

The Handling of stolen property. This a felony term comes to my mind remembering how the russian Government want very much to impregnate the $4.5 billion to the Iceland in the “rush” of Credit Crunch crisis. These days, when the World is seeing the continuation of prick economic situation, the “Witch Hunting” arrives at his apogee. It’s like that scenario from “Reservoir Dogs” where the persistent question of ‘What’s gone wrong?’ – remains. The same, actually, as my situation. Look sincerely, - the 15 years pass trough, and I demand action, instead of more excuses or down-grade reports. For time being, I get plenty of all three. It’s the system, and that’s how it is, near at the top of the food chain. It’s exactly where the buck stops. Or, how in obscene language of slaves (you know how I call the Sampaio and others), - the “Rejection by the administration and shareholders of Cimpor’s IPO”. Although, the name for today thoughts is the “Handling of stolen property” and is fare away from the music of the “Clown to my right, joker to my left…” The song which explains how the “future of our civilization” becomes dependent of who’s responsible by the decision of UK and Holland to blockade the eventual adhesion of Iceland to EU. (I.e. the brother – Prince Charles the II handling the stolen property). Question mark, or just put the two legs for the “future of our civilization” and name them the “Image” and “Message”. Where the Image sounds something like: “A pond full of squeaking baby cygnets” and the Message just a “Swan Song”? Because the fact that all this “participants” loose the North – is obvious, clear, and terribly dangerous. Like today’s the “quite fresh” idea of Nicolas Sarkozy to come back to the Half-crowns, Shillings and Farthings. To the good and very old, however the frequently used by the pirates (you know about whom I talk here), and who where calling them “os dublõés”). The will-be-famous again – the “Wood’s Halfpence”… Because at my night-dream, the russian half…, half…, half… was burning some cipher – and I receive the electric shock (i.e. because of the nation of the shit from camel turned around keep through the mouth of ‘handler of the stolen property, the Prince Charles the II’ telling me: You are in dead row because of yesterday pictures.). After this, the old whore shock, the “batata” (i.e. like the my tree, only speaking to me like to the boss in strong American annunciation). Now, the ongoing… you see the futuro de nossa civilisação?
CONTRA EL "DESORDEN INACEPTABLE" Sarkozy reclama un nuevo sistema 'multimonetario' Publicado el 07-01-2010 , por Expansión.com. "El desorden monetario se ha vuelto inaceptable". Es el riguroso diagnóstico que hace el presidente francés, Nicolas Sarkozy. El mandatario galo ha reclamado en un coloquio sobre el futuro del capitalismo organizado en París un nuevo mecanismo "multimonetario" que permita paliar los efectos que la sitaución actual está teniendo sobre las empresas europeas. "El mundo se ha vuelto multipolar, el sistema monetario debe pasar a ser multi-monetario", ha subrayado Sarkozy, que conidera que "no se puede aceptar" la actual situación en que la divisa estadounidense ha perdido un 50% de su valor respecto al euro, lo que afecta a las compañías de los países de la moneda única a la hora de exportar a la zona dólar. "No nos callaremos ante algunos Estados que no respeten las normas fijadas por el G20", en particular las normas contables, ha señalado el presidente francés, que no ha dado nombres, pero que ha advertido de que luchará "para que los compromisos se cumplan". El presidente francés sostiene que "la crisis es estructural, no coyuntural", y resulta ser consecuencia "de una economía no suficientemente regulada". Por eso, ha argumentado que no quiere que "las cosas vuelvan a ser como antes" y "no se pueden aceptar", por ejemplo "los paracaídas dorados" para los directivos de empresas, "las primas exorbitantes" para los operadores de bolsa, ni tampoco "la especulación". "Queremos un capitalismo de producción, no de especulación", ha sentenciado.
Medio ambiente: El mandatario galo se ha mostrado convencido de que la Unión Europea va a dotarse de "un impuesto al carbono en sus fronteras" para gravar en los productos importados el CO2 (dióxido de carbono) que generen en su producción y su transporte, a imagen del impuesto que prepara para Francia.
A ese respecto, Sarkozy ha advertido de que no aceptará que se impongan reglas y restricciones a las empresas europeas mientras se importan del exterior productos "que no respetan ninguna norma medioambiental". Sarkozy entiende que la cumbre de diciembre pasado sobre el cambio climático en Copenhague "es una revolución incompleta, pero es el inicio de una revolución", ya que a diferencia del Protocolo de Kioto de 1997, que sólo habían firmado 35 países, compromete en este caso a 192 Estados, y en especial China y Estados Unidos, que son los que más CO2 emiten en todo el mundo.
Petrobras negoceia com ENI compra de 33% da Galp. 05/01/10 00:05. A brasileira Petrobras está em conversações com a Eni para adquirir a fatia de 33,34% detida pelo grupo italiano na Galp Energia. A Petrobras retomou as negociações com a Eni para adquirir a fatia de 33,34% detida pelo grupo italiano na petrolífera portuguesa Galp. O negócio é visto com bons olhos pelos governos português e brasileiro e as conversações foram retomadas no final de 2009, depois de interrompidas abruptamente no início de 2006, segundo o Brasil Económico. Embora contrariem a orientação da estatal brasileira de esvaziar os investimentos no exterior, para concentrá-los no pré-sal, os entendimentos também encontram apoio político nos corredores do Planalto. Além de aumentar os ganhos da Petrobras no pré-sal, com a entrada no capital de sua principal parceira estrangeira na Bacia de Santos, a aquisição abriria o mercado europeu de refinação, distribuição e energia eléctrica para a empresa brasileira. Tratada em sigilo pelas partes, a ponto de não chegar ao conhecimento sequer da directoria da estatal brasileira, as negociações podem encaminhar-se para um desfecho ainda este ano, caso seja superada não só a resistência do presidente da Petrobras, José Sergio Gabrielli, como também os entraves do acordo de accionistas da Galp.
Administração e accionistas rejeitam OPA sobre a Cimpor. Maria Teixeira Alves e Nuno Miguel Silva. 07/01/10 00:05. O conselho de administração da Cimpor vai hoje propor aos accionistas a rejeição da OPA da CSN. Posição defendida pela Texeira Duarte, BCP, Cinvest e outros accionistas que controlam mais de 40% do capital. Restam cada vez menos dúvidas de que a Oferta Pública de Aquisição (OPA) que a Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional (CSN) lançou à Cimpor, a 5,75 euros por acção, está condenada ao fracasso. É hoje que a administração da cimenteira emite a opinião sobre a OPA ("relatório da visada") e a posição dominante é desfavorável à operação. O Diário Económico apurou que a comissão executiva da Cimpor aconselhou ao Conselho de Administração da empresa a rejeição da OPA, com base em dois argumentos técnicos: o facto de o prémio ser baixo, não reflectir o valor real da cimenteira e não remunerar convenientesmente os accionistas; e a certeza de haver agravamento do ‘rating' da Cimpor caso a OPA tenha êxito. O relatório, que está a ser elaborado com a assessoria jurídica de Jorge Brito Pereira, advogado da PLMJ, está pronto, mas haverá ainda alguns pontos sensíveis a discutir em conselho de administração, que se reúne hoje. O Diário Económico apurou que a resposta da administração da Cimpor à OPA será no sentido de aconselhar os accionistas a não vender na OPA.
Top banks invited to Basel risk talks. January 6 2010 23:30. The Bank for International Settlements will gather top central bankers and financiers for a meeting in Basel this weekend amid rising concern about a resurgence of the “excessive risk-taking” that sparked the financial crisis. In its invitation, the BIS cited concerns that “financial firms are returning to the aggressive behaviour that prevailed during the pre-crisis period”. The BIS, known as the central banks’ bank, outlined in a restricted note to participants some specific proposals that it believes could create a healthier financial system. Those proposals including lowering return-on-equity targets for the banks as a way to discourage such risk taking. Private sector bank chiefs attending the meeting at the BIS in Basel include Larry Fink of BlackRock, Vikram Pandit of Citigroup, and John Stumpf of Wells Fargo. Lloyd Blankfein, Goldman Sachs chief executive, and Jamie Dimon, chief executive of JPMorgan Chase, were invited but are not planning to attend. The meeting comes at a moment of intense uncertainty, with the global economy’s tentative recovery shadowed by “the overhang of private-sector debt and rapidly rising public debt”, and high unemployment. “The concern here is that the prolonged assurance of very cheap and ample funding may encourage excessive risk-taking,” the BIS invitation note says. “For example, low financing costs coupled with a steep yield curve may make participants vulnerable to future increases in policy rates – a situation reminiscent of the 1994 bond market turbulence which followed the Federal Reserve’s exit from a prolonged period of low policy rates.” The note also expresses concern about deteriorating public finances and warned that doubt about fiscal prudence “could seriously disrupt bond markets if it triggered concerns about creditworthiness or inflation because of concerns with government incentives to inflate debt away.” Among the charts included with the note is one indicating the cost of credit insurance against sovereign defaults. In the past, the BIS has invited the top chiefs of private-sector banks to such gatherings in Basel on a yearly basis. But such meetings have been more frequent recently. “These meetings are an attempt to bring a real world perspective to the deliberations of the wise men of the world,” one Federal Reserve official said. Central bankers “want to get a sense of what the markets are reacting to.”
New diamond export tax in Sierra Leone. Sierra Leone has imposed a new 15% tax on exports of high value diamonds, a government official said yesterday, Reuters reported. The West African country, which is attempting to reverse years of economically debilitating mismanagement and corruption after a 1991-2002 civil war, charged as of December 28 an export tax of 15% of the value of stones worth more than $500,000, the report said. "The new tax of 15% is a windfall," said Abdul Ignosse Koroma, deputy minister of mineral resources. "Diamonds exported under the former 6.5%(tax) were not in the interest of the country." Diamonds, many of which are dug in dangerous conditions by amateur miners, are the poor country's main source of foreign currency, the repor said. A mining act passed last November raised taxes on diamonds to 6.5% from a previous 5%, and on gold and other precious metals to 5% from 4%. The former British colony aims to attract investors as it tries to rebuild its economy. As well as diamonds and titanium ore rutile, Sierra Leone has the potential to be a source of gold and iron ore. Traders said the 15% levy on high value stones may prove counterproductive, the Reuters report said. "This new tax may lead to an increase in diamond smuggling, which has been brought under control since the Kimberley Process was established," said one diamond dealer in Freetown, speaking on condition of anonymity. The process is a certification scheme set up in 2003 in the aftermath of civil wars in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Angola, which were largely financed by the diamond trade. The most recent official Sierra Leonean export figures valued shipments of diamonds at $36 million in the first six months of 2009, down from around $50 million in the same period of 2008.
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