березні 2008 року 60%+1 акцію «Форуму», сконцентрував 89,3% установ. Решта акцій банку в обігу на біржі. «Ми давно продали невеликий пакет іноземним фондам, - пояснив голова правління банку Ярослав Колесник.- Після цього частина акцій була викуплена мажоритаріями». Досягнення домовленості основними власниками «Форуму» дозволило вчора на зборах акціонерів прийняти рішення про збільшення статутного капіталу на 2,42 млрд грн. (на 89,3%). За словами Колесника, це дозволить покрити всі необхідні резерви і виконати вимоги стрес-тестування, яке зараз проводить НБУ.За даними НБУ, на 1 січня банк «Форум» займав 13-е місце за активами (19,45 млрд грн.) з власним капіталом 1,87 млрд грн. Основними акціонерами були німецькі Commerzbank (63%) і громадянин Греції Леонід Юрушев, що безпосередньо володіє 10,51% і ще 15,74% - через венчурний фонд «Унібудінвест».Нагадаємо, Юрушев був одним із спонсорів кампанії кандидата в президенти Арсенія Яценюка.
Suspected gunman in Pentagon shooting acted alone, officials say. Friday, March 5, 2010; 9:41 AM. The Washington Post. The California man who calmly opened fire on two police officers at an entrance to the Pentagon Thursday appears to have acted alone and was not connected to any terrorist plot, Pentagon police chief Richard S. Keevill said. The shooter, identified as 36-year-old John Patrick Bedell, was dressed in a business suit and carried two semiautomatic weapons and "many magazines" of ammunition, Keevill said. "He walked very directly to the officers and engaged," Keevill said.
Officers Jeffrey Amos and Marvin Carraway were superficially wounded, one in the shoulder and one in the thigh. Both were treated at George Washington University Hospital in Northwest Washington and released. They and a third officer returned fire at Bedell, critically wounding him in the head, said Keevill, chief of the Pentagon Force Protection Agency. Bedell died at George Washington University Hospital.
Президент Азербайджана подарил 11-летнему сыну недвижимость в Дубае. 06.03.2010. 11-летний сын президента Азербайджана Ильхама Алиева стал собственником девяти вилл в Дубае стоимостью почти 44 миллиона долларов. Издание, опубликовавшее эту информацию, отметило, что с ежегодным доходом в 228 тысяч долларов азербайджанскому президенту пришлось бы копить на недвижимость в прибрежной зоне искусственного острова Палм Джумейра несколько десятков лет. Об этом сообщает радио "Маяк". В записях Земельного департамента Дубая также имеются данные о покупке недвижимости на имя Лейлы и Арзу Алиевых - дочерей президента Азербайджана. Кроме этого в самом ведомстве подтвердили, что имущество принадлежит членам правящей семьи из Азербайджана.
Greeks ban hedge funds in bond sale. March 5 2010 21:03. Greece ordered its bankers to exclude hedge funds from a bond offering this week in an effort to punish the speculators it blames for destabilising its debt markets.The decision came amid growing anger among European leaders over what they see as the role speculators played in undermining the Greek debt market and driving the country towards a possible default. In a meeting in Berlin on Friday Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, and George Papandreou, the Greek prime minister, promised a joint push both in the European Union and the Group of 20 leading economies to clamp down on speculators who seek to exploit uncertainty over sovereign debt. Ms Merkel said that both countries would seek “to show that speculative instruments need to be contained, especially where it is speculation against states”. She mentioned credit default swaps as one target of such an initiative, but gave no other clear details.
According to people familiar with this week’s €5bn Greek bond issue, authorities in Athens told banks handling the sale to make sure they did not allocate any bonds to hedge funds or any bodies that might be a proxy for them. Government bond managers prefer to sell their bonds to traditional “buy and hold” investors such as asset managers, pension funds and life insurance companies rather than hedge funds. Hedge funds can cause sharp swings in bond prices as they buy and sell quickly in an effort to make fast profits. This week’s instruction from Athens went further than usual, according to people familiar with the deal. Petros Christodoulou, head of Greece’s debt management agency, said, “The vast majority of the issue went to real money investors.” One hedge fund manager said, “Here is a country struggling to sell its bonds. Surely it should not be turning away buyers.” He said hedge funds provided liquidity to markets enabling traditional funds to buy and sell their bonds more easily. The Greeks’ new 10-year bond attracted hardly any trading on Friday, which is worrying for those investors that might want to sell for reallocation purposes in the future.
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