Monday, 28 December 2009


Politinformatica. In present days, we all become acquitted with Informatica Corporation which provides data integration software for various businesses, industries and governmental organizations, including telecoms, health care, insurance and off course, the financial businesses. But the word Politinformatica come to me from different area of human activity. It went from something what people do or cause to happen. In the past, people call them politcommissars or politinformants if you prefer. Which is not quite a machine (the my PC for example) full of staff like a Data Consolidation, Data Warehouse, Data Migration, Data Synchronization, Data Governance, MDM or Data Integration. It’s for the majority just a jungle or in best situation – the naked words or the technicality with which people must live. In any way, we all can find theirs meaning in the Wikipedia. No. I speak here about rational investigation of human decision-making. Like the Austrian economist Ludwig von Mises did. 70 years ago. Not because I’m the Austrian or Ludwig, but because I’m was dreaming with the EU trying to obtain my consent in the take away from the internet all my remarks, comments and notes. In the ‘a posteriori’ (mean “from the later”) of the ‘Iran disturbances’. After this dream, my subconscious tells me: My, you will get the Giordano Bruno faith like a prize… With which I actually agree. Because, even this ultimatum at the end, sounds for me like an insignificant alert. Only to call my attention to the need to look at the My future. Which the eight hours per day I don’t stop doing it. Not a big secret that my past decade life was a living nightmare. Never giving me any possibility to breath. Still, is different now? It’s too much loud to say that today I find me with a serious case? This morning, after the night before, the muddled money worries don’t stop to hovering upon my head. To begin with the Giordano Bruno EU’s proposal and finishing to dream with the some village called Пpacнa (it’s in Slavonic). Even for the any political opposition the such half-word mean nothing. With the ongoing… worries about Iran or without. Commence with LHC - and to the rats flushed out. Although for me ‘a priory’ (mean “from the former”) the village represents the community, simplicity and tradition. It’s represents the simple things. Such as nation…; cocaine…; козло-вонючие козлы…; ongoing…; It’s represents the “unexpected” reaction of ‘eternal’ Almohads from Brussels and Strasburg. Who openly and absolutely not dominate the situation. And completely powerless in the face of Iran state of affairs. I give you example how they knowing my life entirely, begin accuse me of destabilizing theirs (i.e. the ongoing piggy faces) energy policy. Over the past few decades “our” romantic attractions (between me, i.e. V.A. Glugovsky and the “futuro de nossa civilização” – i.e. Avatar’s )have been complex or like minimum, riddled with poor communications and the Grosse outside influences. They for me: the Gingiz Khan without British-Passport-love but with “35 hours working week” and I for them: The cocaine ex-President of Portuguese Republic swine Jorge Sampaio. They for me “The Kioto Protocol”, and I for them the “no dia seguinte de ficar milionario”. Look at the WHO, my ass-holes. In deed, how is “unexpected” the animosity from the Northern Hemisphere Capitals of the World to the circumstances in Iran. You see how the CSN and Cimpor never can come to the North. Can though, fade quietly (off course, because of the COP15) – into the “futuro de nossa civilização” background. If the virtue of a relationship is a harmony how we (I) can’t be keen to face down that we (I) expected? How we all can’t fail into what is wise, in what is a fair policy which must work in the long term and beyond?

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