Wednesday 23 December 2009

Insisting speaking with Trichet.

Insisting speaking with Trichet. Some times I think: Really, why I’m such a pain in theirs (i.e. Lancaster’s) arse? Pick up somebody else, and enjoy the ride. Why should I read some nonsense, with which I have nothing to do, and to grind it until break some bone? So what if Willy during the two months was making the ‘sun baths’ in the Caribbean Seas, only to more later (after he was out of assignment), the RN catch the such a big prize? Maybe this is jalousies are killing me when I read that he resolve to sleep below the Friars bridge to make the “Solidarnoscs with potato without trousers”? Or his grandma enjoys too much the heated railway van? But, like the Avatar say: Force be with you… The last days were strain enough. And I know why I was in such pain. It’s was the cement business between the Brazil and Portugal (i.e perestroika defectors which now call themselves the Partido Socialista da Europa, and I insist in call them ongoing piggy faces from Brussels and Strasburg). Exactly at the next day after the COP15 meeting hearing famous by now – the Prince Trust. It’s was that 15 – years old pain, when I, here in this hole, completely lost my mind shouting: The Natural Gassssssss business of 16 billion dollars in Spain – IS MINE! And the english speaking world of Barroso and Miller answering: Nao es nada. O nosso drogado… (I.e. ‘You are nothing, our junk…’). Like this time. Just because exist the untouchable pharaohs… Because we, choosen by the potato, who give us the right to run your affairs, we who could and will to ruin your reputation, we who go to bit in your head, vomit in your mouth, and than don’t give you sleep (it’s was night before Turquoise)… If I don’t put a stop to theirs tyrany. Unnecessary give examples from this night. It’s the environment created through my “instructions” make that young piggy face of the medvedev’s wife, hiding behind the garbitch container below the bridge, (i.e. ‘my Spanish place‘) killing me with her mobile. I call your attention to that hot spot in my ‘walk about’ before. And you know too how the “White steamer brother” died. You also know who make this possible. Necessary to write down cocaine ex-President of Portuguese Republic Jorge Sampaio, the Strasburg’s “assalariado” Mafioso Santana Lopes, from the “Bubble Bum of Paper Tigers of the Pacific kidneys” the our God Trichet with his son, the political adventurist worst than Namibian sranaia churka Putin, - the medvedev? Theirs are not enough for my “New Deal”? Or I am just like that joker joking? If so, you know by yourselves that there’s an element of truth in every joke. More, a sensible souls in the crowd (beside the Willy) could misinterpret my teasing. One thing, my “poor chap” – I have some constructive feedbacks to offer that I haven’t expressing directly yet. However you’d like to s**** my d***. Your highness “What-you-do-to-find-the-job” – I don’t work yet!, or maybe in deed – don’t want to work! It’s yours truths. I just have eyes to read that this “Destiny Empress” – was the Canadian cost-guard ship. Not of the Kate Middleton, even not the Catarina Furrr Tato… With the “luggage” from Columbia, catched by the Natural Gasssss “law pes” and bond for UK. I ASK YOU DIRECTLY: Which Avatar from the names mentioned have a two luxurious legs to be “desde Caraibas ate Pacifico…” (i.e. from the Caribbean until Pacific…” like the barroso/solana swine like to singing. The mister American Airways or the mister Ryanair? The tankers of Cold Turquoise with Uzbekistan flag – you still don’t see?

В Испании задержано судно Береговой охраны Канады с кокаином на сумму 600 миллионов долларов. Tuesday, December 22, 2009 More articles in Аварийность и ЧП. 22 декабря – испанская полиция совместно с Агентством серьезных преступлений и Центром морских операций, при участии Скотленд-Ярда, задержала гидрографическое судно Destiny Empress вблизи побережья Испании. На судне было обнаружено 1.5 тонны кокаина стоимостью почти 600 миллионов долларов. судно пришло в воды Испании с Карибов, почти вся партия, говорят полицейские, предназначалась для дальнейшей доставки в Англию. Банда, организовавшая перевозку, является частью международной преступной сети, связывающей Лондон, Испанию, Карибы и Колумбию. Интересно, что по базам данных Destiny Empress проходит, как гидрографическое судно под флагом Канады, числящееся в составе Береговой охраны Канады. В новостях сообщается, что Destiny Empress – «бывшее судно Береговой охраны Канады». Так бывшее или настоящее? Скорее всего, все-таки бывшее. Гидрографическое судно Destiny Empress – дедвейт 687, постройки 1967, флаг Канада, владелец Правительство Канады.

British, Spanish police seize 1.5 tonnes of cocaine. Tue Dec 22, 3:59 PM. LONDON (AFP) - British and Spanish police seized Tuesday at least 1.5 tonnes of cocaine worth more than 400 million euros from a ship off the coast of Spain in a joint operation, officers said. Spanish police boarded the "Destiny Empress" some 322 kilometres off the Iberian coast and thought to be bound for Britain, police said. The former coastguard boat, which had crossed the Atlantic from the West Indies, was taken to port where officers discovered the drug haul worth 375 million pounds, Scotland Yard said. "The searches revealed a consignment of cocaine stored in the hold - with initial measurements suggesting it totals at least 1.5 tonnes," it said. "It is believed that the vast majority of these drugs were destined for London," it said in a statement. Some five people, including crew members, were arrested, a Scotland Yard spokesman said. The operation involved the Spanish National Police, Britain's Serious Organised Crime Agency and the Maritime Analysis and Operations Centre. Detective Chief Inspector Peter Beyer hailed the seizure as a sign of their commitment to tackling drug trafficking. "I would like to thank Spanish National Police whose excellent work ensured the prisoners and drugs were safely secured," he said.

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