
5/29/2009 3:54:21 PM. There is no shame in being a little selfish if it mean that I can get some personal affairs put up to date. Paying no attention to the people who say that my plans are dull and uninteresting; they can always look for something else to do without me… But maintaining my low profile, I go to set aside the next points. First, how I was shocked by the news that Queen wouldn’t attend the “D-Day” commemorations. For me, this is like the Christmas or Pascua, this day and 8 of May where almost like canonized dates. Too much important to put them aside. Second, is the French hunting for Kinga, Zinga, or Inga (whatever) Leggs killed in Paris Hotel. Here the all interest starts. All causa beli, all no canted story initiates. To don’t explain and share all details to who isn’t directly involved. Go to act to my own interests in the way of calling attention to the such minutiae like the where were she worked, with whom this was, which hotel where in use, etc. Because, the previous experience tell me that Hotel Bristol, like the Hotel Alfa (Lisbon’s paper tiger) – should be like the direct bullet to the pirate Barroso and others untouchables (you know about whom, the ongoing… I talk about). Who likes the meetings in Sol Verde, that swine flu’s Head Quarters of PSD for the arriving European Elections of all the same “African Question”. To be more concise, I have not the first time proves that reaction of the Smart Money, Financial Times and Vedomosti news papers are grazing my tale. Not only because they are like that “Corsican Brothers” connected between them in financial interests, but because they jock the “kill” in this way. Example: I put my blog at 17:05 pm, the Vedomosti, put Vekselberg and Fridman (not just because of TNK-BP “arrangement”) one small picture with text, for to fifteen minutes later, in position of professional assassins at the window of my (footballers) Bentley sheepishly staring at me. I repeat again, it’s my thoughts written by me and for me. Now, I need remember to my self the “Madeira so a vista” the Western, which no sloop in the World go to understand, KNOW-HOW. Where the my photo-gallery, for example from yesterday, lie like a base for “crucial industries”, such as food production and distribution, oil, gas and petrochemicals, steel and unferrous metals, and lots and lots (thousands cubic meters) of good hard wood. Which in this case, go to limiting ourselves only with one louse in St. Petersburg’s noses. And than, go to call this operation “GUD and Tomatoes”… Because, tonight was all the same hitting in my head. Than the dream with red Audi Quattro from old 80-s serial. Than all day speak about another side of barricades in huge, almost catastrophic PSD of Europe situation. That side of “rusia petroleum” with the bastard ex-President of Portugal – Sampaio. Were talks around the Vitor Moreira. The guy who wants steal money in stirred up confusion from (i.e. PSD) “adversary party”. Was all day conversation about the son of some f*** Rogozine, who don’t work at all and “zuum-zuum” with Audi Quattro the red color. Was now thinking, what is the best to do? The expose my knowledge of many years ago “investment”, through the divorce between Potapov and Prochorov. Where again, the Highlands, the gold, the France and “African Question” co-relate perfectly in Curshavel of “put – in” politics. Theirs divorce was the Baltic Countries guy couple separation with the name of “TOP CHIY” from European cattle-yard (cкотобаза) directives. More yet, after Eurosong/European Gas Interconnection Study I and II, the TNK-BP “arrangement”. Or dedicate a little bit more to the International Consulting speaking in Portuguese? Like the spam with intriguing, for I opened, name “DETAILS” today received. Something better than sex with @DVENT. Better than Sociedade Lusa de Negócios (SLN) WHICH WAS SOLD BY PRICE OF ONE, BETTER STILL, ARGENTUM MADE, AMERICAN DOLLAR.
A). No royals at D-Day commemorations Thursday, 28 May 2009, 15:35 GMT Buckingham Palace has ruled out the Queen attending next week's official D-Day commemorations in France. Neither she nor any other member of the Royal family will join the events to mark the 65th anniversary of the Normandy landings because they have not been invited, said a Palace spokeswoman. Instead Prime Minister Gordon Brown will represent the UK alongside British veterans who took part in the 1944 invasion which helped defeat Hitler's Germany. The absence of the Queen from the guest list for this year's D-Day commemorations was perceived by some as a deliberate snub by the French authorities.
1). Russian navy shells farm by mistake A Russian naval ship has accidentally fired on a village near the city of St Petersburg during military exercises, officials have confirmed. No one was killed or injured in the incident, which occurred in the Vyborg region on Thursday evening, but some damage was reported. Locals at a farm where the shots were fired said people took cover in basements to shield themselves from the shelling, Russia's RIA Novosti news agency reported. "This is, of course, a disgrace, people could have died. This is the height of the planting season and there are a lot of people at the farm," Tatyana Kostaryova, a spokeswoman for the local administration, told the agency. 'Metal hail' Yury Mikhailov, the head of the farm, said most of the shrapnel fell on rooftops and greenhouses. "Was it frightening? That's not the word for it. It was a metal hail. People took cover in basements," he said. Russian naval forces said a small anti-submarine vessel from the Baltic Fleet made the mistake during exercises in the Gulf of Finland. Igor Lebedev, a regional military prosecutor, said the ship was conducting target practice and that some shells or rounds fell on houses near the village. Russia's Interfax news agency said up to 14 shells from the ship may have landed off-target. The country's navy has been plagued by a series of mishaps since the collapse of the Soviet Union, including the Kursk submarine disaster in 2000, in which 118 sailors died.
2). Авария в Босфоре – видео Friday, May 29, 2009 More articles in Аварийность и ЧП 28 мая около 18.30 местного времени ро-ро Ella J при следовании Босфором потерял управление и выскочил на набережную Еникале, чуть не дотянув до жилого дома. Судно следовало из Бургас Болгария на Деринсе Турция, Мраморное море. СМИ сообщают, что Ella J гружен лесом. Несколько часов потребовалось буксирам и спасательным ботам Стамбула, чтобы выдернуть судно из набережной и вернуть так сказать, в родную стихию. В настоящее время судно обследуют, заодно и разбираются, почему оно так погорячилось. ро-ро Ella J – дедвейт 7316 тонн, постройки 1977 года, флаг С.Винсент, оператор греческая Socomar Management S.A., но болгарские СМИ почему-то считают, вместе с Морской администрацией Бургас, что судно – болгарское.
British man missing after multi-millionaire girlfriend found dead in Paris hotel A British man is being hunted by French police after his multi-millionaire girlfriend was found battered to death in her suite at a chic Paris hotel. 9:31AM BST 29 May 2009. The body of the 36-year-old Polish woman was found slumped in a bath in a luxury suite at the Hotel Bristol in Paris Ian Griffin, 39, allegedly fled the French capital in a Porsche 911 and headed to the French Riviera, before his girlfriend was found dead at the Hotel Le Bristol, a favourite of President Nicolas Sarkozy. Kinga Legg, a Polish born international businesswoman, suffered multiple injuries and was found naked in the bathtub in her £1,000-a-night room. The victim, 36, who headed a company that supplied tomatoes to fast food chain McDonalds and several British supermarkets, owns a yacht moored on the French Mediterranean coast. Police suspected Mr Griffin might be heading for the vessel but had not been see last night. The couple had been renting a home on Oxshott's Crown Estate in Surrey, home to several Chelsea footballers and where properties cost up to £4 million. They had spent a long weekend in Paris, arriving on Saturday, and drank "large amounts of alcohol" during their stay, police said. Staff at the hotel said that on Tuesday afternoon Mr Griffin had calmly asked that his girlfriend should not be disturbed in her room as he left in a grey Porsche with a British number plate. A maid found Mrs Legg's body in the evening. She had been severely beaten with "furniture and fists", a source said. The hotel room was destroyed, with radiators ripped from the walls, blood staining the walls and 18th century furniture and vases smashed. "She had been severely battered, on the head and all over the body, and died of internal haemorrhages," a source close to the investigation told the Daily Telegraph. Mrs Legg was the owner and director of Vegex, a large Polish company that exports tomatoes and has a base in Oxshott, Surrey. She paid for an entire year's rent up front for a flat there last September and moved in with Mr Griffin and a pet dog. Neighbours said that the boyfriend, who also used the name Griffin-Bond, was often seen driving his "boys' toys" – a quad bike and the Porsche. One neighbour said it was rumoured he had invented a mobile telephone ringtone but a police source said that Mr Griffin "did not do much in the way of earning a living". He was declared bankrupt at Warrington County Court in 2006 and his occupation was listed as "unknown". "The couple clearly had a lot of money and it is possible that he lived off her," the source said. Investigators said they had split up and got back together on previous occasions over several years. Mrs Legg was described as a "very intelligent, pretty and nice" woman. She was born Kinga Wolf in Poland, and married Peter Legg in Blackpool in September 1996. It is believed they lived together for two years before she moved away. She is listed as having become the company director of two firms in the past two months, Koncept Home Decor and Mediapocket Europe. Mr Griffin was born in Warrington, Cheshire and has lived recently in nearby Knutsford and Twickenham, south west London. He has a brother and his parents live in Warrington. They were unavailable for comment last night. Companies House documents show that Bernard, who has run several sun tanning businesses, bought shares in one of Mrs Legg's firms, Mediapocket Europe, two months ago. Le Bristol, a four-star hotel – the top rating in France – was opened in 1925 and its furnishings include 18th century paintings and Gobelin tapestries. During the Second World War it was the official residence for American citizens. Famous guests have included Harry Truman, Charlie Chaplin and Marilyn Monroe. President Sarkozy is a regular diner as the hotel is situated a few hundred yards from the British Embassy and the Elysée Palace. He often walks the short distance from the palace with foreign dignitaries, and had dinner there with his wife, Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, and Tony Blair last year. A Brigade Criminelle spokesman said a nationwide search was under way and police were checking "ports and airports and the roads". An arrest warrant will follow once an investigating magistrate is assigned to the case.
Details From: Mrs. Johanne brunet (rucasfernandezz@terra.es) Sent: 29 May 2009 08:34:34. To: (Unknown) Your e-mail address have just won($950.000.00) only contact this office for more details:Dr.VA OS SENDER Tel.+34 634-104-352. Email: (infoclaims@aol.es) OR (elbaco09@gmail.com). Mrs. Johanne brunet. (Lottery coordinator)
I). Até agora só o Montepio Geral se mostrou interessado na compra do banco. "Temos interesse na operação" de compra do BPN se o Governo decidir vender, disse Tomás Correia, presidente do banco.
II). BPN: BE quer confirmar se José Briosa e Gala recebeu avenças da SLN Económico com Lusa 28/05/09 17:35 O Bloco de Esquerda (BE) escreveu a Maria de Belém Roseira, presidente da comissão de inquérito ao caso BPN, pretendendo confirmar se José Briosa e Gala, antigo secretário de Estado do Governo de Durão Barroso, recebeu avenças da SLN. Oliveira e Costa, ex-presidente e fundador do grupo SLN/BPN revelou na sua audição no Parlamento que houve um secretário de Estado que o pressionou durante seis meses para receber avanças do grupo SLN, tendo-se escusado a revelar o nome, por conselho do seu advogado."O Bloco de Esquerda vem por este meio requerer um pedido de esclarecimento complementar ao Dr. Oliveira Costa, no sentido de confirmar se o Secretário de Estado por ele mencionado na audição como tendo pressionado o Dr. Oliveira Costa 'para que lhe desse uma avença com o Grupo SLN' era o Dr. Briosa e Gala". Em causa está um pagamento próximo dos 200 mil euros que Oliveira e Costa assegurou aos deputados ter pago do seu próprio bolso. "Um ex-ministro? Não, mas se disser secretário de Estado...", afirmou Oliveira Costa na terça-feira sobre alguém que forçou a SLN a pagar avenças. O Bloco pretende apurar se o ex-presidente da SLN/BPN se referia a José Briosa e Gala, actual Representante de Durão Barroso para a África na Comissão Europeia, cargo que exerce desde 2006.
III). BPN: Pinto Monteiro já recebeu a carta de Dias Loureiro Económico com Lusa 28/05/09 21:12 Pinto Monteiro vai analisar uma carta de Dias Loureiro que deu esta tarde entrada na Procuradoria-Geral da República. "Hoje, dia 28 de Maio, cerca das 17:00, foi recebida na Procuradoria-Geral da República uma carta de Dias Loureiro que o PGR [Pinto Monteiro] vai analisar", informa o gabinete de imprensa da PGR , em resposta a uma questão colocada pela "Lusa". Ao final da manhã de hoje, em Lisboa, ao ser questionado a propósito de um pedido de audiência que o ex-conselheiro de Estado Dias Loureiro disse ter dirigido ao PGR, Pinto Monteiro disse não ter ainda recebido qualquer informação, garantindo que, contudo, caso viesse a receber qualquer pedido, responderia prontamente. Na altura, o procurador-geral da República disse também que "até ao momento não se justificou" a audição de Dias Loureiro no âmbito do processo BPN. "Só seria pedido o levantamento da imunidade para ser ouvido. Como até agora não se justificou ser ouvido [pelos investigadores] não houve qualquer pedido", afirmou hoje de manhã Pinto Monteiro aos jornalistas à entrada do XXI Congresso Internacional de Medicina Legal. Relativamente aos envolvidos na investigação do processo BPN, a cargo do departamento central de investigação e acção penal (DCIAP), Pinto Monteiro escudou-se no segredo de justiça para não adiantar pormenores, mas lembrou que "nunca deu instruções no âmbito de nenhum processo e que nem vai dar". O antigo administrador da SLN Dias Loureiro disse ontem, em entrevista à SIC, ter comunicado ao Presidente da República que pediria para ser ouvido pelo Ministério Público.
IV). BPN: Buscas a escritório de advogados apanham rasto de Loureiro. Económico. 28/05/09 08:40. As buscas realizadas há um mês a um escritório de advogados trouxeram novos factos ao inquérito do BPN e abriram pistas sobre a intervenção do ex-ministro do PSD Dias Loureiro nos negócios em investigação. A notícia é avançada pelo Correio da Manhã que explica que a equipa do Ministério Público e da PJ, dirigida pessoalmente por Rosário Teixeira, esteve no escritório Baião, Castro & Associados, de onde levou documentação em suporte digital. As informações reunidas, articuladas com as declarações de Oliveira Costa, mostraram indícios sobre Dias Loureiro, avança o jornal, em especial sobre o negócio de Porto Rico. Pistas que obrigaram a reequacionar os termos em que estava a ser pensada a sua audição no inquérito. Contudo, com a demissão de ontem do cargo de conselheiro de Estado, tudo mudou e, em princípio, Dias Loureiro estará dispensado o envio do levantamento da imunidade, nota a mesma fonte. Dias Loureiro reuniu ontem com Cavaco Silva e transmitiu-lhe que decidiu abandonar o cargo que ocupava no Conselho de Estado. Dias Loureiro terá ainda dito ao Presidente da República que vai pedir ao Ministério Público para ser ouvido no âmbito do caso BPN.
V). ACTUALIDADE: Dias Loureiro renuncia ao Conselho de Estado Dias Loureiro renuncia ao Conselho de Estado Dias Loureiro comunicou hoje a Cavaco Silva a sua renúncia enquanto conselheiro de Estado e escreveu ao procurador-geral da República para ser ouvido caso BPN As reacções não se fizeram esperar. (Veja vídeo SIC com entrevista de Dias Loureiro no "Jornal da Noite") 20:49 Quarta-feira, 27 de Mai de 2009. Em entrevista ao "Jornal da Noite" da SIC, o ex-dirigente do PSD Manuel Dias Loureiro disse que apresentou hoje a sua demissão do cargo de conselheiro de Estado ao Presidente da República e que escreveu ao procurador-geral da República para ser ouvido no caso BPN. Cavaco Silva disse hoje que Dias Loureiro pediu a demissão do Conselho de Estado para ser ouvido "tão rapidamente quanto possível" pela Procuradoria Geral da República. "Recebi hoje ao início da tarde o dr. Dias Loureiro que me disse que, não existindo um pedido de levantamento de imunidade e desejando ser ouvido tão rapidamente quanto possível pela Procuradoria-Geral da República, apesar de considerar que não cometeu qualquer ilegalidade, tinha decidido renunciar ao cargo de conselheiro de Estado", afirmou o chefe de Estado, em declarações aos jornalistas, à margem da entrega do prémio SECIL de arquitectura em Lisboa. Questionado sobre a sua influência na decisão de Dias Loureito, Cavaco Silva negou ter tido qualquer participação: "Não, foi ele que apresentou a sua renúncia".
VI). «Não quis que se dissesse que o Conselho de Estado me protegia» Dias Loureiro demitiu-se para que «não passasse a ideia» de que usava o Conselho de Estado «como uma protecção», justificou em entrevista à SIC. O ex-conselheiro de Estado quer que o caso BPN se esclareça «o mais depressa possível», por isso comunicou ao Presidente da República que tinha «direito a ser ouvido». O ex-administrador da Sociedade Lusa de Negócios (SLN) afirmou em entrevista à SIC que nunca lhe passou pela cabeça que «pensassem que o Conselho de Estado era um resguardo». Foi para contrariar esta convicção que se estava a instalar na opinião pública que decidiu renunciar ao cargo. «Sei aquilo que fiz e não fiz nada de ilegal», declarou. A questão do levantamento da imunidade dura há cerca de três semanas na comunicação social, mas Dias Loureiro afirma que perguntou em Belém se tinha havido algum pedido nesse sentido e que a resposta foi negativa. «As notícias dos jornais de hoje que dizem que estou a ser investigado são falsas», declarou. Dias Loureiro renunciou hoje ao cargo de conselheiro de Estado e vai pedir ao procurador-geral da República (PGR) para ser ouvido no processo do Banco Português de Negócios (BPN). A notícia foi hoje avançada, ao início da tarde, pelo SOL online, após a audiência de Dias Loureiro com o Presidente da República. Na ausência de pedido de autorização junto do Conselho de Estado para o ex-administrador do BPN depor no processo, o próprio Dias Loureiro confirmou ao SOL que vai pedir ao PGR para ser imediatamente ouvido. A renúncia ocorre no dia seguinte à audição de Oliveira e Costa na comissão parlamentar de inquérito ao BPN. No seu depoimento aos deputados, Oliveira e Costa acusou Dias Loureiro de ter mentido quando passou pelo Parlamento.
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