
Actually, I was waiting for some time to reach the position where I find myself now. I can quite clearly see why is this so. It’s like being at the station or airport. Not particularly pleasant places. Any one certainly doesn’t want to remain in one for long length of time. Watch me. How for last fifteen years I with incredible effort do anything to take away. Yet, because they, for example the England, can facilitate the start of likeable journey, we forgive them their shortcomings. Regardless of what they may think, you are standing on a platform. With trunk full of goods called “cinism is assets too”, like Elizabeth the II says… From here, I can get a lot further. Just to “don’t forget” to put my heart and my soul into the task that lies before me. In any way this week business of General Motors was through me with notable racket of “theirs” greedy misanthropy of “Give me your heart”… They have a profs of my blossoming organizational skills. Like that Cвадебный Генерал (attorney) “all in soap” was the HEART of discussions around an engagement, wedding or gathering, whatever you prefer to call this Willy/Platini, Harry/britTiger arrangement. Scrutinize closely country where I live, notable fact how people have been illusive. Now, knowing by the fact (i.e. @DVENT), I kill time to see theirs more effusive. Loosing expectation though, of succeed to win this inglorious fight for NON-MATERIAL side of our co-existence. Yesterday I wrote, “…It’s very simple to don’t forget…” Ignoring the drama kings and queens, which I encounter everyday – every time I fell for theirs antics, I give them encouragement to continue theirs “TOXIC ASSETS” behavior. More mellow I am with them – more “a preto” they with me. Why I need bothering with this? Because others take advantage of my good nature, with which I end up resenting that a good chunk of time are LOST. My dreams: Dream was a very cloudy allude that if I insist to speak about Europort, about EXPO 98, myriapoda (i.e. Cemex) – you’ll get what you look for… The Earth (in russian, Тerra) will treat the female side of your family… Clearly indicating cocaine Royal Family of Lancaster’s, of “Put in”, and COCAINE bastard and swine ex-president of Portugal Jorge Sampaio. Seeing this dream 24/7, was absolutely positive that this is NO WAY STREET (i.e. тупик) not for me, but for Nation of the shit from camel turned around and English speaking World, because the VERY LONG LINE in “what you do to find the job”, the POLICY-MAKING made by me, and which give them the principal source from which the World economy try to escape the deepest ever economical crisis. Just look at the waiting for me in Diamond District bastards! Like in the fairy-tale, three different races. The white, dark brown and brunette. Looking for my eye – contact. Of course, “a preto”… This, f*** Brussels Strasburg swine, your (i.e. EU) ideological platform don’t have any positive expectations not in my dreams, not in eyes of the World. I assure you. Shame that this strive not allow concerns about money and work to distract you from exploring your (swine’s) inner depths… Even if I follow your “Beef Bang” directive, understandably we’ve two forces: “Earth masculine and the Terra female”. And keep be swine in such degree that have a pleasure to concentrate me only in spiritual self and NEVER in the material world which you enjoy FROM MY POCKET. How I should translate the unlimited assassins send by you (how much times I must write thousands of names from EU pigsty more yet?), to telling me yours Eurocracy Good Morning? Sending the Cristiano Ronaldo like the Polish-Fortis killer, who is the swine of Europort, EXPO 98, and myriapoda, me or Sampaio? More yet, who was responsible by this order to from UN’s clean 5 off-shores lansar him the “bolina serrada”? Sol Verde Hotel? Even before the BNP-Saxo Bank, before the Sociedade Lusa de Negócios (SLN) which was your REAL price (lousy $1 dollar) for which Danzig or Maputo Corridor this goes? For the future winner of European Community Election? The World sees that the winner of Euro lottery will be more obvious combined result than hula-hula of your faces. For whom “Mario mais forte do que tu” now goes the heavy demurrage penalties, for me (i.e. vagaroso) or for swine ex-president of Portugal Jorge Sampaio? (See the article cement carrier Mario M from “a finicios”). Without knowing about this heist was “fancying” the Lancaster’s: -May I call you Willy-Aquitaine?
Авария цементовоза вблизи Бреста, Атлантика Saturday, May 30, 2009 More articles in 29 мая около 06.00 местного времени цементовоз Mario M запросил помощи, находясь в 50 милях к западу от Бреста, Франция, Атлантика. В носовй части судна в помещении трастера открылась течь, требовалась помощь, так как своими силами экипаж с водой не справлялся. В спасательных работах приняли участие ВМФ и спасатльная служба. В 07.30 к аварийному судну вылетел вертолет с командой спасателей и дополнительной помпой. Спасатель Abeille Bourbon вышел на помощь в 08.30. Поступление воды удалось взять под контроль и позже цементовоз в сопровождении Abeille Bourbon проследовал в Брест, где будет произведен ремонт. ементовоз Mario M – дедвейт 4555 тонн, постройки 1998 года, флаг Того, оператор New Hope Ships SA Co. Ливан. Экипаж 12 человек, в прошлом году был смешанный Индонезия Литва Польша. На фотографиях спасатели в вертолете выгружают дополнительную помпу на Mario M; цементовоз в сопровождении Abeille Bourbon следует в Брест.
Partido Socialista de Europa “prepara-se” para os eleccoes…
Música anti-Sócrates dos Xutos varrida da radio
Directores de programas alegam estratégia da editora para passarem outros temas do álbum, mas assumem querer demarcar-se de questões políticas. Alexandra Carita 9:30 Domingo, 31 de Mai de 2009
O tema chama-se 'Sem Eira nem Beira', mas não há ninguém que não o conheça por 'Sr. Engenheiro'. É uma das faixas mais comentadas e cantadas na rua do último disco dos Xutos & Pontapés, lançado a 6 de Abril. Mas, nas rádios nacionais só passou uma vez, uma única vez. Foi na Antena 3. Os dados são avançados pela editora da banda, a Universal Music, que pagou a uma empresa para monitorizar três músicas do novo álbum, para saber exactamente quantas vezes foram tocadas. 'Quem É Quem', o primeiro single do disco, passou mais de uma centena de vezes. E 'Perfeito Vazio', o segundo single a ser lançado, foi o único tema a conseguir um lugar numa Lista A das playlists das rádios nacionais (a lista que obriga a que a música tenha em média quatro passagens diárias), com 136 passagens, só na Mega FM. Zé Pedro, guitarrista dos Xutos, avança com surpresa: "Parece um complô contra o tema, ou uma espécie de exclusão por poder ferir susceptibilidades. Acho estranho. Parece-me que a música podia ter sido aproveitada como notícia e transformar-se num hipe de rádio", afirma. O músico diz manifestar-se contra o sistema de playlists, mas não critica nenhuma rádio por optar ou não por passar um tema dos Xutos. "Compreendo que, estando esta música a ferver, na boca de toda a gente, as direcções das rádios possam ter preferido não a passar por estar em cima da mesa como uma canção de contestação", adianta Zé Pedro, frisando que para os Xutos o sucesso da música é claro. Durante os concertos da banda, o tema é o que tem provocado maior vibração junto do público, aquele com que as pessoas mais se identificam, e a sua procura na Internet tem ultrapassado todas as expectativas. "Sentimo-nos compensados, portanto", afirma o guitarrista. A humorista Maria Rueff, que no seu programa "O Exame de Dona Rosete", na TSF, fez uma rábula com o tema, afiança que "é muito estranho a música não passar nas rádios", e considera pertinente que se investigue porquê. Contactados pelo Expresso, os directores das maiores rádios nacionais refutam a ideia de qualquer tipo de censura, quer vinda do exterior quer criada internamente. António Mendes, director de programas da RFM, afirma que aquela é uma rádio musical que tem por objectivo tocar e fazer sucessos e que o boom do 'Sr. Engenheiro' nos jornais e televisões (recorde-se que o primeiro vídeo do tema passado pelo 'Jornal Nacional' da TVI foi para o ar a 15 de Abril) chegou a meio da fase de lançamento de "Perfeito Vazio". António Mendes adianta, no entanto, que a canção "se trata de um fenómeno político e não de um fenómeno popular". Nelson Cunha, director de programas da Mega FM, vai mais longe, explicando que a rádio "não está vocacionada para questões políticas, nem quer disso fazer bandeira. Os nossos princípios são de isenção musical e política". José Marinho fala em nome da Antena 3, a única rádio que passou a canção portuguesa mais polémica da última década. "Não fazia sentido sermos a única rádio a tocar o tema. Fazê-lo isoladamente podia não ter bons resultados para nós, ainda por cima quando o tema ainda nem tem suporte vídeo", afirma. "Mas isso não significa que a canção esteja proscrita e que não venha a ser tocada num futuro próximo. Há três eleições a caminho e o tema é quente", conclui. Também Pedro Abrunhosa, que em 1995 fez furor com 'Talvez F...", música que se transformou num hino anti-Cavaco (era então primeiro-ministro em final de mandato, tal como Sócrates agora), não quis comentar o assunto. Recorde-se que as improvisações do músico à letra da canção, substituindo o "e eu e tu o que é que vamos fazer", por "e eu e a Maria o que é que vamos fazer", não fizeram com que o tema fosse excluído das radios.
Matérias-primas: Prata e ouro “brilham” no mês de Maio. 29/05/09 20:45. A corrida pelas matérias-primas parece ter regressado. As duas ‘commoddities’ estão hoje a negociar em forte alta nos mercados internacionais e encaminham-se para o maior ‘rally’ mensal em 34 anos, animadas pelo enfraquecimento do dólar. Em Maio, o índice Reuters/Jefferies CRB de matérias-primas acumula ganhos de 14%, a maior valorização desde Julho de 1974. Vistas como activos de refúgio, as ‘commodities' estão a beneficiar da maior queda mensal do dólar desde Agosto passado. Para além disso, os sinais de recuperação económico mundial que começam a surgir estão igualmente a animar o apetite dos investidores e, sobretudo, o aumento da procura por combustível, metais industriais e agrícolas. Para além do petróleo estar a caminho do seu melhor mês numa década, a prata está por seu turno cada vez mais perto de ter em Maio o seu melhor mês em 22 anos. Hoje esta matéria-prima chegou a disparar 2% para os 15,46 dólares a onça, e acumula ganhos de 27% este mês. Já o ouro atingiu hoje o valor mais alto em três meses, depois de ter escalado 1,6% para os 978,5 dólares a onça ‘troy', e acumula uma valorização de 9,8% em Maio.
Well-dressed thief steals €6 million worth of Chopard jewels in Paris A lone robber armed with a handgun got away with a brazen daylight jewellery heist on Saturday, stealing over €6 million (£5.2 million) worth of jewels from one of the most exclusive stores in Paris. The man, dressed smartly in a suit and wearing a fedora, entered the prestigious Chopard boutique in the Place Vendome, pulled out a gun and ordered staff to give him jewels from the window display. "According to the first set of information we received, it was a man in his fifties, dressed in a chic costume and wearing a Borsalino (fedora) hat," said Olivier Lebon, a police union representative. "He came in like any other customer, pointed his gun at employees and asked for about fifteen pieces." They did as they were told and just two minutes later the robber, carrying about 12 of the precious pieces of jewellery, fled on foot into the street, which was packed with shoppers and tourists. The loot is estimated to be worth between €6 to 10 million (£5 to 9million). “It happened very quickly," said a witness, who added that the thief did not take the whole contents of the shop window. Staff in nearby stores in the Place Vendome – a chic area which hosts some of the world’s most prestigious jewellery shops and is also home to France’s Justice Ministry - told reporters they had noticed nothing out of the ordinary at the time. The theft happened around 1pm (1100 GMT) at the premises, which are near the Ritz Hotel. Later that day, only a few leather handbags could be seen in the Chopard store window. Based in Switzerland, Chopard is known for adorning movie stars strutting on red carpets at high-profile events such as last weekend’s Cannes film festival or Hollywood's Academy Awards. European police have noted a marked increase in jewel heists in recent years. Saturday’s daylight robbery came after a gang of armed men stole gems worth €85 million (£74 million) from jewellers Harry Winston in Paris in December, a heist described by the media as one of the biggest in recent history. The Harry Winston raid came almost a year to the day after the same store was attacked by robbers who forced staff to empty its safes, taking at least $16 million (£10 million) worth of jewels. Earlier this month, two key members of the “Pink Panthers” international gang of jewels thieves were arrested in Paris, Interpol said. The “Pink Panthers” have accumulated loot worth up to $200 million (£123 million) in an estimated 120 attacks on luxury stores in some 20 countries since their first robbery in London's chic Mayfair district in 2003. On May 13 two Serbian alleged members of the gang of jewel thieves were arrested in Paris on suspicion of carrying out armed smash-and-grab raids on stores in Monaco, Switzerland and Germany. On Thursday, a Montenegrin former soldier, believed to be a member of the Pink Panther gang was sentenced to 15 years in jail for a Saint-Tropez heist. Dusko Martinovic was also fined €150,000 (£130,000) for the robbery in which he and accomplices stole €2 million (£1.7 million) worth of goods from a jewellers in the chic French Riviera resort. French police have described the group’s crimes as “lightning fast hold-ups: daring, but carefully planned down to smallest detail”.
Forest fear as tyre blaze rages on Sunday, 31 May 2009, 00:21 GMT. Firefighters are continuing to contain a huge fire at a tyre factory in Nottinghamshire to stop it spreading to a nearby forest. It is estimated that between 400,000 and 800,000 tyres were alight at Warsop Rubber Company at the height of the blaze as more than 20 firefighters fought the flames.
Village Shut Down As Up To 800,000 Tyres Burn 11:02am UK, Saturday May 30, 2009 Fire crews are tackling a huge blaze at a tyre factory which has effectively closed down a whole village. A giant pipe has been laid across roads and driveways in Warsop, Nottinghamshire, to draw water from the River Maun. It is 12 inches in diameter, solid when in operation and cannot be driven over so police have cordoned off the village to stop traffic. An estimated 400,000 to 800,000 tyres were alight at the Warsop Rubber Company. More than 20 firefighters are involved in the operation to put out the fire. Residents in Warsop and surrounding villages have been warned not to open their windows or doors as smoke billowed over the area. A Notts Police spokesman said: "It's a considerable fire. It's not one that's caused any injuries but, because of its nature, it's going to take Notts Fire and Rescue Service some time to tackle it and it's leading to major disruption today and possibly tomorrow. "Unfortunately those pipes cannot be driven over when in use so Warsop village centre is going to be effectively closed." The pressure of the pipe will be relaxed every hour on the hour, for 15 minutes, to allow people to travel to and from their homes, he said. A Notts Fire and Rescue Service spokeswoman said it was not yet known how the fire started.
Yesterday in the Lujkov’s office was asking for direction. I tell them, they like one BADLO where “grateful” Before was ebalo of Abramovich brothe from Evraz Tuleeva at the Parliament tube Station: В московском ночном клубе на посетителей упала люстра, трое госпитализированы (See clear connection between Yakutsk SHIZO and “put in”) 31 мая 2009 года 04:54 Москва. 31 мая. ИНТЕРФАКС - В центре Москвы на Болотной улице в развлекательно-танцевальном клубе "Рай" на посетителей упала декоративная люстра, пострадали 7 человек. Как сообщил "Интерфаксу" источник в правоохранительных органах столицы, в результате падения люстры двое пострадавших были госпитализированы и еще один прибыл в больницу самостоятельно. Четверо пострадавших от госпитализации отказались, им была оказана медицинская помощь на месте.
Более 40 заключенных бежали из перуанской тюрьмы в джунгли Амазонки 31 мая 2009 года 11:24 Лондон. 31 мая. INTERFAX.RU - Не менее 44 заключенных перуанской тюрьмы "Багуа Гранде" напали на охрану и, завладев оружием, совершили побег в амазонскую сельву, сообщает в воскресенье британская телерадиокорпорация Би-би-си со ссылкой на заявление руководства тюрьмы. Заключенные на рассвете напали на двоих охранников из засады и, угрожая ножами, отобрали у них автоматы Калашникова. Перуанские власти начали переговоры с представителями местных племен о совместных действиях по поимке беглецов. Как отмечается в сообщении испанского информагентства ЭФЭ, большинство бежавших заключенных были осуждены за разбойные действия с отягчающими обстоятельствами. Тюрьма "Багуа Гранде" находится в перуанской части бассейна реки Амазонка, в 900 км севернее столицы страны Лимы.
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