

Papa Dock. 1).Organ donation;2).2010 Diamantes de Angola;3).Team of “Firm”; Every now and then we all have a possibility (“bali” chance?) to step to step into the spotlight when it comes to relationships – to either make one (i.e. corporation), break one (i.e. corporation), or take one to a brand-new deeper level (i.e. corporation). Personally, the ruling planet of my relationship sector – is the Saturn. The sixth planet from the Sun and the second largest planet in the Solar System. Which at this time of “our Championship” – goes retro until end of March. For the “old!” (in english speaking world), this give me plenty of time to compare the pros and cons of all kind of relationships – the business, personal, private and otherwise. (Mister Expectation, Mister Just compare, and Mister Ruddy, perturbed speaking?). To think with care, through-out this matter, I can’t not to remembering the close ‘connection’ between you charlie the II, and the your “brother” Abramovitch. Which give us the noisy campaign opened in russian media connected with the salary of Gus Hiddik (the coach of theirs selection) and how this wide company they call simply “The Abramovitch stop pay the salary to Hiddik”. Without details, nation… (you know me), such as a fresh elections for Presidents of the “Clubs”, the new nominations of coaches, the present period of the reshuffle in this multi-billion area of human activity, we (I) can and should just stop at the point (i.e. summit, tip, pick) – “the salary”. Where the specific “commonwealth” need to face a fact or come to term with an awkward TRUTH.
España revalida su liderazgo mundial en donación de órganos
Publicado el 11-01-2010 , por A. Gómez. Madrid. El sistema español de donación y trasplante de órganos es uno de los motivos de 'orgullo patrio' de las autoridades sanitarias. No es para menos: en 2009, España superó los 1.600 donantes con los que se realizaron 4.000 trasplantes, una cifra con la que revalida, por decimoctavo año consecutivo, su liderazgo mundial en este campo. Los máximos han sido históricos en injerto renal (2.328) y pulmón (219). Y otro récord: el pasado 28 de marzo, se realizaron 32 trasplantes con órganos procedentes de 13 donantes, un operativo que fue coordinado por la Organización Nacional de Trasplantes (ONT) y en el que intervinieron 23 hospitales, ocho Comunidades Autónomas, siete aeropuertos civiles y militares y sies compañías aéreas. Lo que sí ha cambiado es el perfil del donante, que ya no se corresponde con el de un joven fallecido por accidente de tráfico. El año pasado, el 45% de los donantes había superado los 60 años de edad y el 64% había muerto a causa de una hemorragia cerebral y sólo el 8,7% en accidente de carretera. En cuanto a la lista de espera, el director de la ONT, Rafael Matesanz, indicó ayer que “hay 5.400 personas en espera de un órgano (el colectivo más numeroso es el de riñón), un dato que es muy positivo porque la población aumenta mientras que la lista de espera disminuye”. En cuanto a los tiempos, oscilan entre los dos meses para el corazón y los 20 meses del riñón. El cirujano plástico Pedro Cavadas también ha entrado en el ránking de los trasplantes al realizar el octavo injerto mundial de cara y el primero en incluir lengua y mandíbula. El paciente, cuya identidad no ha trascendido, “esta verdaderamente encantado”, subrayó Matesanz. Durante la presentación de los datos, la ministra de Sanidad, Trinidad Jiménez, explicó que de los 37 millones de dosis adquirida de vacuna contra la gripe A, “sólo se han servido 13 millones de dosis, de los que nueve se han repartido entre las Comunidades Autónomas y el resto pertenece a la reserva estratégica”.
Jiménez aseguró que cuando se adquirieron las dosis de vacunas, el Gobierno acordó con los laboratorios poder suspender parte del pedido, de forma que, finalmente, “de los 170 millones de euros presupuestados inicialmente para este fin, se han gastado 90 millones”. La ministra dijo que, hasta ahora, tres millones de personas se han vacunado de la gripe A, y “seguimos insistiendo en que deberían hacerlo todas las personas que pertenezcan a grupos de riesgo, ya que los epidemiólogos no pueden descartar que este virus desplace al de la gripe estacional”.
Haiti quake:- 2010 Polished Price Forecast. I started last year’s preamble to the PolishedPrices overall index forecast with the following observation: “It is said that at the moment there are two types of forecasters. Those who don’t know what is going to happen, and those who don’t know that they don’t know what is going to happen.” Despite that, and putting myself firmly in the first camp, last years forecast proved to be remarkably close to what actually happened, both in terms of the level that the overall index finished at, and in terms of the turning points in its path throughout the year. In many ways, despite this time last year the world being in the centre of an unprecedented financial meltdown, at the start of this year there are more uncertainties as to how the coming twelve months will progress. In January last year, the lack of liquidity had brought both the polished and the rough markets to a virtual standstill. Towards the end of last year, shortages of rough coming onto the market pushed rough prices to levels unjustified by the prevailing price of polished. There is still a great deal of price resistance from the retail end of the pipeline, and it is far from clear that manufacturers will be able to pass on their extra costs. Early anecdotal reports for the US seem to suggest that the holiday period was an improvement on last year, but was still much lower than the years prior to that. That being said, however, consumer demand should have been enough to make the US retailers begin to start looking to replenish their stocks, creating a forward ripple. Other markets, especially the emerging Asian markets, appear to be performing well, so we can are expecting to see some sustainable price growth throughout the year. Our central forecast is that prices will grow during the first few months of the year, before steadying during the summer, followed by a further surge through the autumn.
This forecast leaves the overall index at the end of 2010 at 123.0, 6% above the starting level, and the average for the whole of 2010,5.5% above the average for 2009. As usual, I offer a small prize to the reader who provides, by the end of January, the best estimate of where the overall index will stand on 31st December 2010. Please send your entry to richard@polishedprices.com By Richard Platt.
'Thousands dead' in Haiti quake. Wednesday, January 13 08:33 am. Thousands of people are feared dead after a powerful earthquake struck Haiti's capital, leaving tens of thousands homeless and buried beneath rubble. Dead and injured lay in the streets of Port-au-Prince after the earthquake hit the impoverished Caribbean country on Tuesday, toppling a range of buildings from shacks to United Nations buildings and the presidential palace. The tremor, measuring 7.0 on the Richter scale, struck at 4.53pm (2153 GMT) about 10 miles west of Port-au-Prince at a depth of five miles and is said to be the most powerful to hit the country in more than 200 years.
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