Sunday 20 December 2009

Right in spot.

Right in spot. I sleep well, however, at the morning coffee the conversation gone very dull. Gaidar and his friends was proposing to me a new theme to “finishing” with Berlusconi. Seeing me like a kind of leader of some organization specialized in this kind of ‘International Consulting”. (Good laugh, because I see very clearly bonuses from City). Was well humored enough to answering ‘them’ roughly in this terms; It’s all what you say is about the teamwork. And today (20.12) the universal tendency, like I see it, are stretching out towards the disagreement. That doesn’t mean no one can ever agree on anything, but it may mean that we have to wait for consensus. In other hand, if everyone in the group seems to be agreeing with what I say a little too quickly – I don’t trust, and should take MORE TIME to talk to each mass separately. For seems too, that some of you would like to express your opinion in a more personal “setting”. Well than, what will be for me? And when I start believing in Santa? Take a close look and agree that everything seems to be in right “spot”.

Iraq, Shell ink deal on supergiant Majnoon field. 6:45am EST. BAGHDAD, Dec 20 (Reuters) - A group led by Royal Dutch Shell , Europe's largest oil company, signed a deal to develop Iraq's Majnoon supergiant oilfield, pledging to spend tens of billions of dollars on the project over the next two decades. Shell, along with Malaysia's state-run Petronas [PETR.UL], won the rights to Majnoon, a major prize near Iraq's southern oil hub of Basra, in an energy auction earlier this month. Mounir Bouaziz, a vice president of Shell Gas and Power, and Abdul-Mahdy al-Ameedi, deputy director of the Iraqi Oil Ministry's licensing office, signed the initial agreement in downtown Baghdad on Sunday. It must now be sent to the cabinet for approval. Bouaziz said the investment over the life of the 20-year deal would be "tens of billions" of dollars. "When the cabinet give agreement to the contract, and the final contract is officially signed, we will start immediately. We know the area, and we have been coming to Basra for more than a year and a half," he told reporters after the signing. Shell is waiting for final approval of a natural gas deal also located in southern Iraq, which it will take on in partnership with Mitsubishi <8058.T>. Then there is Exxon Mobil and Shell's initial deal for West Qurna Phase One, a field left over from an initial bidding round that concluded in June. That field has reserves of an estimated 8.7 billion barrels. Majnoon is even bigger. With a whopping 12.6 billion barrels, Majnoon is one of the world's largest untapped fields. Iraq is hoping a host of deals in the works will turn it into a major world energy player and increase output capacity to 12 millon barrels a day (bpd) in six or seven years, putting it close on the heels of global leader Saudi Arabia. Output now stands around 2.5 million bpd as the industry struggles to overcome the legacy of continuous war, sanctions and underinvestment over decades. Oil officials have been in a triumphant mood since the Dec. 11-12 auction, which awarded seven contracts to foreign firms. For Majnoon, the Shell group proposed a per-barrel remuneration fee of $1.39 and pledged to increase output to 1.8 million bpd from a current production level of 45,900 bpd. Shell has a 60 percent stake in the consortium, while Petronas holds 40 percent.

Iraq Oil Pipeline to Turkey’s Ceyhan Port Damaged in Explosion. Dec. 20 (Bloomberg) -- Iraq, holder of the world’s third- largest crude reserves, shut its northern export pipeline to Turkey for the third time in two months after an explosion damaged the link. The pipeline connecting the Ceyhan oil export terminal was sabotaged about 180 kilometers (112 miles) north of the capital Baghdad at about 8:30 p.m. local time yesterday, Oil Ministry spokesman Asim Jihad said today. Iraq’s crude exports fell in October to about 1.88 million barrels a day from 1.96 million barrels a day in September after an attack on the pipeline shut the link for about a week. Exports rose to about 1.93 million barrels a day last month. Iraq, dependent on oil for most government revenue, is seeking foreign investors to help boost crude production after six years of conflict and prior sanctions destroyed its infrastructure. The country completed two bidding rounds for oil development rights this year.

Польща готова заблокувати погоджений договір з Росією щодо газу. Сьогодні, 13:25 • Економіка. Лідер Польської селянської партії (PSL) і заступник прем'єр-міністра Польщі Вальдемар Павляк повідомив, що погоджений минулого тижня новий газовийдоговір із Росією може бути заблокований, якщо національні газові компанії країн не вирішать низку спірних питань. Зокрема Павляк вимагав сплати "Газпромом" близько 100 млн доларів боргу за транзит російського газу, надання документа про нові тарифи транспортування газу із РФ по польській території й зменшення ціни на газ для Польщі. На його переконання, "немає підстав для того, щоб завершити міжнародну процедуру доти, поки не будуть погоджені PGNi і "Газпромом" гарантовані для Польщі вигідні умови колишніх і майбутніх розрахунків". "Заблокую ратифікацію газового договору із РФ, поки PGNi і "Газпром" не вирішать спірні моменти", - додав він. До того ж Павляк заявив про "саботаж" серед польських переговірників, деякі з яких надавали не точні дані під час переговорів з росіянами. Цікаво, що тільки Павляк може подати формальну заявку на затвердження погодженого після майже року переговорів з росіянами нового договору про поставки газу в Польщу. Нагадаємо, що 10 грудня польська влада заявила про завершення газових переговорів з російською стороною й плановане на найближчий час їх затвердження на урядовому рівні.

Bolsa do Dubai afunda 2,6% com pressão da banca. 20/12/09 11:22. O medo voltou às praças dos Emirados Árabes Unidos. Os investidores temem que o problema das dívidas do Dubai corte os lucros dos bancos. "A perspectiva económica ainda é incerta e não sabemos como é que o problema da dívida do Dubai vai afectar os resultados dos bancos", comentou Chamel Fahmy, da Beltone Securities Brokerage, no Dubai, citado pela Bloomberg. O índice DFM da bolsa do Dubai perdeu 2,6% para 1.831,41, um mínimo de duas semanas. Com a queda de hoje, o índice acumula perdas de 13% desde o passado dia 25 de Novembro, quando a ‘holding' estatal Dubai World e uma sua subsidiária do ramo imobiliário propuseram aos credores adiar o pagamento das suas dívidas até Maio de 2010, o que levantou a hipótese do emirado do Dubai entrar em ‘default' e de toda a região do Golfo enfrentar problemas de liquidez. No mesmo sentido, o índice ADX de Abu Dhabi desceu 0,9% para 2.749,08 pontos. O sector financeiro foi o que mais pressionou as bolsas dos Emirados Árabes Unidos. O National Bank of Dubai tombou 3,5% e o Dubai Islamic Bank resvalou 2,9%, depois de o Goldman ter recomendado ‘vender' ambos os papeis. Também o National Bank of Abu Dhabi desvalorizou 2,7%. O emirado de Abu Dhabi, a capital dos Emirados Árabes Unidos e dono de 8% das reservas mundiais de petróleo, avançou na semana passada com dez mil milhões de dólares (cerca de 6,8 mil milhões de euros) para evitar que a Dubai World entrasse em incumprimento. A medida surgiu no dia em que venciam 4,1 mil milhões de dólares em obrigações emitidas pela ‘holding' estatal.

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