
The Logic inside of the Vicious Circle. 5/26/2009 11:03:30 AM. Hitler wrote “Mein Kapft” to start the big fuss, I go today wrote something like: “My way into World’s Regional politics”. To start and finishing everything written today with “KOREA”. In any way this is for me serious vicious circle. Vicious circle: 1. A situation in which the apparent solution of one problem in a chain of circumstances creates a new problem and increases the difficulty of solving the original problem. Also called vicious cycle. 2. A condition in which a disorder or disease gives rise to another that subsequently affects the first. And then, the Logic: A fallacy in reasoning in which the premise is used to prove the conclusion, and the conclusion used to prove the premise. [Translation of New Latin circulus vitiōsus, circular argument: Medieval Latin circulus, circular argument + Latin vitiōsus, flawed, faulty.] The last days after the chukcha fall to his dead make my life miserable. Not only because this is true that Barroso and Medvedev meeting was the trigger to his dead and his North Korea’s brother sequent answer, but because of my physical suffering like the certain way for the Global solution. This off course can’t be found. Like the Theory of Everything. Just trying for example, write that the future weddings of Lancaster’s or Putin’s are lost forever for them. And from this “bombastic” declaration – progress by logic and fallacy to the at least, more clear picture to the’s the matter and how to deal with. Word “racism”, “African Question” and such, - lost or find a new meaning in the light of, for example the Vienna shooting. This was on Sunday. The next Monday – was terrible for me. The CO made everything around me to tick me off yet again. Made incredible exertion to be calm and collected. Through the big effort to don’t be hyper or loud. To deal with this CO (more lately seeing that this was the colors, race and “African Question” from Jalandhar. Or should we say Arcelor-Mittal?) looking in me the consolation. Forgetting that the visit of chamusca Ali (candidate from Labour Party) and privatization of Rosoboronexport, together with the Lancaster’s garage – this entire “OPEC’s kitchen”, they (i.e. kicks in my head) should be deal with. Not with me. The blind Pandit of what-you–do-to-find-the-job. With completely new feeling regarding your behaviors. It’s have a very clear steps. The swine’s manners of russians at the day of “partial” privatization of Rosoboronexport. In parallel with the, not 150 million of cubic meters per year consumed by the Europe, but with 150 oil workers poisoned in Kazakhstani gas fields. It’s the 50 years of beans factory visiting by the queen and the suicide of Third Web actress in parallel too. It’s the shoot in my temple, dead of children, “partial” privatization of Rosoboronexport, and the “penetration” into the Lancaster’s garage, MINUS to the ALL-ENGLISH-SPEAKING-WORLD-POLITICS ROBBERY which triggered the all avalanche starting with KOREA and curiously, finishing with KOREA too. Those last stop in the Policy-making journey. The stop named Global Penis. Let’s do again explanation for another “case” of Theory of Everything. Putting together the children of Medvedev and Barroso (which he doesn’t have it, although PSD and EU insist contrary) with the jump to the dead like Korea’s of Snowdonia’s “big shoot”. We have again the Lancaster’s and Putin’s, and almost certain, the Medvedev’s, to loosing the wedding. And from this “bombastic” declaration again, – progress by logic and fallacy to the’s matter and how to deal with. Starting with what I wrote about 10 billion agreement between China Development Bank to Brazil's state oil company Petrobras in Bullfinches. The note dedicated to the REAL, in my understanding, how these families understood “International Consult” (i.e. Trevor Edwards’ what-you-do-to-find-the-job) JOB. And then put down the coincidence in the dead of entire British family (fourteen people) at wonderful city of Trancoso… To overlay this “bombastic declaration” with such local and insignificant my persona, go to put Matosinhos, Morocco and Britannic’s vicinities and insignificancies. And after this, go to pass directly to the “My way into World’s Regional politics”. Without the loosing my temper from physical suffering and painful harassment from untouchables’ Lancaster’s, Putin’s, and Medvedev’s. At least in this, 150 million cubic meters of propane per year, this Energy Policy Issue, without speculating, I with you can reach the conclusion of HOW they choose through MI6 and KGB fable people since the very far-away times. How for me the clean the shit from dinosaurs – and for them “Fica frio, irmão”!
“OPEC’s shooting”: В Вене две семьи устроили перестрелку в сикхском храме. Почти 30 человек были ранены, сообщает Associated Press. Среди раненых девять человек получили тяжелые повреждения. Представитель полиции Михель Такакс рассказал, что инцидент произошел утром в воскресенье, когда члены двух семей принялись палить друг в друга. Полиция арестовала пять человек, добавил он. Позже стали известны подробности происшествия. Семейные распри оказались ни при чем. Свидетели рассказали, что драка завязалась после проповеди, прочитанной человеком, опознанным как Шри Гуру Равидас Сабха. По словам полиции, по меньшей мере шесть человек, один из которых был вооружен пистолетом, а остальные – ножами, набросились на проповедника. Остальные молящиеся поспешили к нему на помощь, в результате чего вышла потасовка. В ней был серьезно ранен один из нападавших, остальные отделались более легкими ранениями. Все остальные выбежали из храма до прибытия полиции.
Arcelor-Mittal shooting: Riots flare in India after Sikh sect leader killed in Austrian temple Police stand behind a burning vehicle in Jalandhar. Riots flared after a Sikh leader was killed in Austria. India's prime minister, Manmohan Singh, appealed for calm , as riots prompted by the fatal shooting of a sect leader at a Sikh temple in Austria spread to several northern Indian cities. Hundreds of people defied a curfew and army patrols, attacking police stations and torching the car of a senior officer and several trains. In two places, police opened fire on mobs, wounding at least four people, according to officials.
'Took cash for royal access': 05:04 GMT. Buckingham Palace said it is investigating allegations that a royal chauffeur allowed undercover reporters into Buckingham Palace in exchange for money. The pair, posing as wealthy Middle-Eastern businessmen, were allowed in the building without security checks. The News of the World reported Brian Sirjusingh was paid £1,000 by its reporters in exchange for access to the building. Once inside, he showed them several vehicles used by members of the royal family and allowed one reporter to sit in a Bentley used to transport the Queen on state occasions. Strict security measures are meant to be in force at the Palace and even members of the royal family, including the Duke of Edinburgh and Prince Charles, are required to show photographic ID each time they enter a royal residence. A spokeswoman for the palace said: "Any security matter is taken very seriously and we will look into these allegations." A Scotland Yard spokesman said: "We are naturally concerned about the issues raised by this story and are liaising with palace officials about their staff security arrangements."
The day of Rosoboronexport “partial” privatization: Число отравившихся в вахтовом поселке нефтяников ТОО "Ерсай" в Мангистауской области на западе Казахстана с четверга к вечеру субботы выросло с 84 до 150 человек, сообщила в воскресенье пресс-служба МЧС страны. В четверг в карантинную зону на территории поселка с пищевым отравлением были госпитализированы 84 рабочих. Им поставили предварительный диагноз "острый энтерит". Состояние больных удовлетворительное. К вечеру пятницы количество обратившихся с симптомами отравления составило уже 146 человек. "К вечеру субботы количество обратившихся и активно выявленных составило 150 человек, из них 79 человек изолированы в госпиталь, развернутый на территории вахтового поселка, 10 человек госпитализированы в областную инфекционную больницу, 16 - в инфекционное отделение Каракиянской районной больницы", - говорится в сообщении МЧС. Расследование причин заболевания, эпидмероприятия, лабораторные исследования областным департаментом санэпиднадзора продолжаются. http://www.rian.ru/incidents/20090524/172109218.html
Nuclear test: N Korea ‘fires missiles’ after UN condemns nuclear test. May 26 2009 07:22. North Korea, defiant in the face of international condemnation of its nuclear test, was reported on Tuesday to have fired two more short-range missiles off its east coast after warning that such salvoes could continue until Saturday. South Korea’s Yonhap news agency quoted a government source saying the two missiles had a range of some 130 km (81 miles). The ministry of defence said it was investigating the report.
Bullfinches again: Onde está Abramovich? This article describe the inter-political parties fight before the EU election. TGV, and Alta Velocidade projects in Iberian Countries have a lot to do with this “privilege information”. The old friendship from PSD (with outstanding liabilities of FIFA) – “give me a hand”: O maior fabricante mundial de tuneladoras está desesperado há procura do milionário dono do Chelsea. Fez uma encomenda de milhões e desapareceu. Rosália Amorim. 11:29 Segunda-feira, 25 de Mai de 2009 A Herrenknecht, empresa alemã maior fabricante de tuneladoras, anda à procura de Abramovich. Em Março do ano passado a companhia festejou o facto de ter recebido a maior encomenda de sempre no seu sector: uma máquina de 19 metros de diâmetro, avaliada em 100 milhões de euros. A ordem de encomenda chegou pela mão do magnata Abramovich, que pretendia fazer grandes obras em Moscovo e São Petersburgo, na Rússia. Um ano depois muitos dos investimentos na Rússia foram adiados. Na sede da Herrenknecht nunca mais se soube notícias do proprietário do clube de futebol Chelsea. "Ligamos e não nos atende o telefone. Achamos que está num cruzeiro", contou o encarregado de fazer a tuneladora em jeito de desabafo junto de um grupo de executivos de construtoras espanholas. Só o desenho da máquina já devorou dois milhões de euros, mas o projecto foi congelado até que se localize o empresário russo.
Trancoso’s plane: Family members among crash victims. 16:25 GMT. A British-born businessman and nine members of his family were among 14 people killed when their light aircraft crashed near an exclusive holiday resort in Brazil, a spokesman for his company said. Roger Ian Wright, a Brazilian citizen and founding partner of Sao Paulo financial consulting firm Arsenal Investimentos, died along with his second wife, son and daughter from a previous marriage and their spouses, two grandsons and one granddaughter and a great aunt. The twin-engine plane, owned by Mr Wright, crashed and exploded on Friday night just short of Terravista Airport, a gateway for an exclusive golfing resort in the town of Trancoso in the north-east of the country, according to the state-run Agencia Brasil news agency.
Tutti-Frutti: 1. Matosinhos: Oito feridos em acidente de carrossel9:09 Domingo, 24 de Mai de 2009 Na origem do acidente está uma cadeira que se terá soltado do carrossel . Dos oito feridos, seis já tiveram alta do hospital. Pelo menos oito pessoas terão ficado feridas, duas das quais em estado grave, num acidente registado hoje de madrugada no parque de diversões da festa do Senhor de Matosinhos, em Matosinhos , segundo fonte dos Bombeiros Voluntários de Leixões. 2. Marrocos: 11 mortos em movimento de pânico durante concerto9:48 Domingo, 24 de Mai de 2009 Os mortos são cinco mulheres, quatro homens e duas crianças morreram. Outras 40 pessoas ficaram feridas. Pelo menos 11 pessoas morreram ontem à noite em Rabat, Marrocos , e cerca de 40 ficaram feridas num movimento de pânico durante um concerto do festival de músicas do mundo Mawazine, anunciou hoje a polícia marroquina. 3. British diver Carl Spencer dies exploring Titanic sister ship. One of Britain’s top divers has died while exploring a shipwreck off the Greek coast. Carl Spencer, 37, had been leading a 17-man National Geographic expedition to explore and film theBritannic, sister ship of the Titanic, off the Greek island of Kea, when he suffered a severe attack of decompression sickness (DCS) . 4. Dinosaurs shit: Очередные новости из психбольницы - 7 мая во Владивосток прибыл круизный лайнер Diamond Princess, имея на борту 2000 пассажиров и более 1000 человек экипажа. Это уже девятый заход круизного лайнера во Владивосток, и не знаю, стоит ли говорить, насколько важны для порта и страны заходы круизных лайнеров, тем более на регулярной основе. Это не только значительные доходы как местным компаниям, так и властям, это еще и престиж. Во всех странах мира, чьи порты могут претендовать на честь принимать у себя круизные лайнеры, из кожи вон лезут, чтобы договориться с гордой лигой баронов – ассоциацией круизных компаний, чтобы эти порты включили в список круизов их лайнеров, лучших в мире. Это марка порта, города, страны. Таможня (alfandega)порта потребовала от агентской компании, чтобы она согласовала with City.
TNK-BP: BP moves to settle TNK clash. May 25 2009 19:24. COCAINE ROYAL FAMILY OF LANCASTER’S OR HOW WE CHOOSE THE CO FROM MI6 OR KGB. NAME COME FROM C ПАРШИВОЙ ОВЦЫ а не “с кита”: BP nominated a Russian businessman as its candidate to serve as TNK-BP‘s chief executive, which it hopes will mark the end of the bitter dispute over management of its Russian oil joint venture. Pavel Skitovich, a director of Interros, the investment company controlled by Vladimir Potanin, was put forward as BP’s choice to head TNK-BP after a six-month search. BP said: “We have formally nominated Pavel Skitovich. He is a strong candidate and we think he is the right person for the job.” The move came after Vedomosti, the Russian business daily, reported that TNK-BP’s board might nominate Viktor Vekselberg, the company’s executive director, as chief executive at its next meeting in June. The Vedomosti report reignited investor concerns that Russian shareholder managers have taken control of TNK-BP in the wake of the dispute with BP. BP won the right to nominate an independent, Russian-speaking candidate to run TNK-BP as part of a peace settlement last year. The appointment requires approval from Russian shareholders and the TNK-BP board. Mr Vekselberg, who owns a 12.5 per cent share in TNK-BP, does not qualify as an independent candidate. Robert Dudley, the long-standing chief executive of TNK-BP, was forced out late last year after Russian shareholders complained that BP managers wielded too much control at the company. Tim Summers, TNK-BP’s former chief operating officer, has been serving as chief executive since Mr Dudley stepped down. Russian shareholders are keen that Mr Summers, who was originally hired from BP, leaves the post when his contract ends in June. German Khan, executive director of TNK-BP, has said the new chief executive should be dedicated to the company and not just taking “another step on the career ladder”. Analysts said BP, which relies on TNK-BP for one quarter of its global oil production, was unlikely to pick a fresh quarrel with the Russian shareholders by proposing a candidate they would reject. Julia Nanay, a senior director at PFC Energy, said: “Anyone who BP puts forward is likely already to have some level of approval from the Russian shareholders.” Several candidates in the running for the post are understood to have dropped out because of concern that Russian shareholders held too much power.
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