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Elephant kills TV expedition guide. Last Updated: Friday, 30 October 2009, 15:37 GMT. The expedition guide for a BBC children's programme tracing the footsteps of explorer David Livingstone in Africa was killed when he was charged by an elephant in
Elephant kills TV expedition guide. Last Updated: Friday, 30 October 2009, 15:37 GMT. The expedition guide for a BBC children's programme tracing the footsteps of explorer David Livingstone in Africa was killed when he was charged by an elephant in
To see a whale in your dream represents your intuition and awareness. You are in tuned to your sense of spirituality. Alternatively, it indicates a relationship or business project that is too enormous to handle. (I.e. The Duke of Edinburg gaff.) You may be feeling overwhelmed. The dream may also be a pun on "wailing" and a desire to cry out about something… Wake up at 5:15AM. To the North side from my flat the black women loud preying or something. Jump, because before this was dreaming with three separate dreams. In one I’m like the wild animals handler. Where I see the young female elephant, i.e. Chelsea Clinton – in deep hole. And the enormous two males are going to help her. Seems that this is my command. But than I’m changing my mind. Because I see how they are very clumsy and almost smashing her with theirs weight. But it’s too late… This was the first. Then I receive a very powerful electric shock in my neck; because I’m now in the raft like that from Cast Away and see approximate the big eye of the whale. (I.e. Royal Dutch Shell). The third is too much to write about. Too much elaborated, complicated and with lot of details. Like the WB Report. But idea is this: “The two captains”. Or the two bosses. Like the Mozart and Salieri. Although, in the professors variant. One is good and is below in aquarium giving a lesson. And another is me (who are assist, inspect and survive his quality of teaching), the looser but with students. (The
Shell in talks with Essar on refineries sale. Chief Energy Correspondent. October 30 2009 11:20. Royal Dutch Shell, the Anglo-Dutch energy group, confirmed on Friday that it was in talks to sell three European refineries to Essar, the Indian conglomerate. Essar bid for the European refineries in August, and the group, which spans mobile phones, steel, shipping and energy, is now understood to have beaten off several suitors from the
How do you do “Group of People”? Do you see how my actions have been filtered into your life? Check this into yourself and than see what kind of ripple effect I’ve been created. Don’t worry, it’s natural and happen to any one. It does occur when you are used to look at something for so long that you stop to seeing it. You only notice “it” if it changes. Personally, for me a little profit to hold back, choose the words and generalize when the faces of ongoing… are just these, around the corner (like a whores) charmers who insist to fooling me down. To sending me letters from Bank of England, from cabinet of cocaine ex-President of Portuguese Republic Jorge Sampaio, etc. to kindly ask me if I don’t willing to invite for my Christmas Diner a homeless person. To this Charles the II eat all my candles? And for me his carbon prints? Send me though, the synonyms for the substitution of the term cocaine Royal Family of Lancaster’s. It might be a little recommended fantasy, like my yesterday “Air Freshener” – but I won’t be willing to let go the 4 billion piece of fat let go without a fight.
The Death of the Teapot Effect. Thursday, October 22, 2009. Fluid dynamicists have worked out how to stop teapots from dribbling, once and for all. Teapot technology is largely ignored by mainstream media (some say unfairly). But today, scientists in
Too early to call recovery – StanChart. Thu Oct 29, 2009 9:53am GMT
Vara "escutado" a pedir dinheiro a empresário. 29/10/09 10:20. O vice-presidente do BCP foi constituído arguido na operação "Face Oculta".As acusações prendem-se com a recolha de informação privilegiada, depois de ter sido escutado a pedir dinheiro a um empresário. Armando Vara foi apanhado nas escutas telefónicas da PJ a pedir pelo menos 10 mil euros ao empresário Manuel Godinho, que foi ontem preso pela Judiciária de Aveiro, noticiam os jornais nacionais. Segundo a Polícia Judiciária, as buscas efectuadas ontem visaram o domicílio e os locais de trabalho dos suspeitos, sendo que o empresário detido tinha um esquema montado para ser beneficiado na adjudicação de concursos na recolha e gestão de resíduos industriais.
BBVA admite comprar um banco em
The pool with one million dollars watch. To don’t going beyond, to exceed or to overdo. Begin I write with this idea in mind. Designating the preferences for my day, which strangely, again smell the twat. Plus, the intense feeling of despair. Not necessary to indicate which the “group of people” were telling me that I’m nothing, that I’m without future, that I’m “barato e feliz”, that I’m “cвою маму закопaв”, etc. All this talks enter into one fact: “This group of people just lost the ‘tits’”. Well, which the arguments I can employ by who’s saying what if ‘A PRETO’? Only if I want worsen my “paranoia” and deteriorate my “schizophrenia”. Will be better to opt by taking the measure of my “Butterfly Effect” and how he can do the notable gust. To don’t write the nonsense. Like the one where the medvedev are distributing Kremlins medals in place of many geo-political signatures for losers footballers, and the выблядки of Tony Blair in language of “casamento – apartamento” make ‘penetrations’ for better salaries (i.e. Millibank) calling this Royalties and Concessions. Sounds like a big nonsense. But its not true. Again, the fact is that I’m just for let someone (i.e. “group of people”) lean to me whenever they want. And they never get for me something in return. Our relationship has gone for decades a little one-sided and it’s up to me now, to point it out and restore the “balance”. Get chance and take a fare part. Not that share which are putting the Rei de Bragança spit at me (during my walk) – which derivates from the Latin face (previously putted in my blog explaining how the Barroso/Solana know-how works). In this “way” protecting what is theirs and closing the doors what is my share. The witch from Penafiel was killed by theirs, Ukrainian/”put in” know-how. I don’t have any problem with faces. One things though, maybe this is the principal weapon of the Elizabeth the II when I desperately try to remember the name of some Elizabeth Taylor or Zara Lewis, or Andy Garcia who will represent the выблядки of Tony Blair. Concretely, the Pakistani who lives in Santiago de Campostela/Balmoral Palace is representing the Georgian President during the Caucasian War. You think what? No, just eating his tie. With the “rusia petroleum”, off course. The “group of people” who have a “pinta” to consider themselves “first”, who don’t have a will to work, but are the model for this barroso/solanas CV brokers cock-suckers. Who with the “cão-de-aqua” education have an arrogance enough to be the President. To make the “broxo morto” possible. The first in
Сбился с пути. 27 октября 2009, 15::01. Упавший под Минском самолет не вписался в заданные координаты Самолет ВАе-125-800, упавший в понедельник вечером в районе минского аэропорта, не вписался в заданные координаты. По данным транспортной прокуратуры Белоруссии, воздушное судно вышло за пределы границ, указанных наземными службами. С положенных 200 метров самолет снизился до уровня верхушек деревьев. Если спецкомиссия докажет, что в этом повинны какие-то люди, им грозит до семи лет тюрьмы. Эксперты же видят несоответствия в картине крушения. «Причиной крушения российского самолета под Минском стал, по предварительным данным, его выход за пределы координат, заданных наземными службами», – заявили«Интерфаксу» во вторник в транспортной прокуратуре Белоруссии. При заходе на посадку судно не вписалось в указанные параметры, уточнили в ведомстве. Как рассказал газете ВЗГЛЯД заслуженный пилот СССР Олег Смирнов, с положенных 200 метров самолет снизился до уровня верхушек деревьев. «Погода, если говорить на профессиональном языке, была пионерская. Низкая облачность, не очень хорошая видимость, ночь, но, тем не менее, экипаж на подобном самолете должен был без проблем произвести посадку. Почему же самолет на удалении 4 километров от взлетно-посадочной полосы при прохождении дальней приводной радиостанции, где высота должна была быть минимум 200 метров, вдруг начал «стричь» крыльями верхушки деревьев, предстоит выяснить», – отметил он. По словам летчика, по всей видимости, то, что произошло, произошло мгновенно. При этом ни одного тревожного сообщения от экипажа не поступало. Как рассказал Смирнов, похожая авиакатастрофа с этой моделью самолета случилась в Харькове. «У судна при заходе на посадку произошел несбалансированный выпуск закрылков, что привело к мгновенной потере управляемости самолетом. Точно так же самолет нашли разрушенным», – отметил он. Напомним, самолет бизнес-класса российской авиакомпании «С-эйр» пропал с радаров около 21.40 по минскому времени (22.40 – по московскому). Он разбился на подлете к аэропорту Минска. В результате крушения погибли пять человек, в том числе глава «С-эйр» Марат Ромашкин. На борту кроме него находились второй пассажир Малышев, пилот Самойлов, штурман Снимщиков и бортпроводница Латутина. Ранее сообщалось, что в Белоруссию планировали вылететь шесть человек. Один из пассажиров на рейс не пришел. Обломки судна и тела погибших были обнаружены в 4 километрах от взлетно-посадочной полосы, вблизи деревни Драчково Смолевичского района. Один из бортовых самописцев уже найден. Поиски второго черного ящика продолжаются. По факту крушения возбуждено уголовное дело по статье «Нарушение правил безопасности движения или эксплуатации воздушного транспорта лицом, обязанным соблюдать эти правила в силу выполняемой работы или занимаемой должности, повлекшее по неосторожности смерть двух или более лиц». Как сообщает белорусская газета «Телеграф», статья, по которой возбуждено дело, предусматривает для виновных наказание в виде лишения свободы до семи лет. Для расследования причин катастрофы была сформирована комиссия из представителей Межгосударственного авиационного комитета, специалистов Белоруссии, России, а также американо-британской компании – производителя самолета.
A cuspir: Jogador da Ovarense morre ao intervalo. Basquetebol 25 de Outubro de 2009 17:41h. O jogador da Ovarense, Kevin Widemond, morreu este domingo durante o jogo frente à Académica, para a atribuição do terceiro e quarto lugar do Troféu António Pratas. O Troféu António Pratas estava a ser disputado no Pavilhão Municipal de Pousos, em Leiria. Durante o intervalo do jogo, Kevin Widemond caiu inanimado, tendo sido chamado o INEM para reanimar o jogador. Kevin Widemond ainda reagiu à intervenção do INEM, tendo sido imediatamente evacuado para o Hospital Santo André em Leiria. No Hospital, o atleta norte-americano acabou por não resistir e foi declarado o óbito. Em declarações à Agência Lusa, o responsável da área desportiva da SAD da Ovarense, José Eduardo relatou o sucedido, “Ao intervalo, o jogador estava sentado no balneário, na extremidade do banco, a ouvir as instruções do treinador (Mário Leite), e caiu para o lado” Ainda de acordo com o dirigente, o jogador, que “parecia estar a sofrer convulsões, foi, de imediato, assistido por um médico, que lhe fez uma massagem cardíaca”. “Foi, depois, chamado o INEM, mas o jogador acabou por falecer”, lamentou à Lusa José Eduardo, desconhecendo se a morte do norte-americano aconteceu a caminho ou já no Hospital de Leiria, onde “vai ser autopsiado”. De acordo com fonte hospitalar, contactada pela Agência Lusa, que confirmou o óbito, o jogador “entrou no hospital em paragem cardio-respiratória e não foi possível reanimá-lo”. Os responsáveis do Hospital Santa André vão fazer uma comunicação à imprensa entre as 19:00 e as 19:30. Face a este trágico acontecimento, o encontro entre Ovarense e Académica foi suspenso. De acordo com Paulo António Rosa, presidente da Associação de Basquetebol de Leiria, também “foi suspenso” o encontro da final, que deveria ser disputado entre o Benfica e o Vitória de Guimarães.
Крупным планом: Часовые родины Ведомости 11 часов назад. Российские чиновники не стесняются носить часы за $1 млн. И формально упрекнуть их не в чем: кодекса служебной этики госслужащих в России не существует до сих пор Российские чиновники не стесняются носить часы за $1 млн. И формально упрекнуть их не в чем: кодекса служебной этики госслужащих в России не существует до сих пор Владимир Путин, как известно, несколько раз дарил свои часы народу.
В Москве ограбили ювелирный магазин. 18:01 «Вести.Ru» В Северо-Западном административном округе столицы совершено вооруженное нападение на ювелирный магазин. Как сообщает «Интерфакс», в 19:30 по московскому времени двое преступников, вооруженных ножами, в масках ворвались в магазин по адресу проезд Стратонавтов, дом 9. Две продавщицы успели укрыться в сейфовой комнате. Преступники нанесли охраннику удар кастетом в лицо, после чего разбили витрины и похитили шесть планшетов с золотыми изделиями с бриллиантами. «В настоящий момент устанавливается сумма ущерба, но уже ясно, что она превысит несколько миллионов рублей. В городе объявлен специальный план поиска преступников по приметам», — сообщил представитель правоохранительных органов столицы.
Associado de Madoff encontrado morto na piscine Pedro
У новосибирского юриста в Москве похитили $17 млн. Юрист из Новосибирска заявил о краже из квартиры, которую он снимает на юго-востоке Москвы, $6 миллионов и €7 миллионов, сообщила представитель пресс-службы УВД по Юго-Восточному округу. По ее словам, сообщение о краже из квартиры дома 105 на Волгоградском проспекте поступило в милицию около 11.00. «Мужчина заявил, что у него украли деньги его доверителя, которые он якобы получил накануне в банке. По его словам, воры похитили в общей сложности $6 миллионов д и €7 миллионов», – сказал источник. В настоящее время на месте преступления работает оперативная группа, которая проверяет эту информацию. По некоторым данным, потерпевший является представителем человека, который получил крупное наследство, сказала представитель УВД. РИА «Новости»
Three US helicopters crash in
Ferrari after I think about half-goats of ‘put in’: В Гондурасе убит племянник президента страны Мичелетти. › Происшествия › 27.10.2009 › 06:00 › 686 просмотров. Тэги: Гондурас / В Гондурасе найден мертвым племянник исполняющего обязанности президента Роберто Мичелетти. Тела 24-летнего Энцо Мичелетти и его друга были обнаружены еще в субботу в лесу около города Чолома, но только 26 октября удалось установить их личности. Мануэль Лопес, следователь: Было найдено два тела, уже начавшие разлагаться. Они мертвы уже два или три дня. Трупы обнаружены со связанными руками и с пулевыми ранениями в разных частях тела. Полиция не уверена, что убийство было политически мотивированным. Однако эта версия напрашивается сама собой. Ведь главный противник Мичелетти, свергнутый президент Мануэль Селайя, до сих пор скрывается в посольстве Бразилии в столице Гондураса, а его сторонники продолжают устраивать масштабные акции протеста.
Choose which T-shirt, of the Henrique-Navigator or Marco Polo? It’s not a cheep weekend that’s for sure. Good Lord that I have a brain enough to secure myself through blog from the Anglo-Saxon economical model. (Just see how the hackers targeted the Guardian job site) From the system (i.e. Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization) to me – almost no harm. If do not take into consideration the switched off or damaged somehow, I don’t know yet, the all my flat sockets… The first thought was how the impossible to speak about the Andrew without to getting the fly in my personal soup. To kill all sockets (not sockers) in my place, should I see this like an unexpected expense arrived from those (sic.) who should be sharing with me the burden? Because this is for me (not for you) the very unexpected and expensive expense! By and large, I would normally take the hit on this one, but Andrew, why should I? Look at my dreams. Dream was about one blonde (i.e. white man/brother), all caked, running away from the Argentine. Okay, from the camel or the surveyor, or IVA, for this matter. Prince, let’s fish this fly out and don’t sweat the small stuff today. The Corporation pay – in any way. Let’s say to “our” colleagues just this: ‘One bad apple can spoil the whole barrel, and we don’t need that one bad idea (if left unchecked) ruin a “healthy” team dynamics. This very unexpected and expensive expense should be re-reimbursed by the pirates like the ongoing… who walk a lot around us. With these, I never will be get a chance to think about my pension, or to pit my wits against an unfamiliar challenge and find out what I can if the chips ( see theirs and the ex-President of Portugal cement photo in this text, and the “Indicador dos doze” from Barroso and Solana) are down. Is obvious my need to escape the pressure, or the fancy, from hand of this pirates, titles such as of the “Eminencia Parda de Communidade Europeia”, or outright bullying Dukes who want intimidate me (see the almohads witch at the Indian Docks) than the photo from yesterday and the street full of arabs walking today theirs “new” dogs. Well, going along with this crowd (gado) if I know that the crowd (gado) going in the wrong direction – is the waste of “our” time.
Prince Andrew told to 'shut up' after defending bankers sky-high bonuses. He was also told he should "shut up'" after saying: "Bonuses, in the scheme of things, are minute. They are easy to target." Graham Smith of campaign group Republic said: "It's pretty crass for a multi-millionaire Prince to suggest that multimillionaire bonuses are trivial while most people are struggling to get through the recession. He should keep his mouth shut." Susie Squire, of the Tax Payers Alliance said: "Andrew shows himself to be out of touch with ordinary taxpayers who have bailed out banks with their hardearned cash. The Duke, 49,
Hackers target Guardian jobs site. Story from BBC NEWS: http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/1/hi/uk/8324630.stm. Published: 2009/10/25 11:08:44 GMT. Computer hackers have targeted the Guardian newspaper's jobs website in a "sophisticated and deliberate" move, the company has said. The breach put the personal details of some of the site's users at risk, and those who may have been affected have been identified and e-mailed. The Guardian said it had since been "assured" by the supplier that runs the site that the system was now secure. Officers from the Metropolitan Police's e-crime unit are investigating. The Guardian says its jobs site attracts more than two million unique users a month. The company e-mailed those affected, saying: "You have used the site to make one or more job applications and we believe your personal data, relating to those applications, may have been accessed." “ It's very disconcerting to think that some very important details with regards to my identity could be in the wrong hands ” Paul Rocks, Guardian jobs site user It said there was "no reason to believe" financial or banking data was compromised, but passed on police advice about taking precautions, such as contacting creditors and asking them to monitor users' accounts. Recipients of the e-mail were also given the details of several organisations offering advice and services on identity fraud. A Guardian technology director said: "Not all users are affected by any means." 'Utmost seriousness' But one user Paul Rocks said he was angry about what had happened. "It's very disconcerting to think that some very important details with regards to my identity could be in the wrong hands. These include my past employment details, date of birth and my current address. “I’m also annoyed that the responsibility for doing something about this seems to have been passed on to me." Mr Rocks, 40, who is a freelance journalist in
Willy: Outstanding debts from FIFA: 'Bruxo de Rio de Moinhos' assassinado à pancada. por ROBERTO B. ,23 Outubro 2009. Um homem conhecido
Football Team 'Los Maniceros' Feared Killed – Colombian Arjun Miglani, Goal.com. Report. Tragedy appears to have struck a local Colombian team...Oct 25, 2009 9:23:47 AM. Colombian football has suffered another tragedy, with a local football team feared to have been killed. According to BBC News, ten bodies, believed to be members of the 'Los Maniceros' team, were found in
Don’t eat the shellfish and garlic “…What about succession planning, I ask. The curt response reveals I have stepped over into lèse majesté. “We only do one sort of succession planning. I don’t see anybody in the wings at the moment and that’s mostly because they see how hard I’m working.” The corporate analogy is potent enough for the duke’s office to have approached PricewaterhouseCoopers about 18 months ago to identify what value his role creates. “We’re trying to come up with a model but I’m not sure that it’s going to work. I’d love to be able to say I’ve been responsible for £10bn of business, or for another 250 jobs coming to the
Extraction from long article “Dining with a friend” is quite explicit. More interesting though, is the “maneuvers” made by the Duke. How he briskly march in, how he “buy the table”, than “change the table”, how he eat instead the green the white noodles, how he run away from shellfish and garlic. These details confirm the long-time suspicion that the ongoing… are using me a lot. With a sick possessiveness. Looking at the “put in” and the medvedev becomes clear who for them long decades serve the etalon. Who is the (see the picture) real emir Urus-Martan for these deripaskas’. This comes not from nothingness, it’s comes from the minute when I’m resolve to tide my cupboard. Simple. And saw that the timetable for GM sale of Opel is a bit late. Feeling restless, I become shake things up a bit. The “Defying gravity” note is example of pure bread to show my capacities to do better control (to don’t eat the shellfish and garlic) of my financial security and to earn the power of €4.5 billion which is ready to drop in. (Why the deripaskas’ run and eating something around me in Vietnamese bicycles all day today). The cornerstone like a see this - is the money. The financial question among a “group of people” still. Perhaps flush of personal safety for this “group of people”. I don’t know, but the Diner with the FT – was in good time. In time where I can teach another/s (mean, the ongoing piggy faces…) about the schemes and promises that harm the innocent in a neighborhood. The 17th floor is high enough to the any pharaohs or the Nefertiti’s (i.e. Neelie Kroes) for this matter. It is not my fault that even the PricewaterhouseCoopers don’t have a clue whatsoever in understanding of my perception, my bond in the deference of this or that situation. Exactly place where is not intelligent to think for any one that I’m diminishing myself to don’t putting the line between me (the attorney of english speaking world in
To: Neelie Kroes
The EU’s competiyion commissioner
Dear Madame,
Usually, when we face an impossibly and the tight schedule, the easiest way to relieve the pressure is to move the deadline. Few arrangements are as fixed and final as we want to fear. And if something really has to happen by a certain moment and, despite our best effort to plead or negotiate, that moment truly can't be moved, then, either it will happen, or it won't be 'meant to happen'.
There is too much cause for consternation these times. Don't be a bitch and don’t contribute to a mood of unnecessary anxiety.
From my side, I’ll just let things take their own sweet time.
Best regards
Senhor Engineiro V.A. Glugovsky
GM delays Opel sale until November October 23 2009 14:43 | Last updated: October 23 2009 15:00 General Motors’ signing of binding agreements on the sale of its Opel business has been delayed until at least November 3 so its board can respond to a European Union review of the sale, according to its chief negotiator. In a blog post on GM Europe’s website on Friday, John Smith said that GM’s board is scheduled to meet then, and will discuss a German offer of state aid at the heart of the EU’s concerns about the legality of the sale of a majority of its European business. Binding agreements with Magna International and Sberbank, which want to buy 55 per cent of Opel, could then be signed “should that be authorised by GM’s board at the November 3 meeting,” Mr Smith said. The development marks another delay to the long-running deal that Fritz Henderson, GM’s chief executive, said earlier this week that it hoped to have signed by this week. GM had said it wanted to close the deal by November 30. Frank Irwin, chairman of the trust holding Opel during the sale, said this week that by mid-January the carmaker would run out of proceeds of the €1.5bn ($2.25bn) bridge loan Germany’s government approved in May. On October 16 Neelie Kroes, the EU’s competition commissioner, wrote a letter to Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, Germany’s economics minister, saying that Germany’s aid appeared to be conditional on Magna International and Sberbank winning control of Opel. This, she said, would not comply with the EU’s internal market and state aid rules. “The German government was asked by [the EU’s Directorate-General for] Competition to communicate its position on financing availability to GM and the Opel Trust Board who, in turn, were requested to consider the recommended bidder for Opel accordingly,” Mr Smith wrote today. “Given the significance of the Opel transaction, GM’s board will soon meet in its regularly monthly meeting [November 3] to consider Minister zu Guttenberg’s letter and changes to the Magna/Sberbank proposal that have occurred since its last review on September 9.” In his letter to GM and the Opel trust, Mr Guttenberg said that the offer of financial aid by
Driving Conversations. The official GM Europe blog: Opel Update October 23rd, 2009. It has been a while since I last provided you all an update on the status of Opel, but assume you’ve kept up with the selection of the Magna/Sberbank proposal in early September, the subsequent approval of that recommendation by the Opel Trust Board, and the occasional reporting ever since — which has been mostly around the work being done on preparing the binding agreements for signing, negotiations with various labor unions, etc. A lot of progress has been made to be sure. Since the Trust Board approval was given, the European Union has been reviewing the Opel investor process and the circumstances surrounding the selection of Magna/Sberbank. Such a review is usual and customary when extensive government financial support is involved. Last week, the Directorate-General for Competition expressed concerns about possible limitations on the availability of government financing for all Opel bidders, and how that may have influenced the selection process. The German Government was asked by DG Competition to communicate its position on financing availability to GM and the Opel Trust Board who, in turn, were requested to consider the recommended bidder for Opel accordingly. Given the significance of the Opel transaction, GM’s Board will soon meet in its regularly monthly meeting (November 3) to consider Minister zu Guttenberg’s letter and changes to the Magna/Sberbank proposal that have occurred since it’s last review on September 9. In the meantime, work will continue to resolve remaining open points with the Magna/Sberbank proposal—for example, related to labor cost reductions and the government-backed financing package — to document the related understandings, and complete all preparations for the signing of binding agreements should that be authorized by GM’s Board at the November 3 meeting. More to come! John Smith. GM Group Vice President Corporate Planning and Alliances (and GM’s chief negotiator for the sale of a stake in Opel/Vauxhall)
Dinner with the FT: Prince Andrew. Published: October 23 2009 13:44 | Last updated: October 23 2009 13:44. Fifteen minutes before the Duke of York is due to arrive, and I am fretting about a serious breach of protocol. Prince Andrew’s press secretary has called ahead to say that he, the private secretary and the British consul-general for
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