
'Come a cropper' – mean, fall over or fail at some venture… And that all day the theme of “Forza” which dominate my life today – is nothing. Who want me to see only like a complete cropper (i.e. Almohads) had it. However, if we look for a practical view, and the realistic thinking today, shouldn’t be difficult not for me not for anyone else. Let’s begin with my brand new e-mail address. With the first messages received the day before of the Russia-France Ministerial Meeting. Its okay that all of them where negative. I am a cropper, - and they know it. Begin with tetrazzini and finishing with Kai. You see how the “Forza” theme is more closely connected to the Chelsea “developers” than to my persona and “his” 10 new nuclear facilities. Like we all see before, this Caribbean’s “Avenidas de Liberdade” give to the “yours” cropper one passerby previously amplified in the first pages of the “Sun” and the Financial Times asking me “what-you-do-to-find-the-job”. Maybe just to make me feel completely under no obligation whatsoever to rescue ‘someone’, or even to be helpful. Reading the “Kai and ga with monkey business”, we all arrive at the same conclusion. I cannot be sure that, even if I do act generously, with any ‘First page’ of any issue, - I will recive any appreciation.
I KNEW, HE CAN’T SCAPE THIS TIME. Prince Charles named in £81m Chelsea November 29, 2009. Barracks court battle. The Candy brothers, property developers for the super-rich, want to call the Prince of Wales as a witness in an £81m case in which they are suing the Qatari royal family over the collapse of their plans to build Britain’s most expensive residential block. Nick and Christian Candy claim it was Charles’s outburst against the venture to Qatar’s rulers that wrecked their scheme for London’s Chelsea Barracks. The prince criticized the £3 billion glass and steel multi-storey plan for the site designed by Lord Rogers and backed by the brothers. He proposed a classical alternative that mirrored the 17th-century Royal Hospital, designed by Sir Christopher Wren, across the street. High Court documents obtained.
In physics, the electron volt (symbol eV; also written electronvolt according to the NIST, IUPAC,[1] and BIPM[2]) is a unit of energy. By definition, it is equal to the amount of kinetic energy gained by a single unbound electron when it accelerates through an electrostatic potential difference of one volt. Thus it is 1 volt (1 joule divided by 1 coulomb) multiplied by theelectron charge, 1.60217653(14)×10−19 coulomb. One electron volt is equal to 1.60217653(14)×10−19 joules.[3] The electron volt is not an SI unit and its value must be obtained experimentally.[4] It is the most common unit of energy within physics, widely used in solid state, atomic, nuclear, andparticle physics. It is commonly used with SI prefixes milli, kilo, mega, giga, tera, or peta (meV, keV, MeV, GeV, TeV and PeV respectively). In chemistry, it is often useful to have the molar equivalent, that is the kinetic energy that would be gained by a mole of electrons passing through a potential difference of one volt. This is equal to 96.48538(2) kJ/mol. Atomic properties like the ionization energy are often quoted in electron volts.
SEGÚN UNA LISTA CONFIDENCIAL ELABORADA POR EL CONSEJO DE ESTABILIDAD FINANCIERA. Santander y BBVA, entre las treinta entidades financieras demasiado grandes para caer. Publicado el 30-11-2009 , por Expansión.com. Los dos grandes bancos españoles, Santander y BBVA, se cuelan en una lista de bancos y aseguradoras que deben someterse a una supervisión más exigente debido a su "riesgo sistémico". Es decir, que su caída pondría en peligro la salud del sistema financiero global y que entran en la lista de entidades "too big to fail" (demasiado grandes para caer). JP Morgan, Citigroup y Credit Suisse son otras entidades de las 30 que los reguladores, auspiciados por el Consejo de Estabilidad Financiera del G20, han incluido en la lista. Este 'inventario', que hoy publica el diario británico 'Financial Times', incluye seis aseguradoras y veinticuatro bancos europeos, de EEUU y Japón. Los reguladores pedirán a estas entidades que preparen "testamentos", es decir, documentos que especifiquen cómo podrían liquidarse en caso de crisis. Y es que, uno de los principales objetivos de esta lista es impedir que en el futuro los llamados riesgos sistémicos contagien a otros países en una futura crisis como la que ahora se sufre. Las aseguradoras -se incluyen en la lista Axa, Aegon, Allianza, Aviva, Zurich y Swiss Re- se consideran importantes por diversos motivos: pueden como Aviva tener una fuerte división prestamista o un complejo negocio de ingeniería financiera como Swiss Re. La aseguradora estadounidense AIG, que se declaró en quiebra el año pasado, se reveló como un importante riesgo sistémico, entre otras cosas por su transformación desde una simple compañía de seguros en un complejo negocio de ingeniería financiera. Testamentos. Los 'testamentos' que los reguladores pretenden que realicen estas entidades dividen al mundo financiero. Los grupos más complejos argumentan que les sería casi imposible elaborar un documento de este tipo sin conocer la causa de la crisis. Según Paul Tucker, subgobernador del Banco de Inglaterra, que está al frente del grupo de trabajo del Consejo de Estabilidad Financiera dedicado a la gestión de las crisis transfronterizas, los bancos deberían preparar esos planes en un plazo de seis a nueve meses. Algunos reguladores nacionales, entre ellos el del Reino Unido, han llevado ya acabo pruebas piloto con esos testamentos, también conocidos como "planes de recuperación y resolución".
Conservative Lobo set to win Honduran vote: media. 30/11/2009 - 04:21. Conservative candidate Porfirio Lobo was set to win a controversial first presidential election in Honduras since a June 28 coup, according to first media estimates. The vote has driven a rift across the Americas, with the United States, the country's main trading and military partner, suggesting it would back the polls, along with Peru, Panama and Costa Rica, which mediated first crisis talks. But Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela and other elected leftist governments in the region have said they will not recognize the result, alarmed that it is allowing the coup to go unpunished in a region that has fought hard against military rule. Some 4.6 million Hondurans were eligible to vote in general elections. Deposed President Manuel Zelaya, who has been holed up in the Brazilian embassy since returning home in September, had urged Hondurans to boycott, hoping overwhelming abstention would discredit the election. Lobo, a National Party leader who lost to Zelaya in 2005, garnered more than 50 percent of the vote, according to various media estimates. His main rival, Elvin Santos from the Liberal Party, Zelaya's former vice president, was estimated to have around 34 percent. During his campaign, Santos suffered from splits in his party to which both Zelaya and de facto leader Roberto Micheletti, who took over after the military-backed coup, belong. Election officials and pro-Micheletti media dubbed the vote a "fiesta" and hailed calm voting across the Central American nation after polling closed. However, security forces in the northern city of San Pedro Sula fired tear gas and water cannon at hundreds of Zelaya supporters at a protest against the polls. Journalists and activists at the scene reported some arrests and injuries. Fears of violence set off by a string of small bomb attacks marked a subdued election campaign which took place during the crisis which polarized the impoverished nation. Some 30,000 soldiers and police were deployed to help with the polls. "The worst part of the crisis is being afraid to go out in the street," said 20-year-old finance student Fausto Gil, after voting at the capital's Olympic sports park. Rights groups complained of an environment of intimidation and fear leading up to the elections, and slammed a heavy-handed military crackdown on dissent, including several deaths and dozens of arrests after the coup. Scores of independent observers, including Cuban exiles and right-wing US groups, are monitoring the vote, after the United Nations and the Organization of American States (OAS) declined to assist. Honduras's worst crisis in decades revived deep left-right political disputes beyond its borders. Zelaya, a wealthy rancher, swung to the left and allied with regional leftist leader Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez after taking office. Chavez on Sunday denounced the vote as an "electoral farce." It was as yet unclear who would hand over power to the new president. The Congress is due to vote on Zelaya's brief reinstatement -- before his term runs out in January -- on Wednesday. The Honduran courts, Congress and business community backed the military ouster of Zelaya over his discussing changing the constitution.
Коллайдер разогнался до открытия "частицы бога". 30 ноября 2009 г. 15:29. "Человечество никогда не достигало таких энергий, - прокомментировал заведующий лабораторией Института ядерных исследований РАН Юрий Куденко мировой рекорд энергии, установленный сегодня на Большом адроном коллайдере (ФОТО). - До сих пор самый большой результат достигался только на коллайдере "Тэватрон" Лаборатории имени Ферми в США, где американцы добились чуть меньше одного ТэВ". Физикам, работающим на Большом адроном коллайдере, удалось впервые разогнать пучки протонов до 1,18 тераэлектронвольт. Достижение таких величин - очень большой результат, отмечает профессор Куденко. Его значение в том, что чем выше энергия, тем больше шансов обнаружить одну из основных целей физиков - так называемый бозон Хиггса. Бозон Хиггса - пока теоретически вычисленная элементарная частица, которая, согласно так называемой "стандартной модели", отвечает во Вселенной за появление массы. Именно такое свойство этой "частицы бога" вызывает до сих пор страхи, что ее искусственное получение приведет к цепной реакции непроизвольного роста массы и превратит нашу планету в "черную дыру". Однако до сих пор бозон Хиггса так и не был обнаружен экспериментально, что подрывало стандартную модель физики элементарных частиц. Впрочем, энергии, которых добились американцы на "Тэватроне", не позволяют надеяться на обнаружение "частицы бога". Именно потому физики всего мира возлагают такие большие надежды на коллайдер, принадлежащий Европейской организации ядерных исследований (ЦЕРН). Почему так важно обнаружение бозона Хиггса? "Это частица, которой недостает для того, чтобы стандартная модель была полной, - поясняет Юрий Куденко. - Хотя справедливости ради надо отметить, что она уже неполна - после того как на днях были обнаружены первые мюонные нейтрино из нового нейтринного пучка - то есть было подтверждено, что три вида этих частиц переходят друг в друга. А это уже противоречит стандартной модели". Большой адронный коллайдер (БАК) - самый большой на данный момент ускоритель элементарных частиц. Он работает на принципе столкновения летящих в противоположные стороны частиц. Это дает больший эффект, нежели столкновение пучка частиц с неподвижной мишенью. Создание установки началось в конце 1990-х годов. В сентябре 2008 года коллайдер был торжественно запущен, но затемпотребовалось еще более года для его ремонта и доводки. Стоимость строительства составила более 6 миллиардов евро (10 миллиардов долларов США). Большую роль в создании Большого адронного коллайдера сыграли российские ученые, без которых, по авторитетному свидетельству создателя самого термина "адрон" академика РАН Льва Окуня, этот проект в нынешнем виде просто не мог быть реализован. Для того чтобы представить энергии, до которых разгоняются протонные пучки в коллайдере, ученые делают небольшое, но важное пояснение. Один электронвольт – это энергия, которая необходима для переноса электрона между точками с разницей потенциалов в один вольт. Это крайне малая величина. Например, энергия электрона в электронно-лучевой телевизионной трубке составляет порядка 20000 эВ. Для ядерной физики это базовая единица, потому что через нее, в частности, определяются и массы элементарных частиц. Тераэлектронвольт - это 10 в двенадцатой степени, то есть триллион электронвольт. То есть, в 50 миллионов раз больше, чем энергия пучка электронов, достигаемая в кинескопе телевизора. Выйти на новые рекордные энергии, при которых можно рассчитывать на появление бозона Хиггса, на БАКе планируется уже в первые месяцы 2010 года. И хотя энергии, которые есть в космосе (это порядка 10 в двадцать первой степени электронвольт), в земных условиях получить нереально, все же можно надеяться, что в самое ближайшее время физики смогут получить принципиально новые данные о строении материи, отмечает ИТАР-ТАСС.
Sunday, Nov. 29, 2009. Iran says UN criticism prompted new nuclear plans. TEHRAN, Iran — Iran had no intention of building 10 new nuclear facilities until it was strongly rebuked by the U.N. nuclear watchdog over its nuclear activities, a top official said Monday. FILE - In this Nov. 23, 2009 file photo, Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad gestures during a news conference at the Itamaraty palace in Brasilia. The Iranian government approved a plan Sunday, Nov. 29, 2009 to build 10 industrial scale uranium enrichment facilities, a dramatic expansion of the program in defiance of U.N. demands it halt enrichment. The decision was made during a Cabinet meeting headed by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Sunday evening, according to Iran's state news agency IRNA. View larger
Iranian lawmaker: Iran could leave nuclear treaty Vice President Ali Akbar Salehi told state radio that Iran needed to give a strong response to the International Atomic Energy Agency's resolution Friday demanding that Iran halt to construction of its newly revealed uranium enrichment facility and end all other enrichment activities. A Cabinet meeting headed by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Sunday approved plans to build 10 industrial scale uranium enrichment facilities, a 10-fold expansion of the nuclear program that will likely significantly heighten tensions with the West. The U.S. and its allies fear the facilities give Iran the capability to produce weapons-grade nuclear material and have called for an immediate halt to Iran's enrichment of uranium. Iran has rejected such claims, saying its uranium enrichment facilities will only produce fuel for nuclear reactors to generate electricity. The Cabinet ordered the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran to begin building new facilities at five sites that have already been studied and propose five other locations for future construction within two months. The new sites are to be on the same scale of Iran's only other industrial enrichment plant currently in operation, near the town of Natanz in central Iran. "We had no intention of building many facilities like the Natanz site, but apparently the West doesn't want to understand Iran's peaceful message," Salehi said. Salehi, who is also the head of Iran's nuclear program, said the IAEA resolution backed by six world powers left no option for Iran but to give a firm response. "The action by 5+1 (U.S., Britain, France, China, Russia and Germany) at the IAEA prompted the (Iranian) government to approve a proposal to build 10 sites like that of Natanz," he said. Iran aims to generate 20,000 megawatts of electricity through nuclear power plants in the next 20 years. Iranian officials say the new enrichment facilities are needed to produce enough fuel for its future nuclear power plants. Ahmadinejad told the Cabinet that Iran will need to install 500,000 centrifuges at the planned facilities to produce between 250 to 300 tons of fuel annually. "We require multiple sites to produce nuclear fuel for us. We need at least ten new sites," Ahmadinejad said in comments broadcast on state TV Monday. The International Atomic Energy Agency said earlier this month that about 8,600 centrifuges had been set up in Natanz, but only about 4,000 were enriching uranium. The facility is designed to eventually house 54,000 centrifuges. But Iran's newly revealed enrichment site, which set off the latest cycle of concern and criticism over Tehran's nuclear intentions, is a small scale site near the holy city of Qom that will house 3,000 centrifuges. Associated Press writers George Jahn in Vienna and Matthew Lee in Washington contributed to this report.